Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Dec 19th- Dec 25th

 “I want to live my life, not record it.” - Jackie Kennedy

-- thinking of not recording so much next year.... make it more simple like GZ and JT verses sharing everything I do.


Noon:  1:20 at Crossfit.

Warmup: 4,000 meters of rowing, mobility and drills
5x 3 mins : 51 reps | 9, 9, 10, 11, and 12 | Rx'd
5 rounds, 3 mins each, of:
30 AbMat Sit-ups
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs, 24 in
max rep Snatches, 65% 1RM | 80 lbs | 9, 9, 10, 11, and 12
Rest 1 min

Small fire broke out up Sunshine Canyon this afternoon but it seems they contained it quickly for the evacuation orders were lifted pretty quickly.  This photo was taken by Gerber on Baseline east of Boulder.


9 am:   1:15 at the gym

Warmup: 3000 meters of rowing, mobility and drills

Front Squat : 4-4-4-4 : 2400 lbs | 135 lbs, 155 lbs, 155 lbs, and 155 lbs | Rx'd
4 Front Squats | 135 lbs
4 Front Squats | 155 lbs
4 Front Squats | 155 lbs
4 Front Squats | 155 lbs
 --Lighter, back test.  I have lost so much strength in this movement, it was shocking to me.

"Death By" - Wall Balls : 3 reps + 3 reps / 1 min : 8 | Rx'd
"Death By" : 3 reps + 3 reps / 1 min
Wall Ball, 20 lbs : 8 rounds
--Did not start 9th min, back acting up a little bit so pulled the plug.  Following my new motto right now, "No Steps Backward"

3 pm:  7 miles w/ 650ft of vert averaging 8 min pace.  Easy loop off the Flatiron Vista Trailhead.  Flatiron Vista-Dowdy Draw- Community Ditch- Greenbelt- Flatiron Vista.  Makes for a great easy 7 mile loop.  Felt really good on today's jog which surprised me due to the achiness in my left leg.


NOTE:  Weight check-  No check this week.  Been acting like an asshole with my eating and drinking and most likely will continue to do so through Christmas if not the New Years.

9 am:  1:15 in the gym.
Warmup: 3,000 meters of rowing, mobility and drills

FT: Clean & Jerks and 1 Round Cindy : 16 mins 40 secs | Rx'd
1 Clean & Jerk, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
2 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
3 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
4 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
5 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
6 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
7 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
8 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
9 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy
10 Clean & Jerks, 50% 1RM | 105 lbs
1 Round Cindy

-- well that got super spicy the last two rounds of 9 and 10

--- skipped running today, got into a super low depression all day and don't know why or what caused it..... not sure how to get out of this funk.  It has been coming and going for the past few weeks but today was the lowest I have been in quite a while.


Not feeling well today and fuck the temp outside.  Took the day off and just focused on getting ahead on work so next week is easier.


Was up most of the night last night puking my brains out from 11-1 then could not sleep well due to body aches.  No fever and tested neg for Covid so think I just had a 24 hour bug.  Did not do shit today and never left the house but finally ate about 3pm and felt better.  Hopefully this is the end of it.


9 am:  1:10 in the garage gym

Warmup: 1500 meters on the Skierg

Bench Press 10x10 : 9500 lbs | Rx'd
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs
10 Bench Press | 95 lbs

GHD Hip Extensions : 3x15 : Completed | Rx'd
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Hip Extensions

Bent Over Barbell Row : 10-10-10-10-10 : 4750 lbs | Rx'd 
10 Bent Over Barbell Rows | 95 lbs
10 Bent Over Barbell Rows | 95 lbs
10 Bent Over Barbell Rows | 95 lbs
10 Bent Over Barbell Rows | 95 lbs
10 Bent Over Barbell Rows | 95 lbs

Barbell Curl 10-10-10-10 : 1880 lbs | Rx'd 
10 Barbell Curls | 47 lbs
10 Barbell Curls | 47 lbs
10 Barbell Curls | 47 lbs
10 Barbell Curls | 47 lbs

AMRAP 20 mins: 10 rounds + 40 secs | Rx'd
20:00 AMRAP:
Plank Hold, 1 min
10 Push-ups
5 Burpees

--  Finished the 100,000 meter Concept 2 challenge with the skierg warmup today.  Got it done on the last day of the challenge.


11 am:  Big fat zero today... did walk with Paula and Venus today but that was it..... All good.

Total Weekly Numbers

Shitty week with a touch of the flu in the middle of it.... seems every time I get back into a groove shit hits the fan... all I can do is to keep plugging.   Not really working this coming week.  The plant is closed but I am on call for purchasing in case something pops up while everyone else is off.  I would rather save my vacation time for the summer.

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