Sunday, October 13, 2024

October 7th - October 13th

"You're going to die one day, and none of this is going to matter.  So enjoy yourself.  Do something positive. Project some love. Make someone happy. Laugh a little bit. Appreciate the moment. And do your work." - Naval Ravikant


7 AM:  5.5 miles w/ 400ft of vert averaging 7:45pace.  Easy cruise from the Coalton Trailhead straight west up the hill to the gate and back. What I have been doing a lot on Mondays. Awesome morning out there and did not see another person, perfect.

-- Got right into the sauna for 45mins when I got home then headed to the office all day to do interviews for a new member of my team.  

-- had plans to ride bikes this afternoon as well but by the time I got home from the office I had nothing left in me.  Let the day go and moving on.

7 AM:  11.4 miles w/ 1300ft of vert averaging 7:50pace.  Mini Threshold run. Started at Dowdy Draw trailhead did about a 2 mile warmup over to the Springbrook loop where I did 3 loops then an out and back up to the top of Dowdy Draw and back to the trailhead. Tried to keep the HR over 140 on all of the 3 loops but that was hard on the downhill. Usually between 145-151 on the uphill and around 125-130 on the downhill. Might be one of my better runs since coming back a few months ago. Super jazzed after this run.

1 PM:  53 mins lifting in the garage gym.  10 mins on the rower then basically just a bunch of chest and arm movements followed with some achillies and core work. Tried benching 210 and failed again. I really want to put up 225 before I turn 50 in a year.

Followed this up with 30mins in the sauna.  Going to try my hardest to do at least 20mins a day until I leave for Javelina.

6:45 AM:  9.5 miles averaging 7:35pace.  3 easy loops of Davidson Mesa... how I am defining easy is keeping the HR under 130-135. Went over for a short period of time but otherwise right on track. Good to see what used to me my normal paces come back, just in time too.  You may have noticed that I have not been going to Crossfit but just lifting in the garage instead.  I honestly think that is playing a role in my improvement the past 2-3 weeks with running.  Might not go back until after Javelina.. we will see.

5 PM:  6.3 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy mileage from Costco doing the loop of the dirt road and back on the Dirty Bizmark section.  Just padding the weekly mileage some.  Super chill with lots of wind this afternoon a did spit rain a little bit. Legs of course are tired but still an okay overall pace keeping the HR down.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  169.4 lbs @ 8% bodyfat.  Down 2 pounds which is surprising for I have been eating like an asshole before bed snacking lately.  Yes it is all considered clean food but still, calories are calories.  

7 AM:  6.25 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 9min pace.  Easy out and back on the Mesa Trail. Little hiller than what I need to be training for but wanted to do something new today since I am replacing the bike I had planned with this run. I am worried about crashing on the bike again like I did last week so pondering on cutting the bike out until after Javelina. 

10 AM:  45 min dog walk with Venus... She says that Halloween is coming.. Guess so..

- After the walk spent 35 mins in the garage gym lifting.  Mostly shoulders, back, calves and core.  Followed that up with 20mins in the sauna.  

So yesterday Paula flew to Texas to be with her dad while he was in the hospital.  He has been in and out over the past month but seemed to be more serious this time so I encouraged her to go.  She got to spend one last day with him for he passed this morning.  My heart is broken for her.

Needless to say Javelina for me is on the fence.  It all just depends on the funeral and all that stuff.  Being there for her is way more important than doing  5 x 20 miles loops in the desert of AZ.  Still training and doing what needs to be done to get ready but with the caveat that there is a chance I don't start.

7 AM:  9.4 miles w/ 1100ft of vert averaging 7:50pace.  Dowdy Draw trailhead over to do 3 laps of Springbrook then back. Threw in some 6x20sec pickups at about 6min pace to loosen things up, did half of them uphill and half downhill. Averaged about 10sec per mile quicker than last week at a lower HR. Almost wish I had another month to keep building before Javelina since things are going so well lately but last long run is tomorrow and the taper will be in full effect.

1 PM:  Walk 3.3 miles in 50mins with Venus.  Had to get away from work so took a long walk around the hood.  Perfect fall day today.  30mins in the hot tub.

