Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Spring Cleaning

Thought it was time to clean up the blog a little so there was not so much crap on the side bar.  It was getting hard to find anything or to even look at.

 I moved all that onto their own pages which are linked across the top.  I also added a Search box to search through the blog, I found it really nice when looking for that one time I did that one thing but can't remember the date because I am getting old moments. 

Hopefully this makes it a little bit more user friendly.  Let me know if you have any other suggestions.


  1. Looks good. I've been debating some "house cleaning" on my site. Too much stuff on the side!

  2. Thanks man... It was giving me a headache looking at all the crap I had in the sidebar. Just needed to go and what better way to waste a few free minutes at work? We need to go for a jog soon. I think I am going to be doing repeats on Green from the Gregory lot on Sunday if interested.

    1. I might be up for that on Sunday. Will keep an eye on weather and email you.

  3. You need to clean up those PR's, they all suck.

  4. But yet my Pikes Ascent time is still faster than yours.
