Monday, June 24, 2024

June 17th- June 23rd

“If you are struggling as you read this, don’t give up. Every smart choice you make is changing you in ways you can't even imagine.” - Athena Perez


6 AM:  1 hour in the garage gym.  Easy lifting in the garage gym this morning before heading to work to teach a class. Focus was chest and arms. then headed to work to teach a class for the next 2 days on all the stuff I learned last week in MN.  Almost through the beginning part of this project.  After teaching this class there will nothing else to really do until the software goes live in Sept.  

Super proud of Rebecca for finishing and crushing her goals at the Tahoe 200.  She finished this evening about 10 plus hours faster than what her goal time was.  Good job buddy!!!!

ZERO----  Spent all day teaching class at work and by the time I got home after 6pm I lost all motivation of doing anything.  Of course it does not help that I was eating like shit all day with all the snacks of cookies, donuts, ice cream, ect... bad health day overall.  Should have gotten my ass up earlier and done something in the garage before going in.  

1 PM:  Bike 16 miles w/ 1000ft in 1:04.  Easy afternoon spin around the hood doing pretty much the normal route but adding a little bit more to make sure I am over an hour. Back is wrecked after this ride, need to get fitted on the new bike soon. Maybe next week after we get back from Kansas yet again... 

4 PM:  1 hour in the garage gym

Garage gym session

Bunch of sets of the following:

Back Squats
DB Romanian Deadlifts
Front Rack Barbell Step-Ups
Hamstring Curls
Seated Calf Raises
PT work.

-- Sold my old gravel bike (Cannondale Topstone) on Facebook Market place for $800.  I was super surprised that it was sold within 24 hours of being posted.  Gravel riding is hot right now for sure.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  nope, forgot and honestly don't want to know, I am 100% sure it is bad based on my binging that I have been doing at night.....

7 AM:  Bike 16 miles w/ 1000ft of vert in 1:05.   Same ride as yesterday from the house but much earlier in the day. Legs a little tired from the back squats last night but all good otherwise.

Noon:  1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

10x 1 min RemReps: 136 reps
10 rounds, 1 min each, of:
3 Hang Power Snatches, 65% 1RM | 85 lbs
7 Shuttle Sprints, 10 yd
max rep Assault Bike Calories | 13, 13, 14, 13, 13, 15, 13, 13, 13, and 16
Rest 2 mins

-- about killed me, dry heaving on the last one

Off to Kansas again this afternoon.  Paula is racing the 24hour race at the Midwest Championship Adventure Race over the weekend.  Venus and I are the chauffeurs I guess.  Will drive about halfway tonight and get there tomorrow morning (6.5 hours away).  Planning on taking the gravel bike and getting in 2 hours or so tomorrow on the Kansas dirt roads.

9 AM:  Bike 30 miles w/ 2000ft of vert in 2:05.  Easy gravel ride on roads in Kansas from Ellisworth heading North and back. Had Paula come pick me up because I ran out of water and the heat was kicking my ass. Still got an awesome ride in though!  Checked in for her race this evening and they started plotting their route for Saturday.

Paula's race started this morning so the day was spent hanging out with Venus all day at transition while her teammate and her raced the 24 hour race.  It was hot as balls out there with a heat index of 105 or so.   The race had a combo of treking, biking, and paddling.

Zero today.... Paula finished at 9am this morning and ended up winning their division.  Spent the rest day driving home.  Once home was to damn tired to do much of anything.  Not a lot of sleep this weekend due to how hot it was in the van.

Total Weekly Numbers
Not a great week but not a bad week.  Missed a lot of bike rides that I had planned this week but oh well.  Just don't have that same drive to get out there on a bike as I do going for a run.  Fun, yes, but just not the same for me.  Anyways... time to get my head out of my ass and get back to work.  Javalina 100 is in 17 weeks, just enough time I think.  Start running again 20-30mins at a time this week so fingers crossed.

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