Monday, January 6, 2025

December 30th- January 5th

"You don't need any expert's permission to write your story, your way." - Brian Koppelman


8:30 AM:  48mins at VASA.  Studio Red class at VASA with Paula. Airbike, Running, and a bunch of DB and TRX movements. Really starting to like these classes, really like the running intervals on the manual treadmills.

-- Walked about a mile.  Paula was out walking Venus and shot me a photo of a stray dog in the open space. Went over and caught him and found where he is from.  Sweet old boy.

3:30 PM:
Walk 2.6 miles w/ 1250ft of vert in 40mins. Walk on the treadmill at VASA at 9% incline. Just to move the legs and do some work.  Followed this up with about 20mins lifting on the machines at VASA while Paula finished up her spin class.

7 AM:  1 hour lifting at VASA. 

Warmup: Treadmill walking on incline and mobility

Hack Squat
10@ 90 plus sled
10@ 140 plus sled
10@ 140 plus sled
10@ 140 plus sled

Leg Curls
10@ 100
10@ 100
10@ 105
10@ 105

Single Leg Extensions
4x10 @40lbs
10@ 45lbs

3 Rounds
20 DB B-Stance RDL @ 25 each hand
20 DB Split Squat @ 25 each hand
20 DB Goblet Squat @ 25

Suitcase Farmers Carry
3x50m @ 70lbs each side

Barbell Hip Thrust
10@ 105
10@ 105
10@ 110
10@ 110

Standing Calf Raises
3x20 @ 120

11 AM:  6.3 miles averaging 11min pace.  Donkey jog put on by Brad and Amber. Took Paula and a couple of her friends down to Waterton Canyon for their first run with a donkey. Everyone had a blast!

---  Of course we went out for New Years Eve to dinner and to meet some friends.  Acreage for dinner and Nora's Speakeasy for drinks.  Yes, I only drank soda water while everyone else was having cocktails.  When I break my no drinking, Nora's Speakeasy will be a place that I will be coming back to.  That was a cool place, in the basement under another business on Main Street in Louisville.  You access it from the alley.


Happy New Years!!!!

9 AM:  8.9 miles averaging 7min miles.  Resolute Run 5K this morning. This mileage includes the 4 mile warmup, the race, and then the cooldown jog. Ran the race in 17:58 or 5:47 average pace, about 20sec slower overall than last time but I paced it much better and there was a lot of turns on this course that you have slow down for. Did not go out and blow up like last time but was pretty much even splits the whole way. Just ran it by HR trying to stay around 155. Of course I went higher at times. Finished 3rd overall.

3 PM:  1 hour at VASA

Warmup: Rowing and mobility

4 Rounds
10 pushups
10 Dips

Bench Press
5 @ 140lbs
5 @ 145lbs
5 @ 155lbs
5 @ 165lbs
5 @ 145lbs

4 Rounds
10 DB Chest Flys @ 25lbs
10 DB Narrow Chest Press @ 25lbs

Tricep Tri Set 3 Rounds
10 Left Single cable tricep extend
10 Left Single cable cross tricep extend
10 Left Single cable overhead tricep extend
10 Right Single cable tricep extend
10 Right Single cable cross tricep extend
10 Right Single cable overhead tricep extend

Straight Leg knee raises

3x1 mins

-- Followed this up with 45mins in the airboots

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  Nope, forgot this morning when I got up.

7 AM:  50mins in the garage gym

Warmup: Rowing, Crossover and mobility

5 Rounds
1 min Ball Slams w/ 40lbs
1 min Sumo Deadlift High Pulls w/ 75lbs
1 min Box Jumps
1 min Push Press w/ 75lbs
1 min Row for Calories
1 min Rest

3 PM:  8.5miles averaging 7min pace.  Easy laps around the open space with 6x30sec strides in the middle. Started working on my 1000 laps of the 0.54 loop next to the house. Knocked out 15 of them on this run. Strides were right about 5min pace.  Good start to the 1000 lap challenge.  Will use the airboots again tonight as well for 30-45mins.

7 AM:  56mins at the gym.  Went to VASA since I don't have a cable system in the garage gym.

Warmup: Walking and mobility

50 pull-ups broken up as needed.

V-Bar Lat Pulldowns
10@ 105lbs
10@ 110lbs
10@ 110lbs
10@ 115lbs

Rope Cable Curls
10@ 40lbs
10@ 40lbs
10@ 42.5lbs
10@ 42.5lbs

DB Single Arm Rows
4X10 @ 55lbs

Ez-Bar 21s
3 sets w/ 50lbs

Ez-Bar Bent Over Rows
10@ 80lbs
10@ 80lbs
10@ 90lbs
10@ 90lbs

Superset x3
8 Chinups
8 Hanging Knee Tuck to Extend

3 Rounds
10 Single leg calf raises with 25lbs each leg

2 PM:  7.7 miles w/ 1400ft of vert averaging 9min pace.  Hilly steady state run as an out and back on the Mesa Trail from the Southside. Was surprised on my overall average pace. Felt much slower than that.

4 PM: 1.5 mile dog walk around the hood.

Total day off today.  Went up to Fairplay early this morning to help Don move the cold plunge and his barrel sauna onto the truck and trailer.  Yes he is moving out of Fairplay which sucks.

8 AM: 11 miles w/ 2600ft of vert averaging 10min pace.  Moderate run joining the Denver Trailrunners Sunday Jog at Mount Falcon. Been years since I have been here as well and forgot how much I like these trails. Good vert that is can be ran which can be hard in Boulder where the trails are shorter and steeper. Anyways a balmy 17 degrees at the start but did warm up some. Hit the uphills somewhat hard and was careful coming down due to the ice.

1 PM: 2.2mile dog walk around the open space by the house to add a few more laps.

Total Weekly Numbers
Not a bad week overall but also not a great week either.  I say that it was not great because I fell off over the weekend.  Helping Don move that barrel sauna on Saturday morning I tweaked my lower back a little bit so took the rest of the day off and cut short my run on Sunday just to let it heal and settle down some so I missed about 10 miles over those 2 days.  It is all good, back is good to go this morning so back to it.

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