7 AM:  17 miles w/ 3300ft of vert averaging 9:50pace.  Last long run before the taper. Started at Eben Fine park and went up Flagstaff and looped around to the summit of Green Mountain before focusing on the downhill all the way down Green and Chapman Drive before finishing back up at Eben Fine park on the bike path. Wanted to get those quads some what toughened up for the 100 in two weeks. Might do one more hard downhill session this week if I can talk someone into driving me up the canyon so I can pound down it.

1 PM: Walk 2.7 miles in 43mins with Venus followed by 30mins in the hot tub again.

7 AM: 8 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 9:20pace.  Since the taper has officially started and needed to keep it really easy I headed up to Caribou Ranch outside of Ned to explore some trails that I have never been on before. Really cool little network, I would come back here again. Would be some fun loops to do tempo runs on at about 8500ft. Quads and legs are shot today from yesterday.

10 AM: Walk 2.5 miles in 40mins with Venus.

1 PM: 45mins in the garage gym.

Warmup: Rowing, Airbike and mobility

40-30-20-10 reps of:

Rest 5 mins

Air Bike Calorie
GHD Sit-up

-- 25 mins in the sauna directly after the WOD.

Total Weekly Numbers
Finally time to taper which basically started on Sunday with only 8 miles.  Hopefully I did enough to at least make it possible to get under 24 hours at Javelina in 2 weeks.  One way to find out.  Paula is still in Texas until Wednesday then she flies to Indiana to run a trail marathon next Saturday before returning home next Sunday.  I plan on leaving that Tuesday to start the drive so we won't seem much of each other this month.  So this is a week of really just focusing on recovery doing all the heat acclamation things I need to do to get ready.  

Monday, October 7, 2024

September 30th- October 6th

"There is no way around hard work.  Embrace it." - Roger Federer


10 AM:  Easy 5K on the rower in the garage in 21:50 followed by about 40mins of lifting in the garage.  All upper body lifts to give the legs more time to recover from the weekend, plus the knees and hips are stiff.  

2 PM:  Biked 10.8 miles w/ 500ft in 46mins.  Easy cruise around the hood to get in my 45mins of cross training today. Legs did not really have any power for the uphills but whatever, that will come back as I recover from the weekend.

-- Followed the bike directly with 22mins in the sauna.

7 AM:  9.4 miles w/ 1100ft of vert averaging 8:10pace.  Dowdy Draw trailhead over to do 3 laps of Springbrook then back. Threw in some 6x30sec pickups at about 6min pace to loosen things up, did half of them uphill and half downhill. Felt really damn good today.. was surprised on how good I felt today. Could have easily kept going but I guess I have to work too.  

-- 30mins in the sauna in the afternoon

6:45 AM:  8.5 miles w/ 700ft of vert averaging 7:45pace.  Easy cruising over on the Dirty Biz trails from the Coalton Trailhead. Couple of out and backs hitting all the hills from that trailhead. Cut it about 5-10mins shorter than I wanted due to having to get on a work call but a great run otherwise.

3 PM:  Garage gym 50ish mins.

-- 2K row in 8mins followed by mobility work.

Heels Elevated Back Squat
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
10 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs

Romanian Deadlift :
10 Romanian Deadlifts | 115 lbs
10 Romanian Deadlifts | 115 lbs
10 Romanian Deadlifts | 115 lbs
10 Romanian Deadlifts | 115 lbs

Weighted Single Leg Calf Raise :
10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises | 25 lbs
10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises | 25 lbs
10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises | 25 lbs
10 Weighted Single Leg Calf Raises | 25 lbs

GHD Hip Extensions :
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Hip Extensions

Russian Twist :
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  171.4lbs @ 8.8% bodyfat.  Little bit of an increase which does not surprise me.  Been eating more than normal with the increased volume and recovering from the 50K last weekend.  Need to cut out the Quest bars before bed and that should help.

7 AM:  7.9 miles averaging 7:45pace.  Easy cruise over at Davidson Mesa for an hour with 6 strides at the end on a slight downhill at Harper to get the legs moving at the end. This was a make up for the run that I skipped last night due to an upset stomach.

