Monday, May 13, 2024

May 6th- May 12th

"The degree to which a person can grow is directly proportional to the amount of truth they can accept about themselves without running away.” – Leland Val Van De Wall.


2:30 PM:  1 hour at the gym
Warmup: bike

4-5 sets of each of these at Vasa
Hex Bar Deadlift
Leg Press
Dumbbell Walking Lunges
Seated Calf Raises
TRX Pikes


15mins of PT work on the calves/achillies

6 PM:  Bike 15.5 miles.  Spin class at Vasa with Paula.  Mileage is what the bike computer stated.

10 AM:  7.75 miles w/ 800ft of vert averaging 7:55pace.   Easy loop from the King Soopers on 287 over to Sterns Lake and the Link trail back. Good little loop to get a little vert close to home. Super windy outside so half the run was into 20-30mph winds when heading west.

6 PM: 5.2 miles averaging 6:35pace.  Warmup of about 2 miles then Dash-n-Dine 5K out at the Boulder Rez.. super windy still coming from the west so the wind pushed us out to the turn around then of course had to fight into the wind the second half. Heartrate was HIGH coming back into the wind. 1st place dude beat me by 2mins, damn youngsters. 18:46.. still have some wheels.. hopefully get closer to 18 next week if the achilles holds.

7 AM:  8.6 miles w/ 2000ft of vert averaging 10:40pace.  Easy hill jog this morning around the Boulder trails. Super chill this morning because the achillies was aggravated from the 5K last night. Went straight to the gym afterwards.

10 AM:  1 hour at the gym.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

Chipper: 15 mins 12 secs
20 Shoulder Press, 70% 1RM | 95 lbs
Farmer's Carry, 200 m | 40 lbs
30 Push Press | 95 lbs
Farmer's Carry, 200 m | 40 lbs
40 Push Jerks | 95 lbs
Farmer's Carry, 200 m | 40 lbs

-- put the achillies in the cold plunge for 4mins after the workout.  It was fired up.

4:30 PM:  7.1 miles averaging 8:15pace.  Easy laps around the open space by the house just to pad the mileage some this week. Super chill yet again.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  Forgot yet again...

8:30 AM:  7.25 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy jog on the Rock Creek Trail starting and ending at the gym. Had plans to do Sanitas and Anemone this morning but overslept and did not have time to make the drive to Boulder this morning during rush hour. Usually I drive there before rush hour starts. Oh well. Will try to get that done tomorrow instead.

10 AM: 1 hour at the gym.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

5 RF-ME / 1 min Stations: 150 reps | 27, 29, 31, 31, and 32 reps
5 rounds, 1 min per station:
Devil Press | 25 lbs
Assault Bike Calorie
Rope Climb
Rest 1 min

--  PT appointment again this afternoon to dry needle and scrap the achilles.  To sore afterwards to jog the second run of the day which is fine.  I am actually really wiped out this afternoon.  Been pushing the past 2 weeks for sure.

6 AM:  5.1 miles w/ 1350ft of vert averaging 12min pace.  Super chill lap of Sanitas this morning. Was planning on doing more but had to much on my plate today I needed to attend to before leaving for Fort Collins this afternoon for Quadrock tomorrow. Yep another night in the van.

10 AM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Rowing, mobility

Weighted Pull-up : 5-3-3-1-1-1-3-3-5 : 1132 lbs
5 Weighted Pull-ups | 35 lbs
3 Weighted Pull-ups | 44 lbs
3 Weighted Pull-ups | 44 lbs
1 Weighted Pull-up | 53 lbs
1 Weighted Pull-up | 71 lbs
1 Weighted Pull-up | 76 lbs
3 Weighted Pull-ups | 53 lbs
3 Weighted Pull-ups | 53 lbs
5 Weighted Pull-ups | 35 lbs


30mins of core work and PT work on the achilles

7 AM:  Quadrock 25 miler-  5500ft of vert in 4:28.  Not my best day out there on this course, about 20mins slower than normal. Think this was number 4 or 5 doing this race and my worse time yet. Was cruising okay for the most part but energy plummeted at mile 18 and ended up walking/jogging it in. Oh well, we all have those days. Most likely from all the races I have been doing lately and the fact that I did not taper at all for this, just trained right through it. Now should I do a 50K in Estes Park next weekend or not? Or just a normal 20 mile training run... trying to decide that next.  

9 AM: 7.3 miles averaging 8:30pace.  Easy 2 laps of Davidson Mesa in the rain. Had plans to ride bikes for 2.5 hours this morning but weather changed that. Could have rode the afternoon but was drinking old fashions at The Flats Beer Garden instead. Fun Sunday!

Total Weekly Numbers
Not a bad overall week.  Starting to feel like I am starting to hit my stride a little bit and hopefully can keep building the next 4 weeks before work travel kicks in right before Hardrock.  Not ideal but not much I can do about it.  Less miles this coming week, little bit of a recovery week.

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