Monday, July 22, 2024

July 15th- July 21st

“Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” - George Santayana


10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Jogging, mobility and drills.

AMRAP 20 mins: 11 rounds + 5 L-Sit Pull-ups + 10 Dumbbell Push Press
20:00 AMRAP:
5 L-Sit Pull-ups
10 Dumbbell Push Press, 40% 1RM | 40 lbs
Run, 200 m

-- got super tough in the 95 degree heat.

Was going to go for a short bike ride this afternoon but between work blowing up and a thunderstorm that lasted most of the afternoon that did not happen.  All good.  Paula is on her way to the Outerbanks, NC to the beach house for the week while I am at home with the dog.  Little jealous of course but I will be there the whole month of March in 2025.

6 AM:  7.8 miles averaging 7:45pace.  Easy 2 laps plus some of Davidson Mesa this morning. Been a minute since I have been here. Awesome morning out there and got it done before the heat kicked in today.  Followed this up with a 1 mile dog walk as soon as I got home before my first work meeting of the day.

10:30 AM:  40 mins in the Garage gym

Warmup: Airbike and mobility

Heels Elevated Back Squat slow
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 95 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 95 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 95 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 95 lbs

3 RFQ:
3 rounds of:
40 Deficit Step Back Lunges, 8 in | 15 lbs
20 Double Dumbbell Front Squats | 15 lbs

Ghd Nordics : 3x10, rest 1:30
Sets :
10 Ghd Nordics
10 Ghd Nordics
10 Ghd Nordics

Single Leg Calf Raises : 3x10
10 Single Leg Calf Raises - 25lbs
10 Single Leg Calf Raises- 25lbs
10 Single Leg Calf Raises- 25lbs

6:15 AM:  Biked 14miles w/ 700ft of vert in 1 hour.  Easy cruise this morning around the normal hood loop. Little sluggish this morning because I have not been sleeping very well this week for some reason.

8 AM:   Walked 2 miles in 35mins.  Easy dog walk to get Venus out before it got to hot outside for her.  Right after the bike ride and before my first meeting.

10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Jogging, mobility and drills

FT: 26 mins 23 secs
60 Bumper Plate Ground-to-Overheads, 45 lbs
Bumper Plate Run, 45 lbs, 1200 m
40 Bumper Plate Ground-to-Overheads, 45 lbs
Bumper Plate Run, 45 lbs, 800 m
20 Bumper Plate Ground-to-Overheads, 45 lbs
Bumper Plate Run, 45 lbs, 400 m

---this one was super tough so of course I loved it. Hard to run with a 45lb plate so awkward which is the point.

Got another post card in the mail from JT... this seems to be go to post card we send  each other when we forget or can't find a post card.  Think I have gotten 4-5 of them and have sent about the same amount back to him.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  176.6lbs @ 10.2% bodyfat.  Not as bad as I was expecting considering I have not weighed myself in 7-8 weeks and my activity level has been lower than normal with my food intake higher than normal.  I was expecting to see a number over 180lbs.  Just don't like seeing double digits on the bodyfat more than anything.  Goal is to be down 5-6lbs by Javalina 100 in Oct.

6:15 AM:  7.4 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 8:15pace.  Easy jog from the Coalton Trailhead heading straight west up the big hill on the Dirty Biz loop. Nice out and back getting in my hour. Legs were a little heavy most likely due to yesterday's Crossfit workout with the plate carries but all systems are a go. Heading to BV this afternoon and supposed to bike tomorrow but not sure if I want to take my bike, might run 2 days in a row, now that is crazy.  Followed this up with a 1.5 mile dog walk with Venus.

10 AM: 45mins lifting.  Lifting in the garage doing a bunch of different accessory work that I am trying to do every week to help prevent injuries going forward.

-- Took off in the van with Venus this afternoon to spend tonight through Saturday mid-day just outside of Buena Vista helping out at an aid station for the Highlonesome 100 that starts tomorrow morning.  Figured it was something for us to do since Paula is out partying in the Outerbanks, NC with her family this week without us.  Have to head home on or before Saturday to pick her up.

9 AM:  Hiked 4 miles in an hour.  Easy walk with Venus after the first pass of the aid station to grab the aid station sign and move it a mile out in the other direction from the aid station for the return trip the runners will be doing. Took off home after doing this.

-- Finished book 17 this morning, Red Sky Morning... If you like the Terminal List on Amazon Prime this is the series of books that it is based on.  One of my favorite series out there for fiction.

8 AM:  6.5 miles w/ 1400ft of vert averaging 10:50pace.  Easy jog from NCAR on the Mesa trail heading to the Ranger Station with a small loop then back. At about 1.5 miles in caught my toe and fucked up my hand and knee. That is going to take a while to heal. Outside of feeling like I am out of shape and the fall, it was a good run.  Followed this up with a 2 mile walk with Venus as soon as I got home.