10:30 AM: 45mins in the garage gym

Warmup: 2K on the rower and mobility

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
40 Dumbbell Snatches, 35 lbs
40 GHD Sit-ups
40 Row Calories

-- did not time it but took longer than I thought it would. Will be repeating this one for sure.

-- followed this up with 20mins in the sauna and 1.5 mile dog walk

3 PM: Biked 17 miles w/ 1000ft of vert in 1:10.  Was supposed to be an hour and half ride but crashed again and threw in the towel to ride home and clean out all the road rash.  At least this time I was on dirt when I went down, going faster which caused me to slide instead of a blunt force trauma, and I landed on the other hip and not the one with the torn labrum.  Just a bunch of road rash on the left arm and left hip, I will live.

6:30 AM:   10 miles w/ 1400ft of vert averaging 8:20pace. Loops of Springbrook and Gashawk trails from Dowdy Draw. Warmed up for about 20 mins then pushed just a little bit for a while hitting around 150 HR on the uphills. Just enough to get a little bit of burn going in the muscles. Did not want to totally blow my legs since I have a 50K tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to suck. 

8 AM:  20.25 miles w/ 4200ft of vert in 3:43.  Suffer Better 50K in Stauton State Park. Well that was a shit show for the most part. Was doing great, feeling great, jogging along jumping between 5th -3rd place when about mile 17 the lungs started spasming and I could not take a deep breath without coughing up a lung. Freaked me out for this has never happened before so at mile 20 aid station while in 3rd I pulled the plug just to be on the safe side. Could it have cleared up? Maybe, but since this was just a training race for Javelina 100 in 3 weeks I decided not to take a chance. I need to at least make it to the start line of Javelina if nothing else since I did not even make it to the start line of Hardrock this year. Still a good training stimulus today so it was still a net positive.

-- Photo is before things went to shit.

8 AM:  16 miles w/ 1600ft of vert averaging 8:50pace.  Meet Don and Brandon in Bailey to get some miles on what we call Mini Mags. You may remember me training on it a lot the last 2 summers. Anyways just a dirt road the rolls between 8,000 to 9,000 feet. Figure this was a very safe place to test the lungs after yesterday. If anything went wrong Don could easily go get the car and come pick me up. All went great! Not sure what the fuck happened yesterday? Just a reaction from being so tired? Who knows. Great morning out with these two and followed up the run with brunch at Cutthroat Cafe in Bailey, my favorite place to get breakfast.

--  Here is a little teaser on the inserts in some Speedland shoes that should be released in the Spring.  Can't show and tell you quite yet about the actual shoe but it will be awesome.

Total Weekly Numbers
Another solid week in the build.  Some efforts in there and still good mileage even though the 50K fell short.  One more larger week before the official start of the taper but in a way you could say the taper sort of starts now since the coming week should be less mileage than the last 3 weeks.  Still feeling good overall and starting to really focus on the sauna the next few weeks to get ready for that AZ sun.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

September Recap

 Solid month of building... almost 300 miles of running which is what I try to get the month before running a 100, I was close.  Have 2 more bigger weeks before the taper for Javelina.  Almost there, just have to hold it together.

Monday, September 30, 2024

September 23rd- September 29th

"There is no way around hard work.  Embrace it." - Roger Federer


6:30 AM:  5.6 miles w/ 500ft of vert averaging 7:50pace. Easy cruise from the Coalton Trailhead west up the hill and back. More of a mini progression run with every mile being a little quicker ending at 6:35pace. Felt better than expected after yesterday's slog-fest.  

--25mins in the sauna when I got home.

12:30 PM:  Biked 10 miles w/ 500ft of vert in 45mins. Easy cruise around the neighborhood from the house. Super chill but still averaging a little quicker than normal. Such a great day out there!

7 AM:  8.8 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 8:30pace.  Another lap of Springbrook and Gashawk from Dowdy Draw this morning. Felt so good and moving so well that I got through the loops quicker than normal that I added on a mile of out and back just to fill in the time that I was supposed to be out running. Super pleased on how things are coming along right now.

