Monday, February 24, 2025

February 17th- February 23rd

"We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw


9 AM:  58mins at the gym

Warmup: Walking on the treadmill and mobility

3x30secs w/ 1min recoveries

Barbell Incline Press
5@ 115lbs
5@ 125lbs
5@ 125lbs
5@ 135lbs
5@ 145lbs

4 Rounds
10 EZbar tricep pushdown @ 65lbs
10 EZbar reverse grip tricip pushdown @ 42.5lbs

Stand Cable Flies (High to low)
4x12 @ 20lbs

3x60sec w/ 1min recoveries

Farmers Carries
3x50meters with 80lbs in each hand.

Single leg calf raises
3x10 w/ 26lbs each leg

Torso Rotations
3x10 w/ 150lbs

3 PM:  6.1 miles w/ 870ft of vert averaging 7:25pace.  Easy miles on the treadmill on the rolling hills program. Going to be another few days of treadmill runs so I can keep getting in some turnover in this shitty weather outside this week. Over it.

Took the day off... in a really bad mind space today to the point that it is good I am not home alone.  Paula is in FL for her race this week (dropped her off at DIA early this morning) but Venus is here with me, so not alone.  Just going to leave it at that and not expand on it right now.  Hopefully I get out of this funk tomorrow.  Fuck this cold weather and fuck the treadmill....

2 PM:  11.3 miles w/ 800ft of vert averaging 7:05pace.  Another sub 0 windchill day with ice and snow on the ground. Guess it is back to the treadmill for the speedwork again. Workout was: 15 min easy WU, 4x10 min at Steady State w/ 3 min AeT float, cool down at AeT. The 10min intervals were done at 6:30pace. Felt really good on this one today, prob due to taking yesterday off.

6:30 AM:  48 mins at the gym

Warmup: Treadmill walk and mobility

Leg Press Machine
10 @ 110
10 @ 190
10 @ 190
10 @ 200

Single leg quad extend
4x10 @ 40

Lying Leg Curls
4x10 @ 100

Machine seated calf raises
4x15 @ 175

Hip Adduction machine
4x10 @ 130

Machine standing calf raises
3x15 @ 190

Machine sitting hamstring curls
3x10 @ 70

Barbell RDLs
4x10 @115

1 PM:  Walk 2.5 miles in 35mins.  Dog walk around the open space next to the house.  4 more laps added to the total for the year.

2:30 PM:  11 miles averaging 7:15pace.  Knock another easy 19 laps of the open space next to the house plus the 4 laps on the dog walk today for a total of 23 today. Works for me. Much quicker pace than I thought it would be, I was just trying to keep the HR between 120-130.

-- Paula started her race in Florida this morning.  Same one that she has done before where they race across the state from the Tampa area to the Orlando area using a combo of trekking, biking, swimming, and paddling aka an Expedition Adventure Race.  They have 72 hours to get it all done.  Here is the first photo I was able to find from check in.

-- And one where she is still smiling.  As I find these on different Facebook pages and groups I will post them here for a record for her.

 -NOTE:  Weight check in: 172.4 pounds w/ 8.1% bodyfat... up a pound but prob just some inflammation which would not surprise me. 

Finished book 10 of the year.  At this pace I will be done with my 24 book goal on the year by June, of course I don't expect that to happen.  

Found a few more photos late last night of Paula during the race on Facebook.  She was dreading this river swim but at least now it is over.  We were even over at the pool at the gym practicing this with her hauling her gear in the pool just like the photo below.  Of course we got all sorts of weird looks at the gym.

11 AM:  1 hour at Studio Red HITT class at VASA.  Followed by a 2 mile dog walk.  Got bogged down with work all afternoon and did not make it out to run.  Ended up working until about 7pm on a Friday night. Sigh.....

7 AM:  12.1 miles averaging 7:50pace.  Easy run with Don on the Clear Creek Path in Golden. My first time heading east on this path. Really liked it. Very similar to the Boulder Creek Path but without all the people that you see in Boulder. Might be coming here more often for path running.

10:45 AM:  Deep Stretch class at VASA in the new red light therapy room, this was the first class they offered. I am going to try to do this 1-2 times a week going forward. Really enjoyed this, you basically get into a stretch and hold it for 2-3 mins.  Followed this up with a 2 mile dog walk again.

