Monday, June 24, 2024

June 17th- June 23rd

“If you are struggling as you read this, don’t give up. Every smart choice you make is changing you in ways you can't even imagine.” - Athena Perez


6 AM:  1 hour in the garage gym.  Easy lifting in the garage gym this morning before heading to work to teach a class. Focus was chest and arms. then headed to work to teach a class for the next 2 days on all the stuff I learned last week in MN.  Almost through the beginning part of this project.  After teaching this class there will nothing else to really do until the software goes live in Sept.  

Super proud of Rebecca for finishing and crushing her goals at the Tahoe 200.  She finished this evening about 10 plus hours faster than what her goal time was.  Good job buddy!!!!

ZERO----  Spent all day teaching class at work and by the time I got home after 6pm I lost all motivation of doing anything.  Of course it does not help that I was eating like shit all day with all the snacks of cookies, donuts, ice cream, ect... bad health day overall.  Should have gotten my ass up earlier and done something in the garage before going in.  

1 PM:  Bike 16 miles w/ 1000ft in 1:04.  Easy afternoon spin around the hood doing pretty much the normal route but adding a little bit more to make sure I am over an hour. Back is wrecked after this ride, need to get fitted on the new bike soon. Maybe next week after we get back from Kansas yet again... 

4 PM:  1 hour in the garage gym

Garage gym session

Bunch of sets of the following:

Back Squats
DB Romanian Deadlifts
Front Rack Barbell Step-Ups
Hamstring Curls
Seated Calf Raises
PT work.

-- Sold my old gravel bike (Cannondale Topstone) on Facebook Market place for $800.  I was super surprised that it was sold within 24 hours of being posted.  Gravel riding is hot right now for sure.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  nope, forgot and honestly don't want to know, I am 100% sure it is bad based on my binging that I have been doing at night.....

7 AM:  Bike 16 miles w/ 1000ft of vert in 1:05.   Same ride as yesterday from the house but much earlier in the day. Legs a little tired from the back squats last night but all good otherwise.

Noon:  1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

10x 1 min RemReps: 136 reps
10 rounds, 1 min each, of:
3 Hang Power Snatches, 65% 1RM | 85 lbs
7 Shuttle Sprints, 10 yd
max rep Assault Bike Calories | 13, 13, 14, 13, 13, 15, 13, 13, 13, and 16
Rest 2 mins

-- about killed me, dry heaving on the last one

Off to Kansas again this afternoon.  Paula is racing the 24hour race at the Midwest Championship Adventure Race over the weekend.  Venus and I are the chauffeurs I guess.  Will drive about halfway tonight and get there tomorrow morning (6.5 hours away).  Planning on taking the gravel bike and getting in 2 hours or so tomorrow on the Kansas dirt roads.

9 AM:  Bike 30 miles w/ 2000ft of vert in 2:05.  Easy gravel ride on roads in Kansas from Ellisworth heading North and back. Had Paula come pick me up because I ran out of water and the heat was kicking my ass. Still got an awesome ride in though!  Checked in for her race this evening and they started plotting their route for Saturday.

Paula's race started this morning so the day was spent hanging out with Venus all day at transition while her teammate and her raced the 24 hour race.  It was hot as balls out there with a heat index of 105 or so.   The race had a combo of treking, biking, and paddling.

Zero today.... Paula finished at 9am this morning and ended up winning their division.  Spent the rest day driving home.  Once home was to damn tired to do much of anything.  Not a lot of sleep this weekend due to how hot it was in the van.

Total Weekly Numbers
Not a great week but not a bad week.  Missed a lot of bike rides that I had planned this week but oh well.  Just don't have that same drive to get out there on a bike as I do going for a run.  Fun, yes, but just not the same for me.  Anyways... time to get my head out of my ass and get back to work.  Javalina 100 is in 17 weeks, just enough time I think.  Start running again 20-30mins at a time this week so fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 10th- June 16th

  “Success is how high you bounce back after you hit bottom.” - General George Patton

Think I am finally hitting rock bottom with this injury this week.... been eating and drinking to much and of course the travel does not help.... sigh... Now I have to get my head out of my ass and get back in the saddle.


6 AM:  Bike 15miles in an hour.  Peloton bike at the hotel before heading in to the corporate office at 9am.  It will be a pretty boring week to read about activity wise this week, not sure if I will be able to get in anything due to having to leave at 7am the rest of the week.  We will see.

Tuesday- Friday
Did no working out all week.  In MN all week for work taking a training.  Between having to leave early to make it to the site (hotel was 30mins away) and being in class until 6pm, I was not motivated to do anything by the time I was done everyday.  I don't do well in this sort of environment.  If I was able to just go jog I probably would have done something at least.  At least I got to see my mom and sister a few times since they live in the area.  Few photos from the week, not in order.

9 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: jogging, mobility and drills.