4 PM:  40mins Lifting in the garage.

Warmup: Rowing and Mobility

Superset 1
Dumbbell chest press 3x10
Dumbbell Row 3x10

Superset 2
Goblet Squat 3x15
Romanian Deadlifts 3x12

Superset 3
Dumbbell bicep curls 3x10
Dumbbell tricep extend 3x10

3 Rounds
20sec calf raises
10sec hold up
20sec calf raises
10sec hold up
30sec rest

3x15 GHD Situps

-- 25 mins in the sauna right afterwards.

6:45 AM:  8 miles averaging 7:30pace.  Easy 2 plus laps of Davidson Mesa after dropping Paula off at the airport super early this morning. She is heading out to help at USA Adventure Racing Championships on the East Coast. Felt good today, just cruised keeping the HR under 130 for the most part. 

10:30 AM:  40mins lifting in the garage.  Shoulder focused with 3 sets of pull and 3 sets of push lifts. Then a small core afterwards. Just needed to get something in but did not want to get sore with the 50K this weekend.

-- Followed this up with a 2 mile dog walk and 20mins in the sauna.

--  Planned on racing Cyclocross again this evening but between work blowing up and the fact I have a 50K training race this weekend I pulled the plug on it.  Guess I am starting to grow up which I don't like.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  Forgot when I got up this morning.  All good and probably don't want to know anyways.  Had a binge episode yesterday for the first time in about a month.  Not sure what triggered it but it happened.  Back on the wagon today.

7 AM:  21 miles w/ 1100ft of vert in 1:28.  Easy spin on the gravel bike around the normal hood loop I ride all the time. Awesome morning out there! Started out cold but was perfect by the middle of the ride.  Almost got hit by a car only once so it was a great morning!  

Followed this up with a 2 mile dog walk and 20mins in the hot tub.

--  Heading to Fairplay late this afternoon to hang out tomorrow and run a 50K in Buena Vista on Saturday.  Should be interesting, have not gone that far since April.  Should be a good training race for Javelina in 4 weeks.

7 AM:  6 miles w/ 500ft of vert averaging 8:15pace.  Shakeout jog from Java Moose in Fairplay up Beaver Creek Rd and back. Little bit of a climb heading out and downhill coming back. Tried to keep the HR under 135. Ended at Java Moose to work until about noon. The leaves are popping up here right now!  Not a bad Friday...  

-- Heading to Buena Vista (30mins away) mid-day to check in for the 50K run tomorrow and find a place to park the van.  Spent the afternoon working from another coffee shop in BV. 

--Finished book number 22 on the year, yeah I was bored in BV and read pretty much all evening knocking out the last 100 or so pages.  Interesting read...  Eager: The Surprising, Secret Life of Beavers and Why They Matter.

7 AM:  30 miles w/ 3800ft of vert averaging 9:50pace.  West Line Winder 50K in BV.  Really well put on race by Calab but that is expected. Just look at his other race Highlonesome 100, that has turned into one of the best 100s in the state and think his 2 50Ks he held this weekend will be the same. I have done a lot of racing and running in BV and saw some new to me trails which is cool.  Anyways a good day until the wheels fell off around mile 26-27 but that was expected since I have not gone that far since last Spring. The whole goal was to treat it like a training run for Javelina and keep the HR under 140 most of the time which I did with an average of 133. The wheels fell off in the way that my stomach was not to happy the last few miles, no puking but could have.  Stomach just was not processing the liquids for a bit.

7:30 AM: 11.25 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 8:40pace.  Easy cruise with Don from his house as an out and back on some dirt roads. Sore and legs somewhat shot of course but that was expected. Was not as bad has I had built up in my head, thought the body would have been worse. At least the weather and views were on point!

--  The drive home from Fairplay over Kenosha Pass was nuts... took me 3 hours to drive home and looking at Google Maps throughout the afternoon I could see that it just kept getting worse and worse.  Glad I passed over it about 11am verses 3pm.