8 AM: 18.5 miles w/ 1000ft of vert averaging 7min pace.  Combo of Boulder Track Club run and some solo miles. Started at the Lefthand Trailhead and ran boulder backroads. First 5 miles were warmup with the group then we ran at a tempo pace 5:45-6min pace back to the start (video below). Hung on better than I thought I would. They went on to go do mile repeats (most are training for Boston) while I grabbed a new bottle and just put in another 8 miles solo, running over to the Eagle Trailhead and back to Lefthand trailhead. Was going to do a few more but the legs were hurting a little bit so pulled the plug to be on the safe side. Took in about 150g of carbs in these 2 hours. Working a little bit on what I am going to try and take in during the run next month. Thinking 50-70g of carbs per hour for me.

2 PM: 3 mile dog walk with Venus to finish out the mileage for the day, plus it was over 60 degrees out and sunny.  Perfect afternoon.

--  Paula finished her race across Florida this morning!!!  They rocked it and ended up 3rd in the co-ed open division.   If they would have done the masters division (they are all over 50) they would have won it but they signed up to race the youngsters.  Below are a few more photos I either found online this afternoon or that Paula texted me.  Can't wait to hear the stories of the 3 days across Florida when I go to pick her up from DIA tonight.

Total Weekly Numbers
Not the best of weeks overall.  Missed about 15 miles or so of running this week between Tuesday and Friday.  Not the end of the world but it is what it is and I am disappointed in myself to breakdown mentally like I did on Tuesday.  I am pleased on how the long run on Sunday went especially after doing 14 miles total the day before.  Planning on a bigger week this week so lets hope the body and mind hold together.  We are also planning on leaving to drive to NC sometime in the next week to week and half depending on weather across the country.  Really excited for a change of scenery for a month or so.  FYI-- Still looking for one or two pacers for my 100 March 22nd if anyone is interested on checking out the Outerbanks, NC.  Here is a cool little short clip on the Outerbanks.  The road and bridges you see in this short clip below is what the race runs on and the museum they are in is where the race ends.

Monday, February 17, 2025

February 10th - February 16th

"We forget: In life, it doesn't matter what happens to you or where you came from.  It matters what you do with what happens and what you've been given.  Each obstacle we overcome makes us stronger for the next one." - Ryan Holiday


11 AM:  50mins at Studio Red at VASA with Paula.  Knee did not like any of the squatting or lunging movements.  Really need to get it looked at but since it does not bother me when running I will after Western States.

5 PM: 5.3 miles w/ 750ft of vert averaging 7:20pace.  Was going to take the day off from any cardio but started to feel guilty so went and hit up the treadmill for some easy miles. Set it on the rolling hills program to get some vertical.

-- Book number 8 of the year down... Saguaro Sanction,  Need to go visit this National Park outside of Tucson, AZ.  Have never been there even with all the trips to AZ the past few years.

10 AM:  11.1 miles averaging 7:15pace.  On the treadmill at VASA. Windchill was under 0 degrees so stayed inside today. The workout was:
15 min easy WU, Then strong aerobic effort (RPE 3-4) w/ 10 x [30 sec strides (RPE 8-9) w/ 3-5 min strong aerobic float (RPE 3-4) in between each]. AeT Finish (RPE 4-5) w/ last few min easy at RPE 2-3.

Always sweat like a madman when I do any sort of efforts inside, I  also get all kinds of looks from others on the treadmill anytime I go under 7min pace. Guessing tomorrow will be a treadmill day as well based on the forecast.

4:30 PM: 50 mins Garage gym

Warmup: Rowing, Crossover, and mobility

Standing DB Shoulder Press
4x12 @ 40lbs

Laterial Raise Drop Sets x 3
10 heavy @ 25lbs
10 med @ 20lbs
10 lighter @ 15lbs

Front Raise Drop Sets x3
10 heavy @ 20lbs
10 med @ 15lbs
10 lighter @ 10lbs

Circuit x 3 rounds
20 V-Ups to Knee Tuck
10 Feet on bench Pike Pushups
20 Bench Up Downs
10 Leg Raises plus Hip Lift

Flutter Kicks

Plank Side to Side

3 PM:  11 miles averaging 7:10pace.  To cold and icy out today to do this workout outside so I moved it inside. Did not want to risk falling on ice with only 5 weeks until Blackbeard. Seems easier on the mill than outside but that is okay.  Tempo part was at 6:30pace, could have gone faster but was told to run it at 10 mile effort.

