Monday, June 3, 2024

May 27th- June 2nd

“You’re going to die one day, and none of this is going to matter.

So enjoy yourself.

Do something positive.

Project some love.

Make someone happy.

Laugh a little bit.

Appreciate the moment.

And do your work.”

-Naval Ravikant


-- No Bolder Boulder today due to the hip... super bummed about this for this race on Memorial Day has become a tradition of sorts for me.  I usually run the Bolder Boulder then head straight to the gym to do Murph.  My Memorial Day double that is hard as hell.  The goal was always to run and do Murph both in sub 40mins which I usually can do.  Will still try to at least do either a half Murph today or do it with a partner splitting the reps.  Need to do something today.

9 AM:  1 hour at the gym-  I know I said I would do half Murph but that did not happen.. ended up doing the whole thing solo.  Could not pass it up, it is my favorite workout we do at the gym.  At least no 20lb vest today due to the hip, thought that was a bit much for it.

Warmup: Jogging and mobility

Murph : 30 mins 25 secs
Run, 1 mi
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
Run, 1 mi

-- Had to test the hip some today due to feeling good. We will see what it feels like tomorrow. 

3 PM: 1 hour Bro lifting in the garage. Bunch of sets of the lifts below... chest of course was fried from all the pushups earlier today so a little lighter in weights.

Bench Press
Incline Dumbell Press
Hex Press
Dumbell Chest Fly
Barbell Drag Curls
Dumbell Preacher Curls

-- Well yesterday did not go according to plan.  Back to limping some this morning and feeling the hip going up the stairs just not as bad as last week.  I thought I made progress and decided to test out the hip with the 2 miles of running and the body weight squats in Murph but guess we are not there yet.  Should get an order from my PT today to schedule a MRI, just not sure I can get it in before leaving for Kansas for Unbound Gravel that Paula is riding on Wednesday, might have to wait until next week.  Also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning as well to talk to him more about this hip.  Doing everything I can to gather information before deciding on withdrawing from Hardrock.

6:30 AM:  1:05 in the garage gym... followed this up with 25mins in the sauna and 8min cold plunge.

Warmup: Skierg, deadhang and mobility

Bunch of set of the following.
Weighted Strict Pullups
Double DB Incline Rows
Chin Ups
KB Crush Grip French Press
DB Kickbacks

- then

8 rounds on the Airdyne
1:15 easy
0:45 hard
--266 calories total.

-- Got this in the mail today.

Complete day off to get back to walking normal without a limp.  Plus work is now kicking my ass with Carolyn retiring and her work load being put on me.  Now doing the job of 2 buyers.  Good times.

Spent all morning at the doctors getting an MRI before leaving this afternoon to head to Kansas.  Plan is to drive about 4 hours so that the drive tomorrow is super easy.  

Got the results back this evening from the MRI.  Torn hip labrum between the 1 and 3 o'clock position.  Have a doctor's appointment on Monday when we get back from Unbound to see if I will need surgery or not.  Most likely will be dropping from Hardrock this week so I get a little bit of a refund back.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  In the van in the middle of Kansas this morning heading to Emporia so no weigh in this week.

Paula's Birthday today!!!  Slept at a rest stop on I-70 last night about 3 hours from Emporia, KS.  There are some pretty sunrises in Kansas though.   Made it to Emporia today and the day was spent checking out the town and the expo.  

The day was spent dialing in her bike where we did some adjustments, then she would go out for an hour shakeout ride.  We repeated this twice to get the new bike dialed in some for her.  Also just hung around town at the Expo and attended the pre-race meeting which was sort of a waste of time.  Also got to see the 350 milers take off at 3pm.  They have until Sunday morning to finish, crazy... my ass hurts thinking about that.

Also wrote the dreaded email and pulled myself from Hardrock... That was a super hard email to write and if harder to hit send.  Sucks balls.  This gives me about 20 weeks to get healed and ready for Javalina at the end of Oct.

Supporting Paula all day at the Unbound 100 miler.  Was only able to meet her at mile 54 and that is it.  She had a great time and I am going to be looking at trying to get into the 200 in the next few years.  Such a cool event.  Funny how Emporia is much more supportive of Lifetime Unbound events than Leadville is of the Lifetime events.

Zero.. Driving home all day fighting the famous Kansas cross winds again... To tired when we got home to do anything but zone out on the couch and watch movies with Paula.

Total Weekly Numbers
Shit week resting this hip.   Needless to say, not much of anything but supporting Paula at Unbound this week.  Doctors appointment on Monday morning to see where we go with the hip next.

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