Total Weekly Numbers
Awesome week of building... 2 more peak volume weeks then the taper.  Almost there but I can feel my running coming around which is nice.  Have another 50K planned this coming Saturday at Staunton State Park, approaching the same way as BV,  just a long supported training run.  This 50K has the same amount of vertical in 30 miles that Javelina has in the whole 100.

Monday, September 23, 2024

September 16th- September 22nd

"Celebrate the life you had, not the life you could've had." - Earvin "Magic" Johnson


6:30 AM:  5.5 miles w/ 400ft of vert averaging 7:30pace. Easy cruise from the Coalton Trailhead west up the hill and back. Was not planning on running today but got home from Steamboat and had a pair of the Agravic Speed Ultra's waiting on the front porch. Had to take them out and those are some fast shoes! Might be using these for Javelina, or at least for some of it.

4 PM: 1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Rowing and mobility

Row 250 m TT : 43.3 secs
Row, 250 m | 0:43.3


FT: 19 mins 46 secs
Row, 200 m
Plank Hold, 30 secs
Row, 400 m
Plank Hold, 1 min
Row, 600 m
Plank Hold, 1:30
Row, 800 m
Plank Hold, 2 mins
Row, 1000 m
Plank Hold, 2:30

6:30 AM:  8 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 8:45pace.  Mostly easy lap of Springbrook and Gashawk trails from Dowdy Draw trailhead. Did go a little harder in the uphill on both trails with a HR between 145-150 then below 140 for everything else. Good little uphill tempo in there. Great morning out there.

6:45 AM:  8 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 8:50pace.  Same route as yesterday in almost the exact same time. The difference is yesterday I felt like I was pushing in the middle part and today at the same pace I did not feel that way. So weird but that is running, the body is different day to day. Saw about 20 turkeys and a huge elk on Gashawk. I have never seen an elk down here this close to Boulder, usually they are more in the high country.

10 AM:  1 hour at Crossfit

Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills

Deadlift : 5-3-3-1-1-1 : 4230 lbs
5 Deadlifts | 255 lbs
3 Deadlifts | 285 lbs
3 Deadlifts | 325 lbs
1 Deadlift | 365 lbs
1 Deadlift | 375 lbs
1 Deadlift | 385 lbs -- Post back injury PR...  Have not put up this weight since before I herniated my disk 2 years ago.  Super pleased!


21-15-9: 5 mins 57 secs
21-15-9 reps of:
Deadlift, 50% 1RM | 195 lbs
Lateral Burpee Over Bar

5 PM:  Biked 8.5 miles in less than an hour.  First 4 miles were the warmup so I knew what I was getting into.  The last 4.5 miles were Back 2 Basic Cyclocross #4. One of my worse races in a while. First lap went well even though I had dead legs from the other workouts today. Second lap I wiped out around a corner that made me slow way down to finish the lap. On the third lap I was getting my confidence back and was picking it back up when I threw my chain and it got jammed in the hub of my back wheel. I could not pull it out, spent 3-5 mins trying. Finally called it quits and walked over to the bike mechanic where he had to take apart my whole rear hub to get the chain out, so I made the right call. Still got in some training I guess and still had fun. Next week is the last one of the Wednesday night races which sucks. Hard to do the weekend races when training for Javelina.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  169.4 lbs w/ 8.5% bodyfat.  Down 3 more pounds or so.  I have not been under 170 since before Hardrock last year.  Super pleased and feeling really good overall.  Thinking it has to do with not eating any of the crap I normally eat while I am doing this 75 Hard challenge again.  If I get down to 167 or lower I will consider upping my daily calorie intake.

6:45 AM:  8.3miles averaging 7:15pace.  2 and a half laps of Davidson Mesa. Did this run as sort of a mini progression run with each mile being a little bit quicker than the previous with the last mile being under 7min pace. Did it as a test for my hip and calf. Last month every time I went faster than 8min pace one of the two would act up. That did not happen today, all was good. Think we are all systems go for the last 3 weeks of hard training before the taper of Javelina.

9:30 AM: 20mins in the sauna

3:45 PM: Biked 21 miles w/ 1100ft of vert in 1:27.  Easy lap of the hood per normal. I thought I was going slower than normal on this route but was surprised to look at the data afterwards just to discover I was actually a little quicker than normal at a lower RPE. Interesting...