FT: 8 mins 52 secs

21 Dumbbell Thrusters | 30 lbs
6 Rope Climbs
15 Dumbbell Thrusters | 30 lbs
5 Rope Climbs
9 Dumbbell Thrusters | 30 lbs
3 Rope Climbs

7 AM:  Biked 30miles w/ 1000ft of vert in 2 hours on the new gravel bike.  Easy 2 hour ride starting in Broomfield and went to Erie and back on the Rock Creek trail. Super chill and of course stopped for coffee and a snack in Erie before heading back.

Total Weekly Numbers
Shitty week... just going to leave it like that and try to move forward.

Monday, June 10, 2024

June 3rd- June 9th

 “We forge our bodies in the fire of our will.” - Han, "Enter the Dragon"


Meeting with the surgeon this morning to chat about the torn labrum in my hip.  We are going to give it 4 more weeks to see if the damn thing calms down before deciding on if we are going to do surgery or not.  I was told to slowly get back to biking and some flat running increasing load slowly over the next few weeks to see how it responds.  Guess we will see.  Taking today off then going to get back to doing some sort of movement tomorrow.  Probably just start biking a ton after seeing Unbound this weekend.  Might just start signing up for gravel races instead for the summer.  Kind of ironic considering that a crash on my gravel bike is what caused all this mess.  

9 AM:  3.5 miles averaging 8:20 pace.  Easy test jog from the house in the open space. Doctor said to start adding things in slowly so that is what we are going to do. Just an easy half an hour.

1 PM: 1:20 lifting in the garage.

Bunch of sets of the following lifts:

Bench press
Incline Dumbell bench press
Single arm DB bench press
Chest flys
Alternating DB Hammer curls
Single DB head curls


20mins doing PT work for the achillies and hip

7 AM:  3.5 miles averaging 8 min pace.  Easy jog from the house in the open space. Plan is to do 30-45mins a day this week then up it to 60 next week. Slowly building back but have to be careful not to do to much to quickly due to the hip.

10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

7 RFT: 12 mins 22 secs
7 rounds of:
10 Assault Bike Calories
1 Rope Climb
10 Box Jump Overs, 28 in
1 Rope Climb

-then 20 mins doing core work

4 PM:  Bike 9 miles w/ 500ft of vert in 45mins. Easy bike ride around the hood with Paula. Cut it a little short for I got a flat rear tire and did not have plugs on me to fix it. Kept putting air in it and flew home before it went flat again. Little tear in the sidewall, damn it.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  Nope, will resume this in 2 weeks... 

-- Finished book #15 of the year this morning, Everest Inc.  Very good book on how guiding started on Everest.  Thanks for the recommendation JT!

7 AM:  4 miles averaging 7:35 pace.  Easy miles from the house doing laps in the open space again. Added a little more distance today, was moving better. Did not run longer time wise just a little quicker. Hopefully will rebound quickly from this.  Followed this run with 15 mins of PT work as well.

10 AM: 1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Jogging and mobility

Shoulder Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-3-3-5 : 2920 lbs
5 Shoulder Press | 95 lbs
3 Shoulder Press | 115 lbs
3 Shoulder Press | 120 lbs
1 Shoulder Press | 130 lbs
1 Shoulder Press | 140 lbs
1 Shoulder Press | 145 lbs
3 Shoulder Press | 125 lbs
3 Shoulder Press | 125 lbs
5 Shoulder Press | 115 lbs

5x 2 mins RemReps: 99 reps
5 rounds, 2 mins each, of:
Run, 200 m
max rep Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press | 30 lbs | 25, 25, 16, 15, and 18

2:30 PM: Bike 12 miles w/ 600ft of vert in 1 hour. Easy ride on the mountain bike around the hood since the gravel bike is in the shop. Talking to the coach today and we are only going to ride for the next 2 weeks to let the hip settle down then start running again. This is going to be hard mentality for sure.

7 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Jogging, mobility and drills

10 RFT: 12 mins 32 secs
10 rounds of:
3 Burpees
7 Pull-ups
11 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
Rest 30 secs

--15mins of PT work on the hip and achillies

9 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Jogging, mobility and drills

10 RFT: Partner Wods, 25 mins 35 secs
10 rounds of:
Partner Wod
15 Kettlebell Swings | 53 lbs
Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge, 10 m | 35 lbs
4 Wall Walks
Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunge, 10 m | 35 lbs

- with Jing

1 PM: Biked 16 miles w/ 1000ft of vert in 1:24.  Parked in Louisville by the theaters and did a couple of different loops. Had plans to go longer but it starting lighting out pretty good so we cut it short to be safe. By we I mean with Paula.  Today was also new gravel bike day!!!  Named her "Mustang" since the paint job is very much like a WW2 P-51 Mustang fighter plane.  I am going to love this bike....

6:30 AM:  Bike 25miles w/ 1500ft of vert in 1:50.  Easy spin the new gravel bike from the house heading west doing a combo of crush gravel trails, roads, bike paths and single track. Little bit of everything on this ride. Getting this done before heading to the airport to fly to MN for the week for work.  Will be spending all week in training at Medtronic corporate headquarters for a new software system they are rolling out in Oct.  Good times...

Did at least get a chance to see my mom, sister and her family tonight for dinner.  Hopefully will see them some more this week if work allows me the time.

