Monday, May 27, 2024

May 21th - May 26th

-- Spiraled down a depression hole yesterday coming to terms that this year just might be a lot different than I had planned.  Of course when that happens I start to binge eat, probably ate about 7000-8000 calories yesterday and did not do any activity so not good.  I am just a fat kid in a skinny body.  Now I have to figure out how to accept things and how to move forward.  That is easier said than done.

9:30 AM:  1 hour in the garage gym doing mostly upper body.
Warmup: Skierg and mobility

3-4 sets of each:

Decline Dumbbell Press
Barbell inverted rows
High Incline Press
Dumbbell Pull overs
Lateral Raises
Dumbbell Curls
Skull crushers
GHD Hip extend
GHD Situps

-- then finished off with my PT work then spent 25mins in the sauna and 5mins in the cold plunge.

6 AM:  7.3 miles averaging 8:15 pace.  Easy laps in the open space by the house just to test out the hip. Feels like a there is a mild charlie horse in there and some numbness. Feel like it is pulling on my knee and everything feels out of alignment.  Followed with a 1.2 mile walk with the dog as a cooldown and to keep things loose.

10 AM:  1 hour at the gym.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

50-35-20: 18 mins 36 secs
50-35-20 reps of:
Assault Bike Calories
Wall Ball, 20 lbs

Followed up with 10 mins of core work

3:30 pm:  90 min massage to work on the mobility of the achillies and hip for the most part.  Doing everything I can think of to get past all these issues.  

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  174lbs and 8.4% bodyfat according to the home scale.  Up 1.5lbs from last week, most likely water weight, ect... Pretty much staying even which is not bad considering I can't train the way I want/need too.

6:45 AM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

5x 3 mins RemReps: 80 reps
5 rounds, 3 mins each, of:
Row, 500 m
8 Burpees
max rep Dumbbell Snatches, 25% 1RM | 35 lbs | 14, 16, 15, 17, and 18
Rest 3 mins

-Hip didn’t like lateral jumping so changed the workout to reg burpees instead of lateral burpees over the rower.

9 AM:  7.3 miles averaging 8:15pace.  Easy laps around the open space by the house. Hip is fired up today so slower than yesterday. Almost to the point of dropping from Hardrock due to this hip.

Hip is jacked from dry needling last night. Limping around so took the day off.  Can barely make it up and down the stairs.  Ended up drinking my sorrows away this evening.

10 AM:  1 hour upper body lifting in the garage gym. Needed to do something and not just sit around on my ass. This is the hardest thing about being injured. That and trying to keep calories under control when I am not burning them. Failed that big time yesterday with binging and drinking old fashions. Think I had 5 of them last night.  Wishing I was racing burros today but that was a no go with this hip.

8 AM:  1 hour lower body lifting at Vasa... Super light weights going through the motions to see how the hip reacts later today and tomorrow... fingers crossed.

Total Weekly Numbers
On the verge of dropping out of Hardrock.  I have this whole process going through my head that it would be disrespectful just to show up and chase cutoffs due to the fact that I am unable to train for the race.  I can withdrawal up the day of the race but in order to get some $ back I need to make a decision by next Saturday June 1st.  Now if this was my first time taking on this race I would be getting cortizone shots, pain meds, ect doing anything and everything.  Little different thought process now that I have done this twice.  Talking with Jeff he thinks I should pull out, rest, and rebuild towards Javelina.  I go back and forth, do I try to cram in training once my body allows me too or fight another day...... decisions.......

1 comment:

  1. Imagine you were reading someone else's blog and had to give them advice on what to do next. 6 weeks out from one of the hardest 100s on earth. A 14 mile week with a lots of pain from simple, basic movements and easy runs on flattish terrain. Would you advise someone in that situation to suffer for 48 hours, causing who knows what long-term damage to their body? You've proven that you can do it. Give someone else the spot. Someone else will probably be ecstatic to get the opportunity. You're suffering just thinking about it. And the BEST-case scenario at this point is you suffer for a very long time just to perform way below your potential. Worst-case scenario is that you do something that prevents you from being able to exercise for a very long time.
