Monday, April 17, 2023

April 10th- April 16th

“The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” - Dolly Parton

The last 2 weeks have been nothing but a rain on my parade per se, especially this week.  Hopefully I am finally past this shit and can move forward next week to get back on track and see the rainbow in July in the San Juans.


Woke up in Crown King this morning after the 37 mile run/hike yesterday to get here.  The plan was to hike/run back today to the rental car and fly home this evening but there is no way my feet could take that pounding and make it in time.  Spent all morning trying to get a ride to come this remote town that is about 120 miles from Phoenix to pick us up.  Finally found an independent cab driver that would.  Cost us $300 but it is what it is.  Made the flight home.  First photo below is all we could find for breakfast in Crown King at the general store, not much here.  Good to know for this will be the first crew spot in Cocodona 250 so we need to make sure we bring shit with us that we may want.

Got home about midnight last night and slept in this morning.  This cold has hit me hard today and I am totally wiped from the past week and half.  Did nothing today except trying to catch up on work from being off yesterday.  Did pop all the blisters on my feet so that was somewhat satisfying. 

Wednesday and Thursday:

-NOTE:  No weight check this morning 

Took another few days off to let the feet heal up a little bit more (bottom of them is all bruised and swollen) but really because mostly this head cold is kicking my ass.  Damn carrier monkeys aka kids, LOL.... Anyways I have barely left the house since I got home on Monday night, only twice just to get some food but that is it.  Have this huge guilt about not running or lifting this week, this was supposed to be the week of getting back to it after being done with skiing but the feet and this cold had other plans.... sigh... and yes, it has been a mentally challenging week for me on all fronts.  I did get this in the mail at a time that I really needed it this week.  Thank you....  I found it in the mail on one of my lowest mental days this week.


9:30 AM:  1 hour at the gym... Finally left the house and decided to see how the body feels to move.  Slow and sluggish but good to move.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

5x 3 mins RemReps:  154 reps | 28, 30, 32, 31, and 33 | Rx'd
5 rounds, 3 mins each, of:
2 Rope Climbs
15 Dumbbell Bench Press | 45 lbs
1 Rope Climb
max rep Assault Bike Calories | 28, 30, 32, 31, and 33
Rest 3 mins

3 PM: 7.1 miles averaging 8:30pace.  Treadmill- 37 degrees and raining all day so hit the treadmill.  Still blowing snot like crazy but feeling better for the most part.  On the upswing I think finally.


9 AM:  1 hour at the gym.

Warmup: Run, mobility and drills

AMRAP 20 mins: Partner Wod: 6 rounds + 400 m + 10 Toes-to-bars + 7 Wall Balls 
20:00 AMRAP:
Partner Wod
Relay Run, 400 m
10 Toes-to-bars
20 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
30 Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs

--with Kory, one person is always running while the other is chipping away at the movement.

10:30 AM: 7 miles averaging 8:15pace.  Easy Costco loop. Struggle of a jog today. Been a week almost since I have tried to run outside. Still hacking like crazy stopping every once in a while to hack up snot. Wondering if it is in my lungs, was a piece of shit the rest of the day.  Supposed to do 18 miles tomorrow but think I will just try for 2 hours and see what the gives me.


10 AM: 10.2 miles w/ 3100ft of vert in 2:13.  Hit the trails in Boulder starting at NCAR doing a combo of the Mesa Trail and trails on the side of Green Mountain.  Was supposed to do 18 miles today but my body was not having it today.  More walking than normal today and blowing snot everywhere and coughing a lot.  Need this cold to go the fuck away.  Was wiped afterwards as well.

Total Weekly Numbers

Shit week compared what I had planned... that's life... Need to decide if I am going to do the 50K I signed up for next weekend or not.  If I do it will be an easy long supported run and not a race. 

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