Monday, November 14, 2022

Nov 7th-Nov 13th

 “We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.” - Anais Nin

The great coach and writer Steve Magness recently tweeted a training philosophy poem:

Mostly easy,
occasionally hard,
vary it up,
and very seldom, go see God.

Time I start putting a little bit more effort in my training since we are now over 8 weeks since that injury and easy jogging has been going well.  They only way to get back into shape is to either run more miles, put in harder runs, or a combo of both.

Due to how much time I lost with the herniated disc injury, the fact that I am just now able to run without pain after running and that it is only 8 weeks away I decided to pull out of Hurt 100.  I just don't want to spend all that time and $ for something that I haven't been able to train to do well at for at least 12 weeks.  I was doing well with training until the injury on Sept 1st but that is just life.  Onto new goals.

Love Rivs, nothing is more inspiring to me--


3 pm:  2.4 mile walk in 39mins.  Hood dog walk with Venus... watching her this week during the day since Paula is down in TX at her dad's house.  Need to get my ass back in gear but this head cold is kicking my ass.


9 am:   5.15 miles averaging 8:45pace.  Easy loop from the house.  Stopped at mile 3 to pick up Venus (Paula's dog) to run the last 2 miles to my house with me.  Rough run today, blowing snot everywhere.

3 pm: 1:10 Mayham lifting in the garage. Upper Body Anterior (Chest & Bicep) 

Crossover Symmetry- Shoulders and hips plus some PT
3 rounds
10 Perfect Pushups (controlled form)
15 band pull-a-parts
5 PVC Around the Worlds (each way)
10 wall angels

Bench Press
7 sets: 6 reps @ RPE 7/10

Alt. Incline DB Bench
4 sets: 10 reps (each side)

Double DB Bench Press
4 sets: 10 Reps 

Flat Bench DB Chest Fly
4 sets: 12 reps 

Seated Alternating DB Curl
4 sets: 10 reps (each side)

Single Dumbbell Waiter Hold Curl
4 sets: 10 reps 

100 sit-ups on the sit-up bench


NOTE:  Weight check-  179.6 w. 13.1% bodyfat.... Going in the wrong direction but not surprising with the week of travel and being sick.

7 am:  6 miles averaging 7:45 pace.  Easy early spin on the treadmill at Vasa before picking up the dog... might get out later today as well, we will see.

1 pm:  1:10 Mayham Lifting in the garage- Lower Body Push/Pull

Crossover Symmetry- Shoulders and hips plus some PT

Back Squats
7 sets: 6 reps @ RPE 7/10

7 sets: 6 reps @ RPE 7/10

Barbell Front Squat: 1 and a Half Reps
4 sets: 8 reps 

DB Good Mornings
4 sets: 10 reps 

Weighted Hip Thrust
4 sets: 10 reps 

Standing Barbell Calf Raise
4 sets: 15 reps


7 am:  6 miles averaging 7:42pace.  Pretty much the same as yesterday.  Hit up the treadmill at Vasa then pick up Paula's dog on the way home to watch during the day.  Tomorrow will most likely be the same too.

1:30 pm:  2 mile dog walk in 30mins with Venus around the hood.

3 pm:  1:10 Mayham lifting in the garage- Upper Body Posterior (Back & Triceps)

Crossover Symmetry- Shoulders and hips plus some PT
3 rounds
10 scap pullups
15 bent over barbell rows (empty bar)
5 down dog/seal pose transitions

Strict Pullups
7 sets: 6 reps @ RPE 7/10

Body Row on Racked Barbell
4 sets: 10 reps 

Single Arm Lat Pulldown
4 sets: 10 reps (each side)

Lying DB Pullover on Bench
4 sets: 10 reps 

Standing Tricep DB French Press
4 sets: 10 reps 

Single Arm DB Skull Crusher
4 sets: 12 reps (each side)

----  Signed up for a Turkey Trek 10k in Arvada on 11/19... first race since the burro race in Aug.  Gotta get back into it sometime...  Hopefully I will be reminded why I love to race even if I suck which most likely will happen.  Just scared of any intensity since I blew out my L5 in my back on Sept 1st but need to get over it sooner rather than later.  I know it is all mental now but still holds me back.


7 am:   5.7 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy miles on the treadmill at Vasa again the hop next door to pick up the dog again for the day.  Woke up at 3:30am this morning so little tired today.

2 pm:  1:03 Mayham lifting in the garage- Shoulder and Glutes


Crossover Symmetry- Shoulders and hips plus some PT

Shoulder Press

7 sets: 6 reps @ RPE 7/10

Seated Arnold Press

4 sets: 10 reps 

Ring Y Raise

4 sets: 10 reps 

GHD Hip Extension

4 sets: 10 reps 

Lateral Band Walk

4 sets: 30 yards (each way)

Russian Kettlebell Swing

4 sets: 10 reps 

---- Signed up for the Broomfield Turkey Day 10K on 11/24.  That is 2 races in 5 days.... both are going to suck.  HA!!!


9 am:  1:15 at Crossfit... decided to go see how the back would hold up to some high intensity... made it with no issues.  Was going to run in the afternoon as well for 5-6 miles but was so damn wiped after this that I took a nap instead.  Getting back into shape is hard.

Crossover Symmetry- Shoulders and hips plus some PT
Airbike, mobility and drills

AMRAP 25 mins: 22 rounds + 5 Push Press | Not Rx'd
25:00 AMRAP:
10 Push Press, 45% 1RM | 95 lbs
10 Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs
10 Box Jumps, 24 in

With Morgan, switch every round for rest… I did step ups due to back 


8 am:  11.25 miles w/ 1500ft of gain averaging 9:11 pace.  Easy with Denver Trailrunners at Flatiron Vista doing all the loops.  Such a great day out when the wind was not blowing.  I say easy but honestly I am out of shape and could not lead the fast group like I normally do but was just behind them.  I was worked afterwards.... 

Total Weekly Numbers

Not quite the week I wanted but I will take it considering everything this week.  The massive head cold, watching Venus, and catching up on work after being in NY last week.  Been a challenging week.  

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