7 AM:  9 miles w/ 2100ft of vert averaging 9:55pace.  Fowler trailhead for a lap of Rattlesnake Gulch then a loop of Gashawk back to the truck. One of my best runs yet since coming back. Felt so good and the vert was more than I expected. Very pleased I was able to do 2k of vert being under 10min pace without pushing that hard. Shit seems to be coming around finally.

2 PM:  50mins in the garage gym

Warmup: rowing and mobility

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Dumbbell Bench Press, 40 lbs
Elevated Goblet Squat, 25 lbs
Dumbbell Shoulder Press, 25 lbs
Reverse Lunge

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
10 Single Leg RDLs, 25 lbs
10 Jefferson Curls, 35 lbs

3 Rounds
10 single leg calf raises 25lbs

3 Rounds
20 crunches
20 plank pikes
20 plank side to side
20 flutter kicks 4 count

-- followed this with 25mins in the sauna...  gotta get that heat training in for Javelina!

7:30 AM:  20.2 miles w/ 1300ft of vert averaging 8:05pace.  Easy loops on the Rock Creek and Lake Link trails from the Kings on 287 by GZ's house. Each loop was 8 miles then added an out and back to get to 20. Went better than I expected today, have not done a real run over 20 miles since April. Yes I have covered more than 20 miles in a single shot but it was mostly hiking with Bronco Billy during his Colorado Trail FKT. This route is close to the same as a loop at Javelina which is 20 miles & 1500ft of vert.  Hopefully things are setting up nicely for Javelina.  Plan on using this loop a few more times the next few weeks.

8 AM:  14.5 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 8:30pace. Today was a slog-fest of sort... legs had no turn over at all and it was raining buckets all morning. Delayed as long as my mind would allow me too before heading out. Rain stopped about 5 miles in which meant I was then dressed to warm but all good. Ran Marshall Road from Superior to Boulder than back on the bike path doing a lap of Davidson and Harper Lake on the way back.  Had no turn over so just jogged it out until I hit over 2 hours. Been a long time since I have done back to back longer days like this as well.  Hopefully the next 2 weekends of back to back long runs feel better than today's did.

Total Weekly Numbers
Solid week of training this week.  Super pleased I made it through the week with nothing really bothering me but heavy legs and being a little tired.  Need to get in 2 more solid weeks like this then we can taper and get that Javelina finish.  Finish is what matters, I need that Western States qualifier to keep building tickets for that lottery.

Monday, September 16, 2024

September 9th- September 15th

 "There is no way around hard work.  Embrace it." - Roger Federer


10 AM:  45mins in the garage gym.

Warmup: Airbike and mobility

5 rounds, EMOTM
Every 1 min for 25 mins:
10 Dumbbell Deadlifts, 50 lbs
10 Dumbbell Rows, 35 lbs
20 Air Squats
8 Dumbbell Lunges, 15 lbs
10 Dumbbell Chest Press, 50 lbs

Single Leg Calf Raises : 25lbs
10 Single Leg Calf Raises
10 Single Leg Calf Raises
10 Single Leg Calf Raises

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
15 GHD Sit-ups
15 GHD Hip Extensions

--20mins in the sauna after lifting

3 PM:  Biked 12.6 miles w/ 600ft of vert in 51mins.  Easy spin around the hood on the gravel bike again. Was supposed to be easy but went a little bit harder than normal to get out some aggression before it came out at work. 

-- Woke up super early for some reason this morning and finished book number 20 on the year.  Picked up Stronger from one of those free book kiosk you see around in front of people's houses.  This one was by one of the victims of the Boston Marathon bombing, caught my eye. 

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  172.8lbs w/ 8% bodyfat.  Moving in the right direction finally and most importantly is that I am feeling great overall.  Joints are less sore than they have been in a while since I have cleaned up shit the past week.  Weighed in early this week due to heading to Steamboat this afternoon for the rest of the week.

