Monday, April 29, 2024

April 22nd- April 28th

“If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.” - John Wooden 


10 AM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

AMRAP 20 mins: 6 rounds + 2 Strict Pull-ups | 362 reps
20:00 AMRAP:
10 Strict Pull-ups
20 Hand Release Push-ups
30 Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunges | 25 lbs


20mins of core work

2:30 PM:  4.2 miles averaging 8:30pace.  Easy shakeout jog around the open space next to the house. Achilles is better today so back on the horse. Super chill

-- Got this in the mail... Thanks JT!  

7 AM: 8 miles w/ 2000ft of vert averaging 11min pace.  From NCAR across the Mesa trail for a small loop on the front side of Flagstaff mountain and back. Still lots of mud out there that slowed things down some but all good. Heart rate is still running high, most likely due to still recovering from the race this past weekend. About 10 beats higher than normal for the effort.

4 PM: 1:20 at the gym
Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

Deadlift : 1 Rep Max : 385 lbs
1 Deadlift | 385 lbs

FT : 6 mins 11 secs
21 Burpees
7 Wall Walks
15 Burpees
5 Wall Walks
9 Burpees
3 Wall Walks

20mins of core work.
--- super pleased on the deadlift tonight.  This is a post back injury PR for me.  In 2018 I did hit 400lbs and hovered around there until I hurt my back 2 years ago.  Felt good to start having confidence in my back that it is not going to happen again.  Pondering on working on the deadlift to try and get to over 400lbs by the end of the year. 

6:45 AM:  7.6 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 7:50pace.  Easy cruise from the Coalton trailhead going west up the hill. Out 30mins then back the same way. First few miles are slower but the last 2-3 miles are much quicker as I loosen up. Felt good today.

10 AM:  1:15 at the gym

Warmup: Jogging, mobility and drills

5x 2 mins RemReps: : 66 reps
5 rounds, 2 mins each, of:
Run, 400 m
max rep Wall Balls, 20 lbs | 7, 10, 16, 17, and 16
Rest 2 mins

Bench Press : 3x5 at 50% 1RM - 7sec lower, explode up.
5 Bench Press, 50% 1RM | 95 lbs
5 Bench Press, 50% 1RM | 95 lbs
5 Bench Press, 50% 1RM | 95 lbs

Barbell Calf Raise :
12 Barbell Calf Raises | 135 lbs
12 Barbell Calf Raises | 135 lbs
12 Barbell Calf Raises | 135 lbs
12 Barbell Calf Raises | 135 lbs
12 Barbell Calf Raises | 135 lbs

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  172.2lbs at 7.8% according to the home scale.  Finally remembered to check in first thing getting out of bed.  Was expecting to have gained a bunch that weight back I was carrying at the beginning of the year when I was185lbs due to all the binge eating I have been doing the past month but that was not the case.  Need to clean up the diet and get under 170lbs for Hardrock.

7 AM:  8.9 miles w/ 2200ft of vert averaging 10:50pace.  Easy lap of Sanitas and Anemone trails. Legs were flat today and felt like I had no uphill gear. Prob still recovering from the 50K on Saturday. Anyways it was an awesome morning out there temp and weather wise.

4 PM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Rowing, Airbike and mobility

10 RF-ME / 1 min Stations: 508 reps | 56, 53, 53, 51, 52, 49, 48, 49, 49, and 48 reps
10 rounds, 1 min per station:
Row Calorie
Burpee Pull-up
Assault Bike Calorie
Rest 1 min

--this was rough, was dry heaving after a few rounds and at the end. Surprised I did not puke but came close, pushed to hard.

7 AM:  7 miles averaging 8min pace. Easy jog from Costco up to Davidson Mesa for some loops and back. This year I have been going more by heartrate than in years past and the monitor was going haywire today. No way I was at 180 at 8:30pace. Argggg... It is only about a year old too. When I got home and plugged it in there was only 10% battery left in it, maybe that was the cause? Hopefully recharging it helps it reset.

-- Raining like cats and dogs all day.  We ended up with about 5 inches total of rain.  Thought about suffering through it and doing the 20 miles on the calendar today but decided not too.  Weak sauce I guess.  Instead I moved the long run to Monday and just went to the gym today.  Basically switched the days.  Would have just done it on Sunday but already promised Paula I would ride with her for 3-4 hours so Monday it is.

7 AM:  1:25 at the gym

Warmup: Airbike, rowing, mobility and drills

4 RFT: Partner Wods, : 26 mins 29 secs | Rx'd
4 rounds of:
Partner Wod
Airbike 1200m or Row 400m (switch each round)
50 Toes-to-bars
50 Kettlebell Swings, 70 lbs

--with Nick then spent about 30 mins doing core stuff afterwards.

-- Bought a Ninja CREAMi and started making low calorie/high protein ice cream at home this afternoon.  We will see how it taste tomorrow.  Made 2 pints of vanilla, 2 pints of Oreo, 1 pint of coffee, and 1 pint of Birthday Cake.  Should be interesting.  If you want to see the recipes for these let me know and I will email them to you.

8 AM:  1 hour at the gym

Just lifting at Vasa while Paula was in HIT Class. Basically did 4 sets of the movements below.

Hamstring Curls
Back Squats
Reverse Lunges
Dumbell Calf Raises
Knee Raises
Machine Calf Raises
Leg Extendion

11 AM:  Bike 32miles w/ 1600ft of vert in 2:40.  Ride from the distillery by the house to Boulder and back with Paula to check out the Tulip festival on Pearl Street. We had a great time stopping for coffee and snacks on Pearl street before heading home. Solid ride.

P.S.--  the homemade ice cream was damn good... I will be using that machine a lot...

Total Weekly Numbers
Solid week overall when looking at the total hours but very week on the running front.  Skipped my long run on Saturday when it was raining like cats and dogs out there.  We ended up getting about 5 inches of rain and I did not feel like slopping through it for 4-5 hours on Saturday.  Being a winnie I guess.  Anyways will try to make up some of that mileage on Monday.  Was going to do it Sunday but I already promised Paula I would ride with her so kept my promise instead.  Sometimes you have to make that decision. ;o) .... hoping for a better week on the running front coming up.

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