Sunday, October 13, 2024

October 7th - October 13th

"You're going to die one day, and none of this is going to matter.  So enjoy yourself.  Do something positive. Project some love. Make someone happy. Laugh a little bit. Appreciate the moment. And do your work." - Naval Ravikant


7 AM:  5.5 miles w/ 400ft of vert averaging 7:45pace.  Easy cruise from the Coalton Trailhead straight west up the hill to the gate and back. What I have been doing a lot on Mondays. Awesome morning out there and did not see another person, perfect.

-- Got right into the sauna for 45mins when I got home then headed to the office all day to do interviews for a new member of my team.  

-- had plans to ride bikes this afternoon as well but by the time I got home from the office I had nothing left in me.  Let the day go and moving on.

7 AM:  11.4 miles w/ 1300ft of vert averaging 7:50pace.  Mini Threshold run. Started at Dowdy Draw trailhead did about a 2 mile warmup over to the Springbrook loop where I did 3 loops then an out and back up to the top of Dowdy Draw and back to the trailhead. Tried to keep the HR over 140 on all of the 3 loops but that was hard on the downhill. Usually between 145-151 on the uphill and around 125-130 on the downhill. Might be one of my better runs since coming back a few months ago. Super jazzed after this run.

1 PM:  53 mins lifting in the garage gym.  10 mins on the rower then basically just a bunch of chest and arm movements followed with some achillies and core work. Tried benching 210 and failed again. I really want to put up 225 before I turn 50 in a year.

Followed this up with 30mins in the sauna.  Going to try my hardest to do at least 20mins a day until I leave for Javelina.

6:45 AM:  9.5 miles averaging 7:35pace.  3 easy loops of Davidson Mesa... how I am defining easy is keeping the HR under 130-135. Went over for a short period of time but otherwise right on track. Good to see what used to me my normal paces come back, just in time too.  You may have noticed that I have not been going to Crossfit but just lifting in the garage instead.  I honestly think that is playing a role in my improvement the past 2-3 weeks with running.  Might not go back until after Javelina.. we will see.

5 PM:  6.3 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy mileage from Costco doing the loop of the dirt road and back on the Dirty Bizmark section.  Just padding the weekly mileage some.  Super chill with lots of wind this afternoon a did spit rain a little bit. Legs of course are tired but still an okay overall pace keeping the HR down.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  169.4 lbs @ 8% bodyfat.  Down 2 pounds which is surprising for I have been eating like an asshole before bed snacking lately.  Yes it is all considered clean food but still, calories are calories.  

7 AM:  6.25 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 9min pace.  Easy out and back on the Mesa Trail. Little hiller than what I need to be training for but wanted to do something new today since I am replacing the bike I had planned with this run. I am worried about crashing on the bike again like I did last week so pondering on cutting the bike out until after Javelina. 

10 AM:  45 min dog walk with Venus... She says that Halloween is coming.. Guess so..

- After the walk spent 35 mins in the garage gym lifting.  Mostly shoulders, back, calves and core.  Followed that up with 20mins in the sauna.  

So yesterday Paula flew to Texas to be with her dad while he was in the hospital.  He has been in and out over the past month but seemed to be more serious this time so I encouraged her to go.  She got to spend one last day with him for he passed this morning.  My heart is broken for her.

Needless to say Javelina for me is on the fence.  It all just depends on the funeral and all that stuff.  Being there for her is way more important than doing  5 x 20 miles loops in the desert of AZ.  Still training and doing what needs to be done to get ready but with the caveat that there is a chance I don't start.

7 AM:  9.4 miles w/ 1100ft of vert averaging 7:50pace.  Dowdy Draw trailhead over to do 3 laps of Springbrook then back. Threw in some 6x20sec pickups at about 6min pace to loosen things up, did half of them uphill and half downhill. Averaged about 10sec per mile quicker than last week at a lower HR. Almost wish I had another month to keep building before Javelina since things are going so well lately but last long run is tomorrow and the taper will be in full effect.

1 PM:  Walk 3.3 miles in 50mins with Venus.  Had to get away from work so took a long walk around the hood.  Perfect fall day today.  30mins in the hot tub.

7 AM:  17 miles w/ 3300ft of vert averaging 9:50pace.  Last long run before the taper. Started at Eben Fine park and went up Flagstaff and looped around to the summit of Green Mountain before focusing on the downhill all the way down Green and Chapman Drive before finishing back up at Eben Fine park on the bike path. Wanted to get those quads some what toughened up for the 100 in two weeks. Might do one more hard downhill session this week if I can talk someone into driving me up the canyon so I can pound down it.

1 PM: Walk 2.7 miles in 43mins with Venus followed by 30mins in the hot tub again.

7 AM: 8 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 9:20pace.  Since the taper has officially started and needed to keep it really easy I headed up to Caribou Ranch outside of Ned to explore some trails that I have never been on before. Really cool little network, I would come back here again. Would be some fun loops to do tempo runs on at about 8500ft. Quads and legs are shot today from yesterday.

10 AM: Walk 2.5 miles in 40mins with Venus.

1 PM: 45mins in the garage gym.

Warmup: Rowing, Airbike and mobility

40-30-20-10 reps of:

Rest 5 mins

Air Bike Calorie
GHD Sit-up

-- 25 mins in the sauna directly after the WOD.

Total Weekly Numbers
Finally time to taper which basically started on Sunday with only 8 miles.  Hopefully I did enough to at least make it possible to get under 24 hours at Javelina in 2 weeks.  One way to find out.  Paula is still in Texas until Wednesday then she flies to Indiana to run a trail marathon next Saturday before returning home next Sunday.  I plan on leaving that Tuesday to start the drive so we won't seem much of each other this month.  So this is a week of really just focusing on recovery doing all the heat acclamation things I need to do to get ready.  

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