15 min WU, 4x6 min tempo with 2 min float at AeT, cool down at AeT.

9:30 AM:  50 mins at VASA

Warmup: Walk on the mill followed by some mobility work.

Barbell wide stance back squat
12 @ 95
10 @ 115
8 @ 135
6 @ 145
4 @ 165

4 rounds
10 KB sumo squats @ 70lbs
10 KB sumo deadlifts @ 70lbs
20 Russian KB swings @ 70lbs

Hack Squats
3x10 @ 90lbs plus sled - cut weight due to knee

Standing Calf Raises
3x15 @ 150lbs

Single leg Knee extensions free weight machine
3x10 @ 35lbs each leg

Hamstring curls
4x10 @ 100lbs

3 PM: 10.1 miles averaging 7:45pace.  Easy laps around the open space, took Venus with me for the first 5 miles then dropped her off to finish out the time. Added 17 more laps to the total for the year. Only 895 laps to go, never ending... lol...

Followed this up right away with 20mins in the hot tub for a little heat training.  

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  171.2lbs at 8.2% bodyfat.   Where I expect to be. Last week at 167 was a fluke.

-- Took the day off work to get in my a longer hilly run this morning and head up by Bailey to help put on Running Up For Air 24 hour race this afternoon until early tomorrow morning.  Spent the morning finishing up book #9 of the year, Death Valley Duel.  This one had ultrarunning as part of the theme.  Now I am all caught up in that National Parks Mystery series until the next book comes out.  Now I have to figure out what to read next. 

10 AM:  13.6 miles w/ 2200ft of vert averaging 7:45pace.  From King Soopers at Tablemesa & Broadway up to NCAR then back down to the start of the neighborhood and back up 3 more times for a total of 4 times total. Exactly the same run as last week but a little quicker without trying, progress.  Chilled out for a bit after getting home then headed up to Stauton State Park to help with Running Up For Air overnight.  Worked from 4pm to midnight helping runners and got my first night in the van in 2025.  This gives me my volunteer hours for Hardrock.  Yes I know I am to far down the waitlist for it to matter but I am doing everything I can to be ready just in case my number gets called.

10 AM:  10.8 miles w/ 800ft of vert averaging 8:15pace.  Easy jog with Don, Darian, and Brandon at Bear Creek Lake staying on the bike paths on my way home from Stauton. Super chill and great to catch up some with the boys.  Went over to Morrison right after the run to grab lunch.  When we walked in it was like the first photo below outside, when we got done with lunch 45mins later it was like the second photo below.  It took me over an hour to get home in what should have taken 25mins.  

8 AM:  17.25 miles w/ 800ft of vert averaging 7:20pace.  Joined the Boulder Track Club in Louisville for the long run this morning on all roads.  Little slower average pace due to the ice and snow today.  The original plan was Coal Creek but that got changed to road due to the snow and moved to the roads. Great turn out this morning of over 20 people in the 8 degree weather. Did the 11 mile route then added on a few more with some other members, yes I am now a member. Think it will be good for my running to help me with my speed as I get older. Just have to be careful not to do to much speed work with them and burn out. I am not in my 20s or 30s anymore like they are.

Total Weekly Numbers
Great week this week.  Did miss one gym session and did cut the mileage a little bit on the Sunday run but went way over on Saturday so that at least evened out.  Paula is leaving tomorrow for Florida to do that adventure race across Florida again called Sea to Sea.  They go all the way across the state in 3 days.  They start on Thursday and the cut off is Sunday morning.  Needless to say Thursday through Sunday I will be glued on the tracker which I will post the link on Facebook once I find it.  Two more bigger mileage weeks then we taper. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

February 3rd- February 9th

"Have no fear of perfection- you'll never reach it." - Salvador Dali


10 AM:  5.3 miles averaging 7:50pace.  Easy jog around the open space and hood. First 3.5 miles with the dog then had to drop her off, she got to hot due to the fact it was 70 degrees outside which is nuts.

