Monday, September 9, 2024

September 2nd- September 8th

"Getting old is like climbing a mountain; you get a little out of breath, but the view is much better!" - Ingrid Bergman


Noon:  Biked 20 miles w/ 1000ft of vert in 1:30.  Easy gravel ride with Paula from the house over to STEM Cider for a drink and a snack then back the same way. Just super chill enjoying the afternoon on our bikes since we did not have to work today. Today was sort of a date day, went out to breakfast, gravel ride, movies, it was a good day that we needed.

7 AM:  9.5 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 8:30pace. Easy cruise from the Flatiron Vista trailhead. Mostly easy anyways with a little bit of a pick up in effort for 10-15mins or so in the middle of the run as I as doing the uphill part of Springbrook loop. So good to feel like I am working my way back. Calf still tight this morning but much better than it has been the past few days.

1:30 PM: 37mins lifting in the garage. Upper body focused.

Warmup: Airbike and shoulder mobility

Shoulder Press
10 Shoulder Press | 95 lbs
10 Shoulder Press | 95 lbs
10 Shoulder Press | 95 lbs
5 Shoulder Press | 100 lbs

Single Arm Dumbbell Row :
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows | 52.5 lbs
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows | 52.5 lbs
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows | 52.5 lbs
10 Single Arm Dumbbell Rows | 52.5 lbs

Dumbbell Pull Over
10 Dumbbell Pull Overs | 45 lbs
10 Dumbbell Pull Overs | 45 lbs
10 Dumbbell Pull Overs | 45 lbs
10 Dumbbell Pull Overs | 45 lbs

Ab Wheels :
Ab Wheel | 15 reps
Ab Wheel | 15 reps
Ab Wheel | 15 reps

Single leg calf raises


--  Restarted 75 Hard today as well.  Not sure I will make it all the way through it but hopefully will last until at least Javelina.  I did make a couple of exceptions on it though based on past experiences.  Will be eating mostly Whole 30 again with the exception of allowing dairy like heavy cream, cheese, ect... Also will not be strict at all during long runs or bike rides over 1:30.  This will allow myself to make sure I am getting what I need during those longer efforts which should allow recovery to be better than last time I did this.  Last time I was wasted for a day or two after every long effort due to lack of calories during.  Should be fun...

6:45 AM:  8.5 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 8min pace. Easy out and back on the Dirty Biz loop heading west from the Coalton Trailhead. First mile or two were a little slow and rough as I warmed up then flowed really well after that. Ended feeling better than when I started.

10 AM:  35 mins in the garage gym.

Warmup: Airbike and mobility

Box Squat
10 Box Squats | 100 lbs
10 Box Squats | 115 lbs
10 Box Squats | 120 lbs
10 Box Squats | 125 lbs

Elevated Goblet Squat :
10 Elevated Goblet Squats | 25 lbs
10 Elevated Goblet Squats | 25 lbs
10 Elevated Goblet Squats | 25 lbs
10 Elevated Goblet Squats | 35 lbs

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 GHD Hip Extensions

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
10 Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts
10 Jefferson Curls

-- Followed this up with 20mins in the sauna.

5 PM:  6.4 miles averaging 8:20pace.  Easy second jog of the day starting at Costco and doing a lap of Davidson Mesa/Harper Lake. Super chill for the legs were HEAVY after this morning's run and lifting.  Followed this with a cold plunge when I got home.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  173.2lbs w/ 9.2% bodyfat.. Pretty much a wash from last week.  

6:30 AM:  1.3 mile dog walk.  Paula is gone the rest of the week dog sitting out east of Brighton, so way out in BFE....  So it fell on me to do through the weekend.

3:30 PM: Biked 22 miles w/ 1100ft of vert in 1:31.  Easy ride from the house around the normal hood loop with a few modifications here and there. Was annoyed it took me until late afternoon to get out due to work but it ended up being the best part of the day weather wise since it was raining on and off all morning.

7 AM:  9.6 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 8:30pace.  Easy trail run with 6x20sec strides w/ 2-3min recoveries in the middle of the run. Ran most of the strides uphill with a few on the flatter sections. No issues at all with the calf! It still gets a little sore later in the day, feels like I got it dry needled, but don't feel it during the run like I was.

10 AM: Walked 2.5 miles with Venus.  Easy dog walk around the hood. Need to do these walks more often after runs, feel much looser this afternoon.

-- Came across this gem on Facebook in a Cyclocross group.  It is from last week's race in Golden.  Need more cyclocross racing for sure this year, just hard to do with trying to train for a 100 run as well.  Yes, I have become that guy who tries not to wear a cycling kit, I will keep wearing my Rabbit button down shirts, plus it was 1980s theme to the race.  What says 80s more than a shirt that could be on Miami Vice? Of course no one else figured that out... sigh....

3 PM:  38mins In the garage gym

Warmup: Airbike and mobility.

Bench Press :
5 Bench Press | 165 lbs
5 Bench Press | 165 lbs
5 Bench Press | 165 lbs
5 Bench Press | 165 lbs
5 Bench Press | 165 lbs

3 RF-ME:
3 rounds of:
10 Dumbbell Tricep Extensions | 40 lbs
max rep Deficit Push-ups | 16, 15, and 16

Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curl
10 Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls | 30 lbs
10 Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls | 30 lbs
10 Alternating Dumbbell Hammer Curls | 30 lbs

L Sit : 6x 20 secs
L Sit, 20 secs
L Sit, 20 secs
L Sit, 20 secs
L Sit, 20 secs
L Sit, 20 secs
L Sit, 20 secs

-- followed this up with 20mins in the sauna and a 6min cold plunge

7:30 AM:  14.2 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 8:45pace.  Easy run from the Flatiron Vista trailhead over around the Dirty Bizmark Loop. The plan was to do the loop then head over to Springbrook after refilling the bottle for another 8-10 miles. When I got back to the van at mile 14 I was wasted. Barely running (with some walking) and my other calf that has no issue was cramping hard. Pulled the plug and focused on getting in fluids instead, it was really hot out already this morning at 85 degrees. Took over 3 hours and 5 bottles of liquid before I was able to pee again. Guess one bottle of water during that loop was not enough. Live an learn.  

Went home and took Venus for a walk to get a few more miles.

2 PM:  Biked 20 miles w/ 1100ft of vert in 1:23. Easy afternoon gravel ride around the hood. Feel much better this afternoon than I did this morning. Not sure what the hell happened on the run this morning.  Pretty sure I did not drink enough, rookie mistake.  I thought I would handle the heat better with all the sauna training I have been doing lately.

7:30 AM:  12 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 7:45pace. Decided to join the Boulder Track Club for their Sunday long run which is open to everyone, even non-members. It has been a few years since I have come to this, I used to all the time when I was training for Boston back in 2016. The main group was doing 14 miles but they were a little quick for me so hung back with 2 other dudes who were doing 12. Slow start but then fell into the 7:30-8min pace after the first mile which was perfect for me right now. The main group averaged sub 7 min pace, good to see things have not changed in the last 8 years, hammer-fest up front. Going to keep going to these and work my way back up to the main group and of course I was the oldest one there by 10 years. That was new to me.

Total Weekly Numbers
Very solid week even though I missed a bunch of miles on my Saturday long run.  Also still holding on strong on the 75Hard challenge as well and feeling pretty good too.  Heading up to Steamboat Tuesday through Sunday to crew Don at RRR100 so lifting will be less this week but hopefully the running miles will keep increasing.  Feel like I might be finally hitting my stride a little bit.

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