Monday, September 16, 2024

September 9th- September 15th

 "There is no way around hard work.  Embrace it." - Roger Federer


10 AM:  45mins in the garage gym.

Warmup: Airbike and mobility

5 rounds, EMOTM
Every 1 min for 25 mins:
10 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 50 lbs
10 Dumbbell Rows, 35 lbs
20 Air Squats
8 Dumbbell Lunges, 15 lbs
10 Dumbbell Chest Press, 50 lbs

Single Leg Calf Raises : 25lbs
10 Single Leg Calf Raises
10 Single Leg Calf Raises
10 Single Leg Calf Raises

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 GHD Hip Extensions

--20mins in the sauna after lifting

3 PM:  Biked 12.6 miles w/ 600ft of vert in 51mins.  Easy spin around the hood on the gravel bike again. Was supposed to be easy but went a little bit harder than normal to get out some aggression before it came out at work. 

-- Woke up super early for some reason this morning and finished book number 20 on the year.  Picked up Stronger from one of those free book kiosk you see around in front of people's houses.  This one was by one of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, caught my eye. 

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  172.8lbs w/ 8% bodyfat.  Moving in the right direction finally and most importantly is that I am feeling great overall.  Joints are less sore than they have been in a while since I have cleaned up shit the past week.  Weighed in early this week due to heading to Steamboat this afternoon for the rest of the week.

7 AM:  8 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 8:50pace. Easy lap from Dowdy Draw trailhead for a loop of Springbrook and Gashawk. Like hitting it from this trailhead verses Flatiron Vista. Yes it is shorter but the hills are better and it is easier to get home. It can be a pain in the ass to try and turn left on HWY93 in the middle of morning rush hour.

10 AM:  42mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Airbike and mobility

Heels Elevated Back Squat : 5x8 :
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs

3 RF-ME: Box Step-ups and Strict Toes-to-bars
3 rounds of:
30 Box Step-ups, 12 in | 85 lbs
max rep Strict Toes-to-bars | 12, 12, and 13

3 Rounds
20sec calf raises
10sec hold up
20sec calf raises
10sec hold up
30sec recovery

3 Rounds
10 Single Leg RDL on each leg 25lbs
10 Jerry Curls on a slant board 35lbs

6:45 AM:  8.5 miles averaging 8:10pace.  Easy run from the condo in Steamboat down to the river bike path and to town and back. Little flatter than I wanted but it will work for this week. Everything else is to hilly for Javelina training. Awesome morning, first time I have had to wear a long sleeve to run in months, it was 40 degrees out there this morning.

3 PM:  6.25 miles averaging 8:20pace.  Easy cruise from the condo along the same path that I did this morning for the most part, just not as far out before turning around. Was raining the first half of the run and okay the second half. Got soaked and a little cold.

6:30 AM:  12miles w/ 3200ft of vert averaging 10min pace.  From the condo in Steamboat. The original plan was to do 3 miles up the ski hill then back for 6, get a drink then do 6 flat along the river like yesterday. What I ended up doing was going 6 miles up the hill and back instead. I was just having to much fun being up higher and honestly running the bike path next to the river is boring. Yeah, not the best training for Javelina but oh well, have to enjoy it as well.

2:15 PM: 30mins lifting in the grass with Paula outside the condo.  Fun!  Next time I would add a short 400m run or farmers carry after every round to make this a little longer but a fun workout.

Warmup: mobility

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
20 Dumbbell Plank Rows, 25 lbs
20 Push-ups
20 Dumbbell Hammer Curls, 25 lbs
20 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows, 25 lbs
20 Dumbbell Upright Rows, 25 lbs

-- followed with a short walk and 20min in the hot tub.

8 AM:  9 miles w/ 1600ft of vert averaging 9min pace. Run from Springcreek Trailhead in Steamboat up towards Dry Lake and back. Was really cool to see this trail in the light. Every time I have been on this trail has been in the middle of the night during Run Rabbit Run 100. Really is a beautiful trail.

2 PM:  Biked 6miles w/ 800ft of vert in 28mins.  Ride from Steamboat up to Fish Creek Falls Trailhead to crew Don. Crews are not allowed to drive up to the trailhead due to not being enough parking so took the bike up to help him. Fun coming back downhill! 20mins up and 7 mins down.

10 PM: 3.4miles averaging 10:50pace. Jogging in and out of town with Don. This is the only place they allow pacers for the Hares in Run Rabbit. Basically it is just to help tired runners not get hit by cars as they go in and out of town.

Noon:   3.5 miles w/ 900ft of vert averaging 12min pace.  Ran/hiked backwards from the finish line of Run Rabbit Run to bring Don in the last few miles. Would have gone up farther if I would have known before hand that was allowed. I was not in running gear. Basically a hike up and jog down with him. He had a great time of 23:45! His goal was 21 hours but shit went sideways at night like it can but he bounced back well!

7 AM:  14.5miles w/ 1700ft of vert averaging 9min pace.  Easy run from the condo to town then up the Springcreek trail towards Dry Lake and back. Wanted to go longer but had to get back to load up and check out of the condo. Such a great week up here this week and a much needed time away from the house with Paula.

Total Weekly Numbers
Solid week especially considering the trail and being in Steamboat all week.  This week as been the best running yet since coming back from the injury.  Super pumped and ready for a bigger week coming up the next 3 weeks before tapering for Javelina.  I feel like I am trying to cram it all in but that is what my body seems to be making me do.  

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