Monday, February 5, 2024

Jan 29th- Feb 4th

“Nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” - Mary Shelley


-- Woke up sore in the legs this morning, not surprising at all as I get back to doing long runs again.  Might need some hot tub time again today.  Finished book number 5 this morning, Scarcity Brain.  Good book, thanks for the read JT.

10 AM:  1:22 in the gym

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

Front Squat 5-3-3-1-1-1 : 2190 lbs
5 Front Squats | 135 lbs
3 Front Squats | 155 lbs
3 Front Squats | 165 lbs
1 Front Squat | 175 lbs
1 Front Squat | 185 lbs
1 Front Squat | 195 lbs


AMRAP 9 mins: 9 rounds | 171 reps
9:00 AMRAP:
9 Burpee-to-Targets, 12 in
10 Jumping Lunges


20mins of core work, GHD situps and back extends

2 PM:  4 miles averaging 8:35pace.  Easy shirtless jog in the 55 degree sunshine around the open space by the house for an afternoon break from work. Some with Paula and Venus and some solo. Awesome afternoon today!  Legs are trashed between the weekend and this morning.  Expected.....

6 PM:  19.4 miles and 1 hour at spin class with Paula at Vasa, mileage is according to the computer on the bike.  We are going to try to do at least one of these a week at least through the spring as cross training.  Seems to help a bunch with feeling loose.  Sure they will stop once I start moving up high to Fairplay to get ready for Hardrock but can't hurt until then.

10 AM:  1:15 at the gym.
Got there early to get in my core work for 20mins before class since I have meetings afterwards.

20mins of core.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills.

1 RF-ME / 3 mins Stations: 316 reps
1 round, 3 mins per station:
Pull-up | 56
Push-up | 63
Sit-up | 70
Air Squat | 127

3 PM:  6.3 miles w/ 500ft of vert averaging 8:30pace.  Easy lap of Marshall Mesa starting and ending at Greenbelt Plateau trailhead. Did not feel like running today so this was not what would be called enjoyable, it was what needed to be done.  Even an easy pace with HR under 140 felt hard today for whatever reason.   But at least it was warm enough and sunny to go shirtless for the second day in a row.

-- 30 mins in the sauna this evening... need to get back to this more but hard to get it warm in the garage when it has been so cold out the past week, today not so much.

8:30 AM:  15 mins before the run.
Glute Activation Routine (2 sets):
How to:
1) Bent Knee Side Plank - 10 x 10 sec hold
2) Glute Bridge - 10 x 10 sec hold
3) Slow Motion Step-back Lunge w/ High-knee Hold - 15 each leg
4) Single-leg Runner's Arabesque - 15 each leg

9 AM: 5.2 miles averaging 7:50 pace.  Easy dog jog around the open space by the house with Venus. Much quicker than I expected. Could feel the ankle (aka achillies) but was not painful. First time under 8 min pace where it did not hurt to bad. Progress maybe?

1 PM:  Gravel bike 13.5 miles w/ 600ft of vert in 1:02.  Easy spin on the gravel bike from the house to make sure it is all dialed in for this weekend. Just had it all tuned up and wanted to get it out at least once before Old Man Winter this weekend.  Followed this up with a 3 min cold plunge in 40 degree water in the garage.  So much harder doing the cold plunges at home than at the gym.  At the gym when you get out it is 70 degree air temp since it is inside, at home not so much, more in the 40-50 degree air temp.

5:30 PM:  5.6 miles averaging 7:45pace.  Joined in on the Runners Roost Wednesday night Run Club this evening. Going to try and go at least once a month and needed a January showing and today was the last day of the month, cutting it close. Of course the one time I come this month Donnie and gang are not there.  Not sure what was going on with these guys pacing wise up front though, stayed right behind the lead group of 4 since I was unsure of the route. First mile was about 9 min pace then it dropped to a 6:20 second mile to finally settle down at around 7:40 pace for the rest of the run. Damn youngsters!  Just did the run and left afterwards not staying for the raffle. 