7 AM:  8 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 8:50pace. Easy lap from Dowdy Draw trailhead for a loop of Springbrook and Gashawk. Like hitting it from this trailhead verses Flatiron Vista. Yes it is shorter but the hills are better and it is easier to get home. It can be a pain in the ass to try and turn left on HWY93 in the middle of morning rush hour.

10 AM:  42mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Airbike and mobility

Heels Elevated Back Squat : 5x8 :
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs
8 Heels Elevated Back Squats | 115 lbs

3 RF-ME: Box Step-ups and Strict Toes-to-bars
3 rounds of:
30 Box Step-ups, 12 in | 85 lbs
max rep Strict Toes-to-bars | 12, 12, and 13

3 Rounds
20sec calf raises
10sec hold up
20sec calf raises
10sec hold up
30sec recovery

3 Rounds
10 Single Leg RDL on each leg 25lbs
10 Jerry Curls on a slant board 35lbs

6:45 AM:  8.5 miles averaging 8:10pace.  Easy run from the condo in Steamboat down to the river bike path and to town and back. Little flatter than I wanted but it will work for this week. Everything else is to hilly for Javelina training. Awesome morning, first time I have had to wear a long sleeve to run in months, it was 40 degrees out there this morning.

3 PM:  6.25 miles averaging 8:20pace.  Easy cruise from the condo along the same path that I did this morning for the most part, just not as far out before turning around. Was raining the first half of the run and okay the second half. Got soaked and a little cold.

6:30 AM:  12miles w/ 3200ft of vert averaging 10min pace.  From the condo in Steamboat. The original plan was to do 3 miles up the ski hill then back for 6, get a drink then do 6 flat along the river like yesterday. What I ended up doing was going 6 miles up the hill and back instead. I was just having to much fun being up higher and honestly running the bike path next to the river is boring. Yeah, not the best training for Javelina but oh well, have to enjoy it as well.

2:15 PM: 30mins lifting in the grass with Paula outside the condo.  Fun!  Next time I would add a short 400m run or farmers carry after every round to make this a little longer but a fun workout.

Warmup: mobility

3 RFT:
3 rounds of:
20 Dumbbell Plank Rows, 25 lbs
20 Push-ups
20 Dumbbell Hammer Curls, 25 lbs
20 Dumbbell Bent Over Rows, 25 lbs
20 Dumbbell Upright Rows, 25 lbs

-- followed with a short walk and 20min in the hot tub.

8 AM:  9 miles w/ 1600ft of vert averaging 9min pace. Run from Springcreek Trailhead in Steamboat up towards Dry Lake and back. Was really cool to see this trail in the light. Every time I have been on this trail has been in the middle of the night during Run Rabbit Run 100. Really is a beautiful trail.

2 PM:  Biked 6miles w/ 800ft of vert in 28mins.  Ride from Steamboat up to Fish Creek Falls Trailhead to crew Don. Crews are not allowed to drive up to the trailhead due to not being enough parking so took the bike up to help him. Fun coming back downhill! 20mins up and 7 mins down.

10 PM: 3.4miles averaging 10:50pace. Jogging in and out of town with Don. This is the only place they allow pacers for the Hares in Run Rabbit. Basically it is just to help tired runners not get hit by cars as they go in and out of town.

Noon:   3.5 miles w/ 900ft of vert averaging 12min pace.  Ran/hiked backwards from the finish line of Run Rabbit Run to bring Don in the last few miles. Would have gone up farther if I would have known before hand that was allowed. I was not in running gear. Basically a hike up and jog down with him. He had a great time of 23:45! His goal was 21 hours but shit went sideways at night like it can but he bounced back well!

7 AM:  14.5miles w/ 1700ft of vert averaging 9min pace.  Easy run from the condo to town then up the Springcreek trail towards Dry Lake and back. Wanted to go longer but had to get back to load up and check out of the condo. Such a great week up here this week and a much needed time away from the house with Paula.

Total Weekly Numbers
Solid week especially considering the trail and being in Steamboat all week.  This week as been the best running yet since coming back from the injury.  Super pumped and ready for a bigger week coming up the next 3 weeks before tapering for Javelina.  I feel like I am trying to cram it all in but that is what my body seems to be making me do.