Monday, July 1, 2024

June 24th- June 30th

“It is not how we live in the light that enlightens us, it is how we live in the dark.” - Rune Lazuli


7 AM:  3 miles averaging 8:30pace.  Super chill jog from the house. First run in weeks as now it is time to start building back and see how the hip responds. Of course since it has been so long everything hurts (knees, ankles, hips, ect). Not sure what is from the injury and what is not. Been a while since I have had to go though this. 

10:30AM:  1 hour lifting in the garage gym.  Garage gym. Focus on chest and tris with Core/PT work done between sets. Was sweating balls out there in the garage this morning.

2 PM:  Bike 10.5 miles in 45mins.  Easy spin the bike from the house. Nothing special to write home about but was good to get out there.

7 AM:   3 miles averaging 8:20pace.  Easy jog from the house. Same as yesterday. About 2.5 miles in the right calf locked up and now it is jacked up. Might have to take a bunch more time off. God damn it.... sigh... about to just give up.

10:30 AM: 1 hour in the garage gym with a focus on back and biceps.

4-5 sets of the following lifts
Bent over rows
DB pull overs
Preacher curls
Incline curls

3 PM:  Bike 10.5 miles in 44mins.  Easy bike from the house around the hood. Mostly the same loop with a few differences. 100 degrees here is so much nicer than 100 degrees in Kansas. That is pretty much all I thought about during the ride.

6 AM:  Bike 20 miles in 1:45.  Bike to work day the remote worker route. Started not far from the house and rode to Louisville via the 36 bike path, did a loop around Louisville then back on the 36 path. Paula and I made it to 8 stops. Scored about 5 breakfast burritos, cookies, 2 water bottles, 3 tee-shirts, and lots of bike stuff. Good thing we took a pack with us and yes, those are real Bloody Mary's.  

10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Airbike and mobility

3 RFT: 19 mins 26 secs
3 rounds of:
Farmers Carry, 35 lbs, 400 m
35 GHD Sit-ups

-- no grip the last 400, lots of stopping to put down the DB.

7 AM:  3.25 miles averaging 9:20pace.  Easy jog by the house. Really slowed it down today even walking now and again. At about mile 2 my calf started to lock up again so walked for a bit then finished with a jog. Hopefully this will resolve itself.

10 AM: 1:10 at Crossfit

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

3 Pause Overhead Squats | 35 lbs
3 Pause Overhead Squats | 35 lbs
3 Pause Overhead Squats | 35 lbs
3 Tall Squat Snatches | 35 lbs
3 Tall Squat Snatches | 35 lbs
3 Tall Squat Snatches | 35 lbs
3 Hang Squat Snatches | 35 lbs
3 Hang Squat Snatches | 35 lbs
3 Hang Squat Snatches | 35 lbs
3 Hang Squat Snatches | 35 lbs
3 Hang Squat Snatches | 35 lbs


5x 2 mins RemReps: 122 reps
5 rounds, 2 mins each, of:
16 Dumbbell Snatches, 50 lbs
max rep Assault Bike Calories | 122

- the 10min WOD at the end put me on the floor... Max HR was 175 and hovered around 165-170 the whole 10mins.

3 PM: Bike 10.5 miles w/ 500ft of vert in 45mins.  Easy gravel ride on the normal loop from the house. Tired this afternoon so a little bit slower than normal but still felt solid.

9 AM:  1 hour lifting in the garage.

Leg day... 4-5 sets of the following lifts

Back Squat
DB Romanian Deadlifts
DB Lunge Walkthroughs
GHD Nordic Hamstring Curls
Single leg calf raises

1 PM:  Bike 14 miles in an hour.  Another easy ride around the hood just adding in some miles. Super windy today so had to work a little bit harder today. Really enjoying all the riding this week.  

Did sign up for a gravel race next weekend.  Why not?  KowTown Gravel in Kremmling, CO up by Steamboat. 

8 AM:  4 miles averaging 8:15pace.  Easy jog from the gym heading east and back before Crossfit. Best run this week.  Calf is sore but did not have to stop to attend to it so progress.

9 AM: 1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Jogging, mobility and some drills

Chipper: Partner Wods, 27 mins 6 secs

Partner Wod
Run (Together), 400 m
100 Toes-to-bars
Run (Together), 400 m
150 Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs
Run (Together), 400 m
150 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
Run (Together), 400 m
200 Walking Lunges

-- Followed this up with a 1.5 mile dog walk to loosen up.  

Heading up to Sidney Nebraska right afterwards for Avery's wedding.  Such a great time catching up with family... Got home about midnight.

Late start this morning, watching the live feed all morning waiting for Bogie to finish Western States on his quest to finish the Grand Slam of Ultrarunning.  Congrats buddy!!  2 down and 2 to go!!

10 AM:  Bike 31miles w/ 2000ft of vert in 2:20.  Easy riding hitting all the hills around Louisville. Sluggish on this one due to not getting home from Nebraska until midnight last night. Pain at the bottom of my neck is better than it has been, maybe the new helmet I got on Friday is better? Or am it finally starting to get used to being on the bike again? Not sure.

Total Weekly Numbers
Solid week finally even if I did not run a lot.  At least got in some miles running and a good amount on the bike.  Yes I should have done 5 more on the bike to get over 100 but whatever.  The run will keep building this coming week and the bike will drop a little bit.  Finally feel like I am training again... 

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