Monday, October 7, 2024

September 30th- October 6th

"There is no way around hard work.  Embrace it." - Roger Federer


10 AM:  Easy 5K on the rower in the garage in 21:50 followed by about 40mins of lifting in the garage.  All upper body lifts to give the legs more time to recover from the weekend, plus the knees and hips are stiff.  

2 PM:  Biked 10.8 miles w/ 500ft in 46mins.  Easy cruise around the hood to get in my 45mins of cross training today. Legs did not really have any power for the uphills but whatever, that will come back as I recover from the weekend.

-- Followed the bike directly with 22mins in the sauna.

7 AM:  9.4 miles w/ 1100ft of vert averaging 8:10pace.  Dowdy Draw trailhead over to do 3 laps of Springbrook then back. Threw in some 6x30sec pickups at about 6min pace to loosen things up, did half of them uphill and half downhill. Felt really damn good today.. was surprised on how good I felt today. Could have easily kept going but I guess I have to work too.  

-- 30mins in the sauna in the afternoon

6:45 AM:  8.5 miles w/ 700ft of vert averaging 7:45pace.  Easy cruising over on the Dirty Biz trails from the Coalton Trailhead. Couple of out and backs hitting all the hills from that trailhead. Cut it about 5-10mins shorter than I wanted due to having to get on a work call but a great run otherwise.

3 PM:  Garage gym 50ish mins.

-- 2K row in 8mins followed by mobility work.

Heels Elevated Back Squat
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs

Romanian Deadlift :
10 Romanian Deadlifts | 115 lbs
10 Romanian Deadlifts | 115 lbs
10 Romanian Deadlifts | 115 lbs
10 Romanian Deadlifts | 115 lbs

Weighted Single Leg Calf Raise :
10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises | 25 lbs
10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises | 25 lbs
10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises | 25 lbs
10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises | 25 lbs

GHD Hip Extensions :
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Hip Extensions

Russian Twist :
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  171.4lbs @ 8.8% bodyfat.  Little bit of an increase which does not surprise me.  Been eating more than normal with the increased volume and recovering from the 50K last weekend.  Need to cut out the Quest bars before bed and that should help.

7 AM:  7.9 miles averaging 7:45pace.  Easy cruise over at Davidson Mesa for an hour with 6 strides at the end on a slight downhill at Harper to get the legs moving at the end. This was a make up for the run that I skipped last night due to an upset stomach.

10:30 AM: 45mins in the garage gym

Warmup: 2K on the rower and mobility

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
40 Dumbbell Snatches, 35 lbs
40 GHD Sit-ups
40 Row Calories

-- did not time it but took longer than I thought it would. Will be repeating this one for sure.

-- followed this up with 20mins in the sauna and 1.5 mile dog walk

3 PM: Biked 17 miles w/ 1000ft of vert in 1:10.  Was supposed to be an hour and half ride but crashed again and threw in the towel to ride home and clean out all the road rash.  At least this time I was on dirt when I went down, going faster which caused me to slide instead of a blunt force trauma, and I landed on the other hip and not the one with the torn labrum.  Just a bunch of road rash on the left arm and left hip, I will live.

6:30 AM:   10 miles w/ 1400ft of vert averaging 8:20pace. Loops of Springbrook and Gashawk trails from Dowdy Draw. Warmed up for about 20 mins then pushed just a little bit for a while hitting around 150 HR on the uphills. Just enough to get a little bit of burn going in the muscles. Did not want to totally blow my legs since I have a 50K tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to suck. 

8 AM:  20.25 miles w/ 4200ft of vert in 3:43.  Suffer Better 50K in Stauton State Park. Well that was a shit show for the most part. Was doing great, feeling great, jogging along jumping between 5th -3rd place when about mile 17 the lungs started spasming and I could not take a deep breath without coughing up a lung. Freaked me out for this has never happened before so at mile 20 aid station while in 3rd I pulled the plug just to be on the safe side. Could it have cleared up? Maybe, but since this was just a training race for Javelina 100 in 3 weeks I decided not to take a chance. I need to at least make it to the start line of Javelina if nothing else since I did not even make it to the start line of Hardrock this year. Still a good training stimulus today so it was still a net positive.

-- Photo is before things went to shit.

8 AM:  16 miles w/ 1600ft of vert averaging 8:50pace.  Meet Don and Brandon in Bailey to get some miles on what we call Mini Mags. You may remember me training on it a lot the last 2 summers. Anyways just a dirt road the rolls between 8,000 to 9,000 feet. Figure this was a very safe place to test the lungs after yesterday. If anything went wrong Don could easily go get the car and come pick me up. All went great! Not sure what the fuck happened yesterday? Just a reaction from being so tired? Who knows. Great morning out with these two and followed up the run with brunch at Cutthroat Cafe in Bailey, my favorite place to get breakfast.

--  Here is a little teaser on the inserts in some Speedland shoes that should be released in the Spring.  Can't show and tell you quite yet about the actual shoe but it will be awesome.

Total Weekly Numbers
Another solid week in the build.  Some efforts in there and still good mileage even though the 50K fell short.  One more larger week before the official start of the taper but in a way you could say the taper sort of starts now since the coming week should be less mileage than the last 3 weeks.  Still feeling good overall and starting to really focus on the sauna the next few weeks to get ready for that AZ sun.

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