Monday, May 20, 2024

May 13th- May 19th

 "The most we can hope for is to create the best possible conditions for success, then let go of the outcome.  The ride is a lot more fun that way." -Phil Jackson

---  Taking a step back this week and taking a breath... more of a recovery week this week.


10 AM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

Row 250 m TT : 43.6 secs
Row, 250 m | 0:43.6


FT: 12 mins 22 secs
21 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs
3 Toes-to-bars
18 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs
6 Toes-to-bars
15 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs
9 Toes-to-bars
12 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs
12 Toes-to-bars
9 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs
15 Toes-to-bars
6 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs
18 Toes-to-bars
3 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs
21 Toes-to-bars

3 PM: Bike 18 miles in 1:40ish.  Easy bike with Paula from the house and around the hood hitting the Westminster Hills and some around Standley Lake. Rained on us for about 25% of the ride and I did crash when the bike slipped out from under me on a wet concrete corner. Little road rash and bruised hip now... still a fun afternoon with Paula!

6:45 AM:  5.25 miles w/ 1400ft of vert averaging 14:30pace.  Easy lap of Sanitas... Hip is fucked from the bike crash yesterday. Going uphill hurts like a bitch but downhill is okay if I don't bomb down. Just a hike up using poles to help take some weight/pressure off the hip then a slow jog down. I normally do this loop around 55mins, today was 1:15, ouch... hopefully will be better tomorrow.

6 PM:  Walked 4 miles in an hour.  Bailed on running the Dash-n-Dine 5K this evening due to how sore my hip and body are from the bike crash yesterday. Plus it probably is good not to reaggravate the achillies again anyways. Paula and I did go since we paid for our food so we walked 4 miles, ate, and went home. Just the evening I needed.

6:45 AM:  8 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy 2 plus laps of Davidson Mesa to check things out. The first 4 miles were ROUGH but things started to warmup and loosen up after that. Body felt much better afterwards than it did beforehand.

3 PM:  40mins at Vasa.
3-4 sets of the following lifts at Vasa this afternoon.

Machine Press
Dumbbell Rows
Lateral Raises
Bar Curl
Tricep Pushdowns

-- followed this up with 30mins in the hot tub at home.

Quadrock which I ran last Saturday released the free race photos.  Blah....

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  172.8 with 8.8% bodyfat according to the home scale.  Finally remembered to do my Thursday weigh in.  Need to lose 2-3lbs in the next 8 weeks.  Should be doable.

7 AM:  8 miles averaging 8 min pace.  Easy 2 plus laps of Davidson Mesa again. Same run as yesterday. Was told by the coach that we are removing all hills this week and will be an easy flat week due to all the racing I have been doing and to let this hip heal. Need to let all this work I have been doing get absorbed verses to keep pushing and getting into a deep hole.

---  Got the calf and achillies dry needled again this afternoon along with a bunch of other PT stuff.  Trying to get this taken care of.

7 AM:  8 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy laps in the open space by the house. Did not feel like driving anywhere this morning. Took Venus out for the first 4.5miles then dropped her off and finished it up. It was starting to get to hot for her already.

10 AM:  1 hour in the garage gym.  Easy lifting in the garage..

Bunch of sets of bench and dumbell deadlifts then the rest of the time doing my PT work for my achillies and some core stuff.  Followed this up with 20mins in the sauna.

-- 90min massage this afternoon... been a while and was much needed.  Focus of course was getting blood flow to the achillies and all the muscle structures around it.

7 AM:  5.5 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy jog before Crossfit on the Rock Creek trail. Super chill. Calf still sore from dry needling on Thursday.

9 AM: 1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Jogging and mobility.

Manion : 21 mins 17 secs | Not Rx'd
7 rounds of:
Run, 400 m
29 Back Squats, 75 lbs

-- had plans to ride for 2 plus hours this afternoon but I was wasted from Crossfit.  Doing 203 back squats crushed my legs for the rest of the day.

8 AM: 6.4 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy 2 laps of Davidson Mesa this morning. Breaking my long run up today due to joining Jeff later this afternoon for a run after I pick him up from the airport. Just mileage to pad the daily total.

1 PM: 9 miles w/ 1900ft of vert averaging 11min miles.  Easy out and back on the Mesa trail with Browning. Can't believe how good he is running only 10 days after Cocodona 250. Crazy recovery.... Felt good for the most part but hip started to hurt again with about a mile left in the run. Ended up limping the rest of the day and stairs are now a challenge. I am so over this shit.

-- on a positive note got these in the mail today.... Sherman is now fully legal. 

Total Weekly Numbers

Not a bad recovery week at all with the exception of yesterday's hilly run.  Really thought the hip was finally good to go but still can't handle any sort of hills.  When I got home I could barely make it up the stairs and still struggling with them the next morning as I am typing this.  Kind of need to be doing hills for Hardrock right?  Sigh..... Going to give it a few more weeks to see how it heals, if it is still giving me issues on hills I will probably pull the plug on Hardrock and give my spot to someone who would at least have a chance of finishing.  Right now that is not going to happen for me with this hip.

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