Monday, July 15, 2024

July 8th- July 14th

  “Mountains are not stadiums where I satisfy my ambition to achieve, they are the cathedrals where I practice my religion.” ― Anatoli Boukreev 


10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Stupid game, mobility and jogging

4 RFT: 400 m and Air Squats : 10 mins 51 secs
4 rounds of:
Run, 400 m
50 Air Squats

--felt slow today for some reason. Guessing due to legs still being tired from the weekend.

3 PM:  10.3 miles w/ 500ft in 42mins.  Easy spin around the hood again doing the normal loop with a few differences. Legs are pretty much dead today after the weekend and Crossfit this morning but good to spin them out.

7 AM:  5 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 9:30pace.  Easy cruise from the South Mesa trailhead up the real start of Shadow Canyon and back. Felt the hip a little bit today so a little discouraged about that but other than that the only other concern is my lack of hill fitness right now. That will come with time.

10 AM:  45mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Airbike and mobility

Back Squat : 10-10-7-7-4-4-1-1 : 6945 lbs
10 Back Squats | 135 lbs
10 Back Squats | 140 lbs
7 Back Squats | 155 lbs
7 Back Squats | 165 lbs
4 Back Squats | 185 lbs
4 Back Squats | 195 lbs
1 Back Squat | 215 lbs
1 Back Squat | 220 lbs


Bunch of PT stuff for the back, hip, and achillies.

--- Heading to Steamboat this afternoon for the rest of the week.  Plan is to meet Don there at Summit Lake on the Run Rabbit Run 100 course and camp there all week working off his Starlink and train.  Little mini training camp for me to get back to it.  

Working from the van on top of Buffalo pass about 15 miles outside of Steamboat.   It is at Summit Lake which is also an aid station during Run Rabbit Run 100. Don is doing it this fall.  His plan is to train on the course some and mine is just to get away for a bit.  How are we working in the middle of the backcountry?  Starlink... pretty damn amazing.  My coworkers have no idea during meetings via Zoom where I am.  Anyways here are a few photos of my office this week, yes that moose went right by me while answering emails.  Don also came face to face with a black bear on his run this after as well.  LOL... like I said, pretty remote area.

10 AM:  Biked 10.5 miles w/ 1400ft of vert in an hour.  Easy gravel ride from the campground on Buffalo pass outside of Steamboat. Since we are on top of the pass it was pretty much downhill the first half and uphill to get back. About half the ride was super chunky, wish I would have brought the mountain bike instead of the gravel then I could have hit the single track as well.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  Nope, in the middle of nowhere.

9 AM:  6 miles w/ 900ft of vert averaging 10:45pace.  Easy run south on the CDT from Summit Lake  with Don. This is all on the RRR100 course. Longest run in quite a while and felt really good being back out there doing what I love.

4 PM: Hike 3.2miles w/ 600ft of vert in 1 hour.  Easy hike with Don just for something to do this afternoon before dinner. Headed north on the CDT for a bit then went off trail for a bit to explore. Such a cool area.

This is how the evenings this week are spent.  

7 AM:  4.2 miles w/ 500ft of vert averaging 8:50pace.  Did not have running on the plan today but got out for a short one after watching the start of Hardrock. Just needed to clear the mind about it. Such a beautiful morning out there.

10:30 AM: Biked 9.75miles w/ 1200ft of vert in 1:05.  Mid-morning ride over to Fish Creek Lake and back from our campsite. Super rocky for a gravel bike so pretty slow. Really should have brought my mountain bike. Oh well, doing what I can while here.

4:30 PM:  Hike 3.4 miles w/ 600ft of vert in 1 hour.  Afternoon hike up the other direction of the CDT from camp. Needed something to do today while Don was out doing his 3 hour run which I am not ready to join in yet.

8 AM:  7.2 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 9:30pace.  Easy out and back on the CDT. Felt great today and did not feel the hip at all which is awesome. Have been feeling it a little bit this week with some numbness but not today. Longest run in months.. very encouraging.

Nothing... To tired by the time I got home that I just wanted to stay home with Paula after being gone for a week. Lesson learned, should have stopped on the way home and got the bike ride I had planned done. Almost did in Winter Park but drove straight through.  Live and learn.

Total Weekly Numbers
Not a bad week but not a great week.  Really wanted to do more running but not quite there yet and where we were camped at all week made riding a gravel bike super challenging due to how chunky the roads were up there.  Really wish I would have had my MTB and I would have had a lot more miles.  Next time I will start bringing both.  Do feel like I am progressing back so that is good.  Just need to get my diet and alcohol consumption under control.

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