9 AM: Biked 35 miles in 2.5 hours.  Easy gravel bike ride from the house. Downloaded a loop that they did on Saturday for the Trek store group ride and did that plus a few extra but from the house instead of the store. Not my favorite loop but was fun to explore with the new Coros bike computer showing me the way connecting all the bike trails through Aravada and Westminster.

Total Weekly Numbers
Busy week on the work front with most of my team being gone and covering for them so actually got in more this week than I expected too.  Still building back up and seems to be going well so far.  I get a little sore on the side of the hip but not painful, more like a numb feeling.

Took Paula almost 36 hours of sitting in airports before she could make it home from the east coast due to all the cancelled flights.  They were telling her that she would not make it home until Tuesday but got back Sunday evening instead of Saturday mid-day.  What a cluster fuck... On to a new week and plan on some more mountain time this coming weekend before mom arrives on Sunday for a week.

Monday, July 15, 2024

July 8th- July 14th

  “Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, they are the cathedrals where I practice my religion.” ― Anatoli Boukreev 


10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Stupid game, mobility and jogging

4 RFT: 400 m and Air Squats : 10 mins 51 secs
4 rounds of:
Run, 400 m
50 Air Squats

--felt slow today for some reason. Guessing due to legs still being tired from the weekend.

3 PM:  10.3 miles w/ 500ft in 42mins.  Easy spin around the hood again doing the normal loop with a few differences. Legs are pretty much dead today after the weekend and Crossfit this morning but good to spin them out.

7 AM:  5 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 9:30pace.  Easy cruise from the South Mesa trailhead up the real start of Shadow Canyon and back. Felt the hip a little bit today so a little discouraged about that but other than that the only other concern is my lack of hill fitness right now. That will come with time.

10 AM:  45mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Airbike and mobility

Back Squat : 10-10-7-7-4-4-1-1 : 6945 lbs
10 Back Squats | 135 lbs
10 Back Squats | 140 lbs
7 Back Squats | 155 lbs
7 Back Squats | 165 lbs
4 Back Squats | 185 lbs
4 Back Squats | 195 lbs
1 Back Squat | 215 lbs
1 Back Squat | 220 lbs


Bunch of PT stuff for the back, hip, and achillies.

--- Heading to Steamboat this afternoon for the rest of the week.  Plan is to meet Don there at Summit Lake on the Run Rabbit Run 100 course and camp there all week working off his Starlink and train.  Little mini training camp for me to get back to it.  

Working from the van on top of Buffalo pass about 15 miles outside of Steamboat.   It is at Summit Lake which is also an aid station during Run Rabbit Run 100. Don is doing it this fall.  His plan is to train on the course some and mine is just to get away for a bit.  How are we working in the middle of the backcountry?  Starlink... pretty damn amazing.  My coworkers have no idea during meetings via Zoom where I am.  Anyways here are a few photos of my office this week, yes that moose went right by me while answering emails.  Don also came face to face with a black bear on his run this after as well.  LOL... like I said, pretty remote area.

10 AM:  Biked 10.5 miles w/ 1400ft of vert in an hour.  Easy gravel ride from the campground on Buffalo pass outside of Steamboat. Since we are on top of the pass it was pretty much downhill the first half and uphill to get back. About half the ride was super chunky, wish I would have brought the mountain bike instead of the gravel then I could have hit the single track as well.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  Nope, in the middle of nowhere.

9 AM:  6 miles w/ 900ft of vert averaging 10:45pace.  Easy run south on the CDT from Summit Lake  with Don. This is all on the RRR100 course. Longest run in quite a while and felt really good being back out there doing what I love.

4 PM: Hike 3.2miles w/ 600ft of vert in 1 hour.  Easy hike with Don just for something to do this afternoon before dinner. Headed north on the CDT for a bit then went off trail for a bit to explore. Such a cool area.

This is how the evenings this week are spent.  

7 AM:  4.2 miles w/ 500ft of vert averaging 8:50pace.  Did not have running on the plan today but got out for a short one after watching the start of Hardrock. Just needed to clear the mind about it. Such a beautiful morning out there.

10:30 AM: Biked 9.75miles w/ 1200ft of vert in 1:05.  Mid-morning ride over to Fish Creek Lake and back from our campsite. Super rocky for a gravel bike so pretty slow. Really should have brought my mountain bike. Oh well, doing what I can while here.

4:30 PM:  Hike 3.4 miles w/ 600ft of vert in 1 hour.  Afternoon hike up the other direction of the CDT from camp. Needed something to do today while Don was out doing his 3 hour run which I am not ready to join in yet.

8 AM:  7.2 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 9:30pace.  Easy out and back on the CDT. Felt great today and did not feel the hip at all which is awesome. Have been feeling it a little bit this week with some numbness but not today. Longest run in months.. very encouraging.

Nothing... To tired by the time I got home that I just wanted to stay home with Paula after being gone for a week. Lesson learned, should have stopped on the way home and got the bike ride I had planned done. Almost did in Winter Park but drove straight through.  Live and learn.