3:30 PM: 50mins in the garage gym

Warmup: Rowing, Crossover, and mobility

Standing DB Shoulder Press
3x12 @ 40lbs

Laterial Raise Drop Sets x 3
10 heavy @ 25lbs
10 med @ 20lbs
10 lighter @ 15lbs

Front Raise Drop Sets x3
10 heavy @ 20lbs
10 med @ 15lbs
10 lighter @ 10lbs

Circuit x 3 rounds
20 V-Ups to Knee Tuck
10 Feet on bench Pike Pushups
20 Bench Up Downs
10 Leg Raises plus Hip Lift

Flutter Kicks

Plank Side to Side

--- 20mins in the hot tub right afterwards.  Love having that at home, now that we got the heater replace it runs so well.

-- Found out a friend of mine passed away this morning and have been broken up about it all day.  He was only a few years older than me.  Bryan Trammell had such a huge heart.  I have known him since about 2008 when I started trailrunning with the Boulder Trailrunners, he was one of the first people to introduce himself to me at a group run.  Over the years we became good friends, he used to go to all of my cyclocross races in 2016-2018 when I was really into the sport and take photos just because he loved watching people race and pushing their limits.  One year for Christmas, maybe 2017, he gave me a coffee table book he made of the best photos that he took of me doing cyclocross, it is one of my favorite gifts I have ever gotten.  We have fallen out of touch the past few years as adults do over time due to family, work, ect which of course I now regret with a heavy heart.  I guess he was diagnosed prostate cancer a few years ago and was told that he beat it.  He did not, it came back in the past year and spread to is brain, he passed away yesterday in hospice.  FUCK CANCER! 

Here is a photo Chris Gerber took of Bryan running in Golden Gate Canyon State Park (his favorite local place to run) and also my favorite photo Bryan took of me cyclocross racing.  Rest in peace buddy, you were one of the good ones.   Funeral is Feb 22nd, if you have any interest reach out for details.

1:30 PM:  11.3miles averaging 7:05 pace.  Easy w/ some steady state and 8x30sec strides in the middle. Ran the first 4.5 miles with Venus since Paula is at the office today to get her out, dropped her off then back over to the open space for a bunch more loops with the strides mixed in. Felt damn good today and HR was lower than normal for the pace. Only 912 more loops left of the open space this year. LOL.

4:30 PM:  45mins at the gym.  Another Studio Red at VASA with Paula.  Did not push as much on the intervals today as normal since I was feeling the run from earlier in the afternoon

10 AM:  8.1 miles averaging 7:10pace.  Need a change from around the house so drove to to Davidson Mesa, been a bit. 2.5 laps of Davidson Mesa this morning. Turning into a moderate run for about half of it as I was running into 25mph winds heading west and had it to my back pushing me coming back.

4:30 PM:  1 hour Studio Red with Paula at Vasa... pushed hard on the manual treadmill today.

-- Finished book 7 of the year.  Canyonland Carnage which is book 7 of 9 in Scott Graham's National Park Mystery Series.  I am mowing right through these books.

5:30 AM:  50 mins at the gym.

Warmup: Walking on the treadmill and mobility

3x30secs w/ 1min recoveries

Barbell Incline Press
5@ 115lbs
5@ 125lbs
5@ 125lbs
5@ 125lbs
5@ 135lbs

4 Rounds
10 EZbar tricep pushdown @ 65lbs
10 EZbar reverse grip tricip pushdown @ 42.5lbs

Stand Cable Flies (High to low)
4x10 @ 22.5lbs

3x30sec w/ 1min recoveries

Farmers Carries
3x50meters with 80lbs in each hand.

Single leg calf raises
3x10 w/ 26lbs each leg

Torso Rotations
3x10 w/ 140lbs

2 PM: 10.2miles w/ 750ft of vert averaging 7:25 pace.  Somewhat easy on the eastern part of the Dirty Biz loop. The western half towards Boulder is all closed due to mud. From the Coalton Trailhead up the big hill to the closure and back then towards Louisville Key Bank and back. Prob ran a little hard uphill than I should have.

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  167lbs w/ 8% bodyfat.  Down 3 pounds from last week which is interesting.  Cut down a little bit on the snacking in bed but not that much.  Lowest I have been since Javalina in Oct.  Funny thing is this time last year I was 181lbs.

