Monday, August 19, 2024

August 12th- August 18th

“[E]ven if athletes and exercisers do many of the same things, how and why they do them is often different.” - Greg Everett, Catalyst Athletics, on training priorities 


10 AM:  1:15 at Crossfit.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills.

5 RFT: 16 mins 14 secs
5 rounds of:
24 Air Squats
16 Bar Facing Burpees
8 Shoulder-to-Overheads | 95 lbs
4 Thrusters, 60% 1RM | 95 lbs
Rest 1 min


Heel Elevated Squat : 4x12 :
12 Heel Elevated Squats | 95 lbs
12 Heel Elevated Squats | 95 lbs
12 Heel Elevated Squats | 95 lbs
12 Heel Elevated Squats | 95 lbs

Then some core and calf work

7 AM:  7 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy 2 laps of Davidson Mesa and 1 lap of Harper. Stopped right at 7 miles because the calf started acting up a little bit again. Better safe than sorry. Little concerned that this issue is popping up again. Guess it is my fault for running faster than 8:30 pace? So annoying.

4 PM: 1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

3x AMRAP 5 mins: 11.1 rounds
3x 5:00 AMRAP:
5 Deadlifts, 50% 1RM | 195 lbs
10 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
Resting 2:30 between each AMRAP.

6:45 AM:  10 miles averaging 8:50pace.  Super chill jog doing laps of the open space next to the house. Calf started bothering me again yesterday so kept it close to where it would be easy to bail if I needed too. Back to just managing it again and slowing back down. Has to come around soon.  Even broke out a new pair of shoes hoping that would help as well.

-- No second workout today.  Did do a bunch of recovery stuff throughout the day due to the calf and joints being somewhat sore.  Stretching, active mobility, sauna, and cold plunge.  Felt much better afterwards, there is something going from the sauna directly to the cold plunge.  It is very hard to do but always feel great afterwards.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  176.8 lbs @ 9.8% bodyfat.  Pretty much the same as last week.  Little discouraged that there was no progress when I have been tracking everything.  Maybe I am not eating enough?  Might up the carbs to see if that get the metabolism burning hotter.  That has worked in the past.

6:30 AM:  7 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 8:15pace.  Easy run from the Coalton Trailhead west up the hill. Just an easy out and back. Best run yet since I have come back to running the past 3 weeks. Did not feel the calf at all today and not hobbled afterwards like I have been the past week plus... hopefully this is a sign that things are turning a corner but how many times have I said that the past few weeks....

10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit.

Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

Row : 10x 100 m , every 2 mins : 2 mins 58.8 secs | Rx'd
Row, 100 m | 0:17.9
Row, 100 m | 0:17.6
Row, 100 m | 0:17.7
Row, 100 m | 0:18.2
Row, 100 m | 0:17.9
Row, 100 m | 0:17.8
Row, 100 m | 0:17.4
Row, 100 m | 0:17.9
Row, 100 m | 0:18.4
Row, 100 m | 0:18


AMReps 9 mins (3,6,9,...):116 reps | 15's + 26 reps
AMReps in 9 mins:
3 Toes-to-bars
3 Row Calories
6 Toes-to-bars
6 Row Calories
9 Toes-to-bars
9 Row Calories
12 Toes-to-bars
12 Row Calories
15 Toes-to-bars
15 Row Calories
18 Toes-to-bars
8 Row Calories

-- Followed up with a 20min sauna and 2min cold plunge in 40 degree water right after the WOD at the gym. 

-- Heading up to Steamboat this afternoon.  Mindy and Eric from MI who I randomly paced at Leadville last year is going to let us use her condo for a 4 day weekend.  Paula is riding in the SBT GRVL race on Sunday and I am just going to train up there.  Should be a fun weekend!!!!

9 AM:  Biked 29miles w/ 2700ft of vert in 2:12.  Joined the so called shakeout ride that they were putting on for SBT GRVL race that Paula is doing on Sunday. Went out with the front group which for me turned into a hammerfest, I am sure for most of these guys it was not. Was a lot of fun but was wiped afterwards.

7 AM:  14 miles w/ 4000ft of vert averaging 12min pace.  Calling this the Tour de Mount Werner. Starting at the condo I basically followed the Run Rabbit Run 100 course to the top of Mount Werner then came back down on the dirt ski resort road just like the race as well. Tried to keep it super chill especially on the downhill since it has been a while. Guess I did not keep it chill enough, as I am typing this on Monday morning my legs are sore as shit from DOMS.  Did get threatened by a moose, that was not so fun.

8 AM: Hiked 4.2miles w/ 1000ft of vert in 1:15. Easy dog hike on the lower slopes of Mount Werner with Venus while mom is out riding SBT GRVL. Great morning out there!!  She rocked her gravel race.

Total Weekly Numbers

Solid week overall.  Wanted to bike and lift more but time this week would not allow it, lots of issues at work which will be around for a while.  Legs are pretty trashed this Monday morning from Steamboat this weekend, more vert that I have done in a while.  Especially the steep downhill running which got me.  This next week will be interesting as I head out tonight for the Hwy 114 crossing with the Colorado Trail to help someone go for the FKT on the Colorado Trail.  He started on Sunday morning, after I hook up with him Tuesday evening at that crossing I will be with him until the end which hopefully will be on Saturday covering about 90 miles of it with him.  Going to be a huge jump in mileage this week, fingers crossed the body holds together.

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