Total Weekly Numbers
Not a bad week but not a great week.  Really wanted to do more running but not quite there yet and where we were camped at all week made riding a gravel bike super challenging due to how chunky the roads were up there.  Really wish I would have had my MTB and I would have had a lot more miles.  Next time I will start bringing both.  Do feel like I am progressing back so that is good.  Just need to get my diet and alcohol consumption under control.

Monday, July 8, 2024

June Recap

 Horrible month... lowest month in the last 2 plus years since I hurt my back.  About half of what I normally do in a month, injuries suck.  All upwards from here.

July 1st- July 7th

  “Show me someone who has done something worthwhile, and I'll show you someone who has overcome adversity.” - Lou Holtz 


10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

AMRAP 30 mins:19 rounds + 5 Deadlifts | 518 reps
30:00 AMRAP:
5 Deadlifts, 60% 1RM | 225 lbs
13 Push-ups
9 Box Jumps, 24 in

-- one of my favorite workouts... so tough.

2 PM:  Bike 10.5 miles in 45mins.  Easy spin on the loop around the hood. Legs are smoked today.

7 AM:  4 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy jog from the Coalton Trailhead up over the hill to Key Bank and back. Best run yet since we started jogging again last week. First time where something did not hurt, actually felt normal. Very encouraged this morning.  Now just have to keep my wits about me and not do to much to soon.

10:30 AM:  1 hour lifting in the garage.
Shoulder and arms.. 4-5 sets of the following:
Shoulder Press
Seated DB Shoulder Press
DB Snow Angels
Crossover Symmetry
DB Spider Curls
Tricep French Press

-- did PT work between each set instead of the rest.

Did get some news today... not sure if it is good news or not... guess that is a matter of perspective.  Should be a fun challenge for my 50th year on this planet.

7 AM:  Bike 14.1 miles w/ 900ft of vert in 1 hour.  Easy longer loop around the hood. Felt great this morning. Thought I was going slow but overall pace was a tick higher than normal. I'll take it. 

10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

4 RFT: 5 mins 8 secs
4 rounds of:
10 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
10 Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs
10 Assault Bike Calories

- then at 10mins-

2 RFT: 5 mins 19 secs
2 rounds of:
20 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
20 Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs
20 Assault Bike Calories

- then at 20mins-

FT: 6 mins 33 secs
40 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
40 Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs
40 Assault Bike Calories

11:30 AM:  Walk 1.5miles in 25mins.  Easy walk while the van was getting worked on. Smashed from Crossfit.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  Nope, forgot

8 AM: 4 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy jog on the Rock Creek trail from the gym before Crossfit. Super chill but things are turning around. The body is getting used to running again.

9 AM:  1 hour at the Crossfit gym

Warmup: jog, mobility and drills

1775 : 5 rounds + 17 Power Cleans + 75 Air Squats + 200 m + 200 m + 200 m
60:00 AMRAP:
17 Power Cleans, 135 lbs
75 Air Squats
Barbell Carry, 45 lbs, 200 m
Run, 200 m
Plate Carry, 45 lbs, 200 m
Run, 200 m
Plate Carry, 45 lbs, 200 m

-- so tough and one of my favorite workouts.

--- heading up to Fairplay this afternoon for the rest of today and most of tomorrow then over to Kremmling for the rest of the weekend.  Should be a blast!!!

11 AM:  Biked 8.5 miles w/ 600ft of vert in 40mins.  Easy shakeout ride on the dirt road leading to Mount Sherman in Fairplay while Paula and Venus went for a hike. Bumpy fucking road....  Headed to Kremmling this afternoon and parked at the high school with about 40 other vans.  Guess we fit in now.

9:30 AM:  Biked 34 miles w/ 2200ft of vert in 1:49.  KowTown Gravel 34 miler... So much fun, ended up with the lead group of 15 right after the start somehow and decided to try to hang as long as possible. By the last few miles we were down to 7 of us in the lead group where we all ended up in an all out sprint at the end. Finished 6th, foot slipped out of my pedal the last block and honestly I was in the back of the group drafting most of the day so in my mind since I did not do any of the work up front I should not be going for the win anyways. SO MUCH FUN!!

9 AM: 5 miles w/ 800ft of vert averaging 9:35pace.  Easy cruise on the Colorado Trail outside of Fairplay. We came home the longer 285 route instead of sitting on I-70 and stopped for a jog. The flowers were in full force!  First real trail run in a while and no hip pain... fingers crossed as it is time to really start testing it now.

Total Weekly Numbers
Not quite a high of a volume week as I wanted but little bit of a taper in there for the bike race and started to run some more this week as well.  Overall feeling good and looking forward to adding in more and more running over the upcoming weeks.  Will be heading to Steamboat this week in the van just because.  Guess this is my replacement for not going down to Silverton for Hardrock.  Thought it would be better for my mental health to do my own thing verses going down to Hardrock and being depressed knowing that I dropped from Hardrock.