-- Read through the newest issue of Ultrarunning Magazine this morning and came across this... Don got the #1 at 154 miles and #4 at 144 miles at the 24 hour distance for 2024 in North America.  Congrates buddy!!!

9 AM:  13.6 miles w/ 2200ft of vert averaging 7:49pace.  From King Soopers at Tablemesa & Broadway up to NCAR then back down to the start of the neighborhood and back up 3 more times for a total of 4 times total. Legs were somewhat trashed today, felt like I had no power uphill but still averaged about the same overall. Guess I have been doing this road so much lately got the Local Legend on it on Strava, LOL...   3-4 more weeks of building before the taper. Lets go!

9 AM:  8.2 miles averaging 7:40pace.  2 easy laps of Davidson Mesa and 2 easy laps of Harper Lake. To cold to really spend an hour out on the bike so just did a super easy jog on the flat trails. Lots of people out and about on Davidson this morning which surprised me due to how cold it was this morning.

1 PM: 55 mins at gym

Warmup: elliptical

4 Supersets
Pullups to failure
10 Lat Pulldowns @ 100lbs

Circuit x3
8/8 single arm cable row @ 35lbs
8/8 single arm reverse bicep curls @ 20lbs

Reverse Flys Machine
3x15 @ 55lbs

DB Bicep Curls
3x15 @20lbs

30sec back extends @ 35lbs
30sec Plate Gun Hold @ 35lbs
30sec Plate Situps @ 35lbs

Torso Rotations
3x10 each way @ 145lbs

8 AM: 17.1 miles averaging 6:50pace.  Joined the Boulder Track Club in Niwot for a tour of some roads and trails over there that I have never been on. Good run, went out with the front group. They of course were chatting along as we were doing 6:30s while I was just tucked in behind them hanging on. They were all 2:15-2:25 marathoners, so 6:30 is their easy pace which is why I like joining them. Added another 4 miles solo afterwards to get in my long run distance I wanted.

-- 2 mile dog walk this afternoon before the Superbowl with Paula as well.  Good way to loosen the legs after that long run.  Also was watching Taylor take on Black Canyon 50K on the live stream along with testing some gear for Paula's adventure race across Florida in a few weeks.  Yes that is a photo of some of the calories she plans to taking with her. 

Total Weekly Numbers
Solid week this week.  I would take this week all day long in the build up.  Goal is to have 3-4 more weeks like this before the taper for Blackbeard 100.  Will be a challenge to get in the miles as we are driving across the country in 2-3 weeks and doing weights while in the Outerbanks since there are no gyms close by the beach house, may just take some dumbbells with me.  Guess that depends on how much other shit we have crammed into the van for the month we will be gone.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

January Recap

 "Be a yardstick of quality.  Some people aren't used to an environment where excellence is expected."     -Steve Jobs

Not a bad month overall.  Feel like the month was forced but sometimes that is just part of it if that makes any sense.  Been a chore to get out the door, once I am out there all is good though.  Hopefully things will start clicking more this month.  Only about 4-5 more weeks of training before the taper for Blackbeard.

Monday, February 3, 2025

January 27th- February 2nd

  "Without commitment, you cannot have depth in anything, whether it's a relationship, a business, or a hobby." - Neil Strauss

"The world has enough for everyone's need, but not enough for everyone's greed." - Mahatma Gandhi

Had to include this second quote with all the turmoil going on the world right now, just seemed appropriate.


10 AM: 5.7 miles w/ 400ft averaging 7:50pace.  Easy cruise from the house through the business park and up the Simms hill a little bit before tracing my route back home. Super chill today, just a shakeout. I can feel the legs from yesterday's run for sure.  Legs are a little smashed today.

1 PM:  Walk 1.7 miles loop around the hood with Venus between meetings.... Paula gets home tonight so daily walks may fall off some as she usually walks Venus.

3:30 PM: 45mins at VASA lifting

Warmup: Walking on the treadmill and mobility

3x30secs w/ 1min recoveries

Barbell Incline Press
12@ 95lbs
10@ 105lbs
8@ 115lbs
6@ 125lbs

3 Rounds
10 EZbar tricep pushdown @ 65lbs
10 EZbar reverse grip tricip pushdown @ 42.5lbs

Stand Cable Flies (High to low)
3x10 @ 25lbs

3x30sec w/ 1min recoveries

Farmers Carries
3x50meters with 80lbs in each hand.