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  Next week when the challenge ends.  I did do one on Monday at the gym.  I was down only 3 pounds total but my body fat was down 3%.  Looking at the numbers in the last 3 weeks I have lost 6 pounds of fat and gained 3 pounds of muscle.  Been an interesting month.  Will be interesting what another 1.5 weeks brings to the final number.  And yes I am craving ice cream and an old fashion big time right now.

10 AM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

FT: 10 mins 43 secs | Rx'd

1 Deadlift, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
1 Box Jump, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
2 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
2 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
3 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
3 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
4 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
4 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
5 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
5 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
6 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
6 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
7 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
7 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
8 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
8 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
9 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
9 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb
10 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 185 lbs
10 Box Jumps, 28 in
1 Rope Climb


3 PM:  7.7 miles w/ 650ft of vert averaging 7:50pace.  Easy with 4x15sec strides in the middle of the run. First time I have done strides in a long time.  Could really feel the achillies at the faster pace but was not limping afterwards so that is a bonus.  Did this over at the Coalton Trailhead since I heard they reopened it today after being closed for 2 months. They really smoothed out the trail heading west from the trailhead for 2.75 miles to where the single track starts again. Not sure I am a fan or not to be honest. Makes it a lot easier to bike for sure but at least it will run faster both on the bike and running. Not a damn rock or rut in sight to trip or crash over anymore.

This article by AJW is exactly how I am starting to feel this year.  I will not walk away, having to much fun exploring both myself, the world and making memories with friends.

10 AM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

FT: : 8 mins 6 secs
12 Squat Clean Thrusters, 50% 1RM | 85 lbs
Airbike, 1200 m
9 Squat Clean Thrusters, 50% 1RM | 85 lbs
Airbike, 1200 m
6 Squat Clean Thrusters, 50% 1RM | 85 lbs
Airbike, 1200 m


20mins of core work afterwards.

1 PM:  Gravel bike 10.7 miles w/ 600ft of vert in 47mins.  Gravel bike ride from the house around the crushed gravel paths in the hood. Solid easy ride today.  Bike is ready to go for Sunday.  Looks like it could be muddy, good times!

11 AM:  5.9 miles averaging 8:30 pace.  Easy loops with Venus (the dog) around the open space by the house after watching the Olympic Marathon Trials at GZ's house this morning. Super chill in about 6 inches of wet new snow and it was still coming down hard while we were out there. First and only tracks out there on the trail of course.  Venus had a blast...

Thanks for having me GZ!


10:30 AM:  6.4 miles w/ 450ft of vert in 42:34 or 6:43pace. Old Man Winter 10K. Ran it a little harder than I planned which does not surprise me, always do when a bib gets pinned on. More of a progression run starting 5-10 rows back and working into it to hopefully letting the achillies warmup. The achillies was bothering me the whole time, it never let go. Prob should have stopped but powered through. Top 35 (fast damn times on an icy course) in 42mins. out of over 500 people. I will take it.

Noon: Bike 31.5 miles w/ 1500ft of vert in 2:55.  Old Man Winter 50K bike race.... about 45 mins after the 10k it was time to line up for the bike race. Rode the whole way with Paula. Due to the snow yesterday all the gravel roads north of Boulder we were riding on had a layer of 1/2-1 inch of mud. Almost like a 31 mile muddy cyclocross race, lol.. so much fun out there with her.  We had a blast again, yes we did this last year too but without the mud.  This is going to become something we will plan on doing together most years going forward.  Great way to kick of the new season every year.

-- Stopped on the way home from the race to watch GZ play a bit in Boulder.  What a damn good day!!!!

Total Weekly Numbers

Solid week!  More bike riding than in one week than I have done in a long time.  Really pissed that the achillies is acting up some again.  Nothing I can't jog through but fuck it needs to go away.   More adventures coming this coming week but not going to say what they are here.  You will have to read next Monday.  

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