Monday, September 23, 2024

September 16th- September 22nd

"Celebrate the life you had, not the life you could've had." - Earvin "Magic" Johnson


6:30 AM:  5.5 miles w/ 400ft of vert averaging 7:30pace. Easy cruise from the Coalton Trailhead west up the hill and back. Was not planning on running today but got home from Steamboat and had a pair of the Agravic Speed Ultra's waiting on the front porch. Had to take them out and those are some fast shoes! Might be using these for Javelina, or at least for some of it.

4 PM: 1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Rowing and mobility

Row 250 m TT : 43.3 secs
Row, 250 m | 0:43.3


FT: 19 mins 46 secs
Row, 200 m
Plank Hold, 30 secs
Row, 400 m
Plank Hold, 1 min
Row, 600 m
Plank Hold, 1:30
Row, 800 m
Plank Hold, 2 mins
Row, 1000 m
Plank Hold, 2:30

6:30 AM:  8 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 8:45pace.  Mostly easy lap of Springbrook and Gashawk trails from Dowdy Draw trailhead. Did go a little harder in the uphill on both trails with a HR between 145-150 then below 140 for everything else. Good little uphill tempo in there. Great morning out there.

6:45 AM:  8 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 8:50pace.  Same route as yesterday in almost the exact same time. The difference is yesterday I felt like I was pushing in the middle part and today at the same pace I did not feel that way. So weird but that is running, the body is different day to day. Saw about 20 turkeys and a huge elk on Gashawk. I have never seen an elk down here this close to Boulder, usually they are more in the high country.

10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

Deadlift : 5-3-3-1-1-1 : 4230 lbs
5 Deadlifts | 255 lbs
3 Deadlifts | 285 lbs
3 Deadlifts | 325 lbs
1 Deadlift | 365 lbs
1 Deadlift | 375 lbs
1 Deadlift | 385 lbs -- Post back injury PR...  Have not put up this weight since before I herniated my disk 2 years ago.  Super pleased!


21-15-9: 5 mins 57 secs
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 50% 1RM | 195 lbs
Lateral Burpee Over Bar

5 PM:  Biked 8.5 miles in less than an hour.  First 4 miles were the warmup so I knew what I was getting into.  The last 4.5 miles were Back 2 Basic Cyclocross #4. One of my worse races in a while. First lap went well even though I had dead legs from the other workouts today. Second lap I wiped out around a corner that made me slow way down to finish the lap. On the third lap I was getting my confidence back and was picking it back up when I threw my chain and it got jammed in the hub of my back wheel. I could not pull it out, spent 3-5 mins trying. Finally called it quits and walked over to the bike mechanic where he had to take apart my whole rear hub to get the chain out, so I made the right call. Still got in some training I guess and still had fun. Next week is the last one of the Wednesday night races which sucks. Hard to do the weekend races when training for Javelina.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  169.4 lbs w/ 8.5% bodyfat.  Down 3 more pounds or so.  I have not been under 170 since before Hardrock last year.  Super pleased and feeling really good overall.  Thinking it has to do with not eating any of the crap I normally eat while I am doing this 75 Hard challenge again.  If I get down to 167 or lower I will consider upping my daily calorie intake.

6:45 AM:  8.3miles averaging 7:15pace.  2 and a half laps of Davidson Mesa. Did this run as sort of a mini progression run with each mile being a little bit quicker than the previous with the last mile being under 7min pace. Did it as a test for my hip and calf. Last month every time I went faster than 8min pace one of the two would act up. That did not happen today, all was good. Think we are all systems go for the last 3 weeks of hard training before the taper of Javelina.

9:30 AM: 20mins in the sauna

3:45 PM: Biked 21 miles w/ 1100ft of vert in 1:27.  Easy lap of the hood per normal. I thought I was going slower than normal on this route but was surprised to look at the data afterwards just to discover I was actually a little quicker than normal at a lower RPE. Interesting...

7 AM:  9 miles w/ 2100ft of vert averaging 9:55pace.  Fowler trailhead for a lap of Rattlesnake Gulch then a loop of Gashawk back to the truck. One of my best runs yet since coming back. Felt so good and the vert was more than I expected. Very pleased I was able to do 2k of vert being under 10min pace without pushing that hard. Shit seems to be coming around finally.

2 PM:  50mins in the garage gym

Warmup: rowing and mobility

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Dumbbell Bench Press, 40 lbs
Elevated Goblet Squat, 25 lbs
Dumbbell Shoulder Press, 25 lbs
Reverse Lunge

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
10 Single Leg RDLs, 25 lbs
10 Jefferson Curls, 35 lbs

3 Rounds
10 single leg calf raises 25lbs

3 Rounds
20 crunches
20 plank pikes
20 plank side to side
20 flutter kicks 4 count

-- followed this with 25mins in the sauna...  gotta get that heat training in for Javelina!

7:30 AM:  20.2 miles w/ 1300ft of vert averaging 8:05pace.  Easy loops on the Rock Creek and Lake Link trails from the Kings on 287 by GZ's house. Each loop was 8 miles then added an out and back to get to 20. Went better than I expected today, have not done a real run over 20 miles since April. Yes I have covered more than 20 miles in a single shot but it was mostly hiking with Bronco Billy during his Colorado Trail FKT. This route is close to the same as a loop at Javelina which is 20 miles & 1500ft of vert.  Hopefully things are setting up nicely for Javelina.  Plan on using this loop a few more times the next few weeks.

8 AM:  14.5 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 8:30pace. Today was a slog-fest of sort... legs had no turn over at all and it was raining buckets all morning. Delayed as long as my mind would allow me too before heading out. Rain stopped about 5 miles in which meant I was then dressed to warm but all good. Ran Marshall Road from Superior to Boulder than back on the bike path doing a lap of Davidson and Harper Lake on the way back.  Had no turn over so just jogged it out until I hit over 2 hours. Been a long time since I have done back to back longer days like this as well.  Hopefully the next 2 weekends of back to back long runs feel better than today's did.

Total Weekly Numbers
Solid week of training this week.  Super pleased I made it through the week with nothing really bothering me but heavy legs and being a little tired.  Need to get in 2 more solid weeks like this then we can taper and get that Javelina finish.  Finish is what matters, I need that Western States qualifier to keep building tickets for that lottery.

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