Total Weekly Numbers

Well at least I am getting back to being able to do some activities without creating pain in the hip.  Going to give it one more week or so of just biking before adding in jogging again.  Most of the miles on the bike this week will be on the peloton bike at the hotel here in MN before going to the office.  Going to be a grind for sure this week.

Monday, June 3, 2024

May Recap

Month started out great and was ahead of where I have been the past few years until the bike crash and the hip injury.  Now we are in rehab mode and I have dropped out of Hardrock.  Funny how things can change on a dime in life.  Anyways, once I get my head screwed back on straight it will be about how do I move forward from here...

May 27th- June 2nd

“You’re going to die one day, and none of this is going to matter.

So enjoy yourself.

Do something positive.

Project some love.

Make someone happy.

Laugh a little bit.

Appreciate the moment.

And do your work.”

-Naval Ravikant


-- No Bolder Boulder today due to the hip... super bummed about this for this race on Memorial Day has become a tradition of sorts for me.  I usually run the Bolder Boulder then head straight to the gym to do Murph.  My Memorial Day double that is hard as hell.  The goal was always to run and do Murph both in sub 40mins which I usually can do.  Will still try to at least do either a half Murph today or do it with a partner splitting the reps.  Need to do something today.

9 AM:  1 hour at the gym-  I know I said I would do half Murph but that did not happen.. ended up doing the whole thing solo.  Could not pass it up, it is my favorite workout we do at the gym.  At least no 20lb vest today due to the hip, thought that was a bit much for it.

Warmup: Jogging and mobility

Murph : 30 mins 25 secs
Run, 1 mi
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
Run, 1 mi

-- Had to test the hip some today due to feeling good. We will see what it feels like tomorrow. 

3 PM: 1 hour Bro lifting in the garage. Bunch of sets of the lifts below... chest of course was fried from all the pushups earlier today so a little lighter in weights.

Bench Press
Incline Dumbell Press
Hex Press
Dumbell Chest Fly
Barbell Drag Curls
Dumbell Preacher Curls

-- Well yesterday did not go according to plan.  Back to limping some this morning and feeling the hip going up the stairs just not as bad as last week.  I thought I made progress and decided to test out the hip with the 2 miles of running and the body weight squats in Murph but guess we are not there yet.  Should get an order from my PT today to schedule a MRI, just not sure I can get it in before leaving for Kansas for Unbound Gravel that Paula is riding on Wednesday, might have to wait until next week.  Also have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning as well to talk to him more about this hip.  Doing everything I can to gather information before deciding on withdrawing from Hardrock.

6:30 AM:  1:05 in the garage gym... followed this up with 25mins in the sauna and 8min cold plunge.

Warmup: Skierg, deadhang and mobility

Bunch of set of the following.
Weighted Strict Pullups
Double DB Incline Rows
Chin Ups
KB Crush Grip French Press
DB Kickbacks

- then

8 rounds on the Airdyne
1:15 easy
0:45 hard
--266 calories total.

-- Got this in the mail today.

Complete day off to get back to walking normal without a limp.  Plus work is now kicking my ass with Carolyn retiring and her work load being put on me.  Now doing the job of 2 buyers.  Good times.

Spent all morning at the doctors getting an MRI before leaving this afternoon to head to Kansas.  Plan is to drive about 4 hours so that the drive tomorrow is super easy.  

Got the results back this evening from the MRI.  Torn hip labrum between the 1 and 3 o'clock position.  Have a doctor's appointment on Monday when we get back from Unbound to see if I will need surgery or not.  Most likely will be dropping from Hardrock this week so I get a little bit of a refund back.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  In the van in the middle of Kansas this morning heading to Emporia so no weigh in this week.

Paula's Birthday today!!!  Slept at a rest stop on I-70 last night about 3 hours from Emporia, KS.  There are some pretty sunrises in Kansas though.   Made it to Emporia today and the day was spent checking out the town and the expo.  

The day was spent dialing in her bike where we did some adjustments, then she would go out for an hour shakeout ride.  We repeated this twice to get the new bike dialed in some for her.  Also just hung around town at the Expo and attended the pre-race meeting which was sort of a waste of time.  Also got to see the 350 milers take off at 3pm.  They have until Sunday morning to finish, crazy... my ass hurts thinking about that.

Also wrote the dreaded email and pulled myself from Hardrock... That was a super hard email to write and if harder to hit send.  Sucks balls.  This gives me about 20 weeks to get healed and ready for Javalina at the end of Oct.

Supporting Paula all day at the Unbound 100 miler.  Was only able to meet her at mile 54 and that is it.  She had a great time and I am going to be looking at trying to get into the 200 in the next few years.  Such a cool event.  Funny how Emporia is much more supportive of Lifetime Unbound events than Leadville is of the Lifetime events.

Zero.. Driving home all day fighting the famous Kansas cross winds again... To tired when we got home to do anything but zone out on the couch and watch movies with Paula.

Total Weekly Numbers
Shit week resting this hip.   Needless to say, not much of anything but supporting Paula at Unbound this week.  Doctors appointment on Monday morning to see where we go with the hip next.