Monday, August 28, 2023

August 21st- August 27th

“Don’t get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.” - Dolly Parton


--  Took a complete rest day today due to the lack of sleep over the weekend and still being sore.  Even though I slept 9 hours last night I still needed 2 short naps today of about 20-30mins to feel like I could function.  Almost like I ran the damn race.  

9 AM: 1 hour at the gym
Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

FT:  5 mins 6 secs | Rx'd
30 Back Squats, 50% 1RM | 135 lbs
Row, 1000 m


Not for time.
50 med ball sit-up throws
50 superman med ball throws
50 Russian twist med ball throws (25 each direction)

-- Got this in the mail today.  Thanks JT!  Always a surprise.

3:30 PM:  5.2 miles averaging 8:30pace.  Easy cruise from the house on roads and trails by the lake.  Fucking hot as balls out there at 95 degrees this afternoon.  Followed this up with a cold plunge to cool down.

-NOTE:  Weight check in:  173.2lbs w/ 9.4% bodyfat.  Down a little bit but pretty much the same.  Better than gaining I guess.

7 AM:  6.5 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 7:45pace.  Easy miles on the Dirty Biz trails starting and ending at Coalton Trailhead.  Did 4x1min hard hills in the middle of the run.  Slowly adding in some intervals.

9:15 AM:  1 hour at the gym
Warmup: Jogging, mobility and drills

10 RFT:  13 mins 44 secs
10 rounds of:
Run, 200 m
3 Jumping Ring Muscle-ups

4 PM:  Sauna and Cold plunge...  it was interesting how much colder I got with recycling.  Recycling is when you warm up a little bit and go again in to the plunge.  I was actually under a down blanket on the couch for over an hour trying to warm up after the second round.

2 rounds
20mins in the sauna
5mins in the cold plunge

8 AM:  6.4 miles averaging 7:25pace. Easy cruise over at Davidson Mesa. After a warmup of 2-3miles did 6x30sec at 5k pace with 2 min recoveries then easy back to the car. Starting to put in some more efforts in the runs.  Followed this up with a 1 mile walking cooldown.

9 AM: 1 hour at the gym.

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

7x RFT: Completed -- restart every 3:00mins
7 rounds, each round for time, of:
12 Assault Bike Calories
12 V-ups
9 Front Squats, 45% 1RM | 85 lbs
Resting 0 secs between each round.


30sec/30sec of heel touches/rest x4
20 side crunches each side x2

7 AM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Rowing, mobility, and bench warmup

Bench Press : 5-5-5-5-5 : 4075 lbs
5 Bench Press | 155 lbs
5 Bench Press | 160 lbs
5 Bench Press | 165 lbs
5 Bench Press | 170 lbs
5 Bench Press | 165 lbs


"Tabata" - 8 x 20 secs / 10 secs : 154 reps | 64 + 90
Tabata Row (calories)
Tabata Push-up

8:30 AM:  6.3 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy 2 laps of Davidson Mesa after the gym.  Really made sure that I kept it easy as possible.

---Finished book 22 of the year this afternoon.  "What Doesn't Kill Us".  Reread from 2017.  Figure it needed to reread this one since I am getting back into cold plunging again.  Been doing it almost every day for the past 3 weeks and plan on keeping it going.  I just feel good afterwards.

6 AM:  5.1 miles averaging 8:30pace followed by a 5min cold plunge. Easy miles from the house before heading up to Fairplay for the day to celebrate Amy's birthday with Don, Paula, Mike and Nancy.   Ended up doing a cornhole tournament in Alma in the morning where Paula and I were the first team eliminated, yes we suck at cornhole, but we did win a prize for the first team out!  HA!  Followed that up with some drinks and hanging out at Don and Amy's house until late into the evening playing cards.  Got home about 11pm.  

Shit day....  total depression, stuff my face day.  Napped about 3 hours throughout the day as well.  Starting to see a pattern on these days were I can't seem to do anything.  They are always the day after having more than 1 alcoholic drink or staying up late (had 6 drinks throughout the day Saturday).  Is that just part of getting older?  I really do enjoy getting drinks with people whom I enjoy their company but I am over having days like this where I don't leave the couch all day.  Need to come up with a new strategy since now I see this pattern.

Total Weekly Numbers
Started good with recovery from pacing Leadville, getting back to it until it all fell apart over the weekend.  Even with giving myself a hard time about it, I would not change anything for I love spending time with friends.  Just need a new strategy on drinking and eating when I do it.

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