Thursday, July 13, 2023

July 10th- July 13th

“Believe you can and you're halfway there.” - Theodore Roosevelt

“Only those who dare to fail greatly, can ever achieve greatly.” - Robert F. Kennedy

“Everything good, everything magical happens between the months of June and August.” - Jenny Han

--think this is a 3 quote week with Hardrock starting on Friday...


9 AM:  6.2 miles w/ 500ft of vert averaging 8 min pace.  Easy cruising around Fairplay starting and ending at Java Moose.  Basically 2 laps around town, not that big of a town to run around.  Did follow the July 4th 5K route the first lap then changed it up some the second lap.  Got done about 10 mins before those clouds in the photo below started dumping rain on town.


Drove from Fairplay to Silverton today.  It is still about a 5 hour drive verses a 7 hour drive from the Front Range.  No hurry today which was really nice not to be stressed out about having to get there by a certain time.  Rolled into Silverton before lunch.  The rock was not even placed yet...

2 PM: 6 miles w/ 400ft of vert averaging 8:30pace.  Easy cruise around Silverton... stopping to take photos ect... no rush or did not matter on pace.. just a shakeout from the drive.  The first 4 miles my legs felt like JUNK anyways... last 2 miles were smoother.  Forgot to do my mobility this evening... damn it.

No run or physical activities scheduled today.  Heading over at noon to do the check in process.  They sent out an email last night with our race numbers.  I am number #3.. my mind is blown.  That means the only runners from last year returning that finished better than me is the Jeff Browning and the woman's winner Courtney.  Holy shit.....

Noon:  All checked in and ready to go... will do one more 30min shakeout jog tomorrow then it is go time!  Can't believe how quickly it came up on me this year.

9 AM: 3.6 miles averaging 8:20pace.  Last easy cruise around town... Hardrock start tomorrow morning.

-- Rest of the morning was filled with Hardrock crew and runners meetings.  Going to have to deal with A LOT of snow, they even roped some of the passes.  This afternoon is waiting for the rest of my pacers and crew to show and chilling the fuck out which is hard as hell to do..   I am all up in my head per usual due to how shitty my legs have felt this week and the upset stomach I have had the past 24 hours... yes, ate something that did not agree with me yesterday.  Hopefully it passes so I am not shitting my pants all weekend.

GO TIME... No more updates until next week on here, but will be posting photos in my Instagram and Facebook stories up until the start... see ya on the other side.

Total Weekly Numbers

Monday- Thursday of the taper week.  Not much to show.

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