"If you're having fun, that's when the best memories are built." -Simone Biles
"Fear of life closes off more opportunities for us than fear of death ever does." - Agnes Moorehead
Figured this was a 2 quote week this week with the race and all.
8 AM: Walk 3.6 miles on a treadmill at the gym. Dumping rain outside all night and morning so did my taper walk on the treadmill this morning. Not an easy walking pace, did walk with some intention.
9 AM: 40mins lifting in the gym right after walking. Super chill and light, more about the range of motion and just moving some.
DB Incline Press
3x10 @ 45
V-Bar Lat Pulldowns
3x10 @ 100
Hip Abductor machine
3x10 @ 190
Single Leg quad extends
3x10 @ 40 each leg
Double DB RDLs
3x10 @ 55 each hand
DB Shoulder Press
3x10 @ 35
DB Crossbody Hammer Curls
3x10 @ 20
Reverse Grip Ez-bar Tricep Pushdowns
3x10 @ 30
Straight Leg Raises
3x10 @ 45
V-Bar Lat Pulldowns
3x10 @ 100
Hip Abductor machine
3x10 @ 190
Single Leg quad extends
3x10 @ 40 each leg
Double DB RDLs
3x10 @ 55 each hand
DB Shoulder Press
3x10 @ 35
DB Crossbody Hammer Curls
3x10 @ 20
Reverse Grip Ez-bar Tricep Pushdowns
3x10 @ 30
Straight Leg Raises
8 AM: 8.2 miles averaging 7:30pace. Easy jog from the house. First 3.7 miles with Venus, then dropped her
off and jogged out the remaining time. Legs are feeling pretty good
Headed out at 7am down to the beach this morning to see if I could finally get a time-lapse video of the sunrise. As I waiting for the time to start filming this wild horse came down the beach crossing about 20 yards in front of me. They talk about all the wild horses around here but I was finally able to see one and in the perfect spot and conditions as well. Super blessed to see this early this morning.
And of course I also got my time-lapse video of sunrise that I have been after since being here in the Outerbanks. This beach is about 200m from the house or about 2-3min walk.
9 AM: 7 miles averaging 7:40 pace. Super chill jog from the house around town again. Ran over to the local
farm with an egg stand to grab a dozen for $5, jogged them home then
finished out the 7 miles. Legs felt like shit today but started to feel
better the last 2 miles. Going to be honest, sort of dreading the race
this weekend.
-NOTE: Weight check in: Nope! Will check back in on this in 2 weeks when I am at home.
Did walk down to the beach again to see if maybe I would get lucky to see another horse this morning at sunrise. No such luck but it was still an awesome sunrise. And yes the whole beach here is covered in shells like the photo below.
8 AM: Walk 2.25 miles in 45 mins. Easy walk around town with Venus. Walked down to return the empty egg
carton to the egg stand, then over get a photo of the lighthouse and home on
the beach making a large loop. Things of course are tight and feel like
shit, welcome to the hardcore tapering part.
9 AM: 3.25 miles averaging 7:30pace. Easy shakeout jog with Venus... last jog before tomorrow's early morning race. Go time!
Spent the rest of the day chilling out before leaving the house midday to head down to about halfway on the course for packet pickup. Of course we did a little bit of exploring since we were on Roanoke Island and neither of us have been here before. Lots of history here for sure. One of the first English settlements ever in the US was located here back in the 1600s which of course we went to check out after getting brunch at Bob's Grill. Yes we stopped there due to the name.
5:30 AM: RACE DAY!! 100.3 miles in 16:55:19 for 1st overall. So much I am still processing from this day. I will do a quick summery along with a bunch of photos that I was able to pull together to make sort of a photo story.
Race started at 5:30am on the dot and right from the gun 3 guys and 1 girl went out fast! I went with them keeping them within sight the first 5-6 miles before losing about half of them and passing the other half. Well about mile 8-9 before the first aid station I passing one of the dudes and he stuck with me so I started chatting him up. Well I forgot there was a 100 mile relay going on at the same time, I went out with the relay folks, my mistake. At mile 10 I was in 3rd including the relay teams and of course 1st overall for the solo 100. So basically due to that move at the start I lead the race from the gun. Felt great running overall all hitting a qualifying time for Boston at the marathon and even a PR at the 50 miler for me at around 7 hours. About then the headwinds really started taking a toll on the legs and ended up switching to a run/walk strategy until the finish. Of course once I was walk a bit more then I would have liked I thought for sure I would get passed but that never happened. Crossed the line in first which shocked myself, this result never even crossed my mind pre-race, I was hoping for a top 3 but not a win. Super neat course and love the idea of saying that you started at the north end of all the islands and finished at the south end. Could not have done this without Paula crewing me the whole way. No pacers, just me and her against everyone else and we had a blast. She kept me focused and on track the whole time. Also only 10 relay teams beat me, and I beat 16 relay teams. I think I like that stat more than the win. LOL... Here is photos from the day. Some are from the race and some are from Paula, I tried to put them in order but may have messed up some of them. Super grateful for this experience.
Not a damn thing today but going to the finish line to cheer in the finishers the last 2 hours of the race and eat a shit ton of food. The race director was shocked that Paula and I came back to cheer in runners. The race director made the comment that he has not had the winner of his 100s do that before. In my mind I think it should be expected as long as the winner is vertical. Maybe that is a culture difference between West coast and East coast ultras?
Total Weekly Numbers
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