9:30 AM:  8.3 miles w/ 500ft of vert averaging 7:30pace.  From the house through the business park and up the Simm's hill to HWY 128 and back. Less icy out today than yesterday. Will be doing more roads the next 7 weeks as I am getting ready for Blackbeard. Need to get used to the pounding.

4 PM:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Run on the treadmill followed by some mobility work.

Plate overhead walking lunges
3x40 w/ 25lbs

Barbell wide stance back squat
10 @ 95
3x10 @115

3 rounds
10 KB sumo squats @ 70lbs
10 KB sumo deadlifts @ 70lbs
20 Russian KB swings @ 70lbs

Hack Squats
3x10 @ 140lbs plus sled

Sitting Calf Raises
3x15 @ 85lbs

Single leg Knee extensions
4x10 @ 45lbs each leg

--Gotta a bunch of work done on the van this past week to get it ready to drive across the country at the beginning of March.  We are planning on heading to Outerbanks, NC for a bit to help her mom get the beach house ready to rent for the summer and I plan on running the length of the islands while there too which is 100 miles.  Sherman (van's name) got an all new underbelly, including suspension, a sway bars for high wind days, battery, transmission service and some seals that needed replaced.  Broke for the rest of the year now.

9 AM:  8.25 miles averaging 7:30pace.  Easy cruise from the house around the hood doing one big lap. All on concrete sidewalk or on the road.  Trying to embrace the road roading, easy to do now when the trails are snowy and muddy but will be much harder once they dry out again.

4:30 PM:  50mins at the gym doing Studio Red class with Paula.  This is a HITT class with dumbells, airbike, and manual treadmill.

1 PM:  8.25 miles w/ 550ft of vert averaging 7:10pace. Call this loop the Airport Lollipop. From the house up Simms to Hwy 128, over to the old Simms by the airport, down to the new Simms back home. Will be doing this more often, little longer than just an out and back. Wore the new Adizero Adios Pro 4's, awesome super shoe. Great paces without pushing at all, might be the shoe for the 100 mile road.

--  Missed my gym time this afternoon due to not being able to get away from work for 30-60mins.  Thought about doing it in the evening but that did not happen.  Might make it up on Saturday afternoon.

 -NOTE:  Weight check in: 170lbs on the dot w/ 7.8% bodyfat.  Down half a pound this week without really watching what I eat.  The joys of running more miles.  Just have to focus on not losing to much muscle as the miles increase, gotta focus on that protein intake which I try to keep around 200g per day.
9 AM:  17 miles w/ 2700ft of gain averaging 7:40pace.  My normal Friday route but longer.  From King Soopers at Tablemesa & Broadway up to NCAR then back down to the start of the neighborhood and back up 4 more times for a total of 5 times total. Felt really good today. Tried to keep the HR in the 145-155 range on the climbs so I was going hard but not to hard and didn't bother with HR on the downhills just cruising. Fun morning, now back to work.

3 PM: 50 mins at the gym

Warmup: elliptical

3 Supersets
Pullups to failure
10 Lat Pulldowns @ 100lbs

Circuit x3
8/8 single arm cable row @ 35lbs
8/8 single arm reverse bicep curls @ 25lbs

Reverse Flys DBs
3x15 @ 20lbs

DB Bicep Curls
3x15 @25lbs

30sec back extends @ 35lbs
30sec Plate Gun Hold @ 35lbs
30sec Plate Situps @ 25lbs

Torso Rotations
3x10 each way @ 150lbs

-- 20mins in the hot tub right afterwards

8:30 AM:  11 miles averaging 8min pace.  Easy run with Don doing an out and back at Waterton Canyon. Super chill and great to catch up some. Hit up Desert Donuts right afterwards and yes you should check that out. This may turn into a monthly thing, The Donut Run.  If interested in the next one let me know and will include you on the invite. And yes all 6 donuts were gone before bed time... sigh....

10 AM: Old Man Winter 10K-- 6.3 miles w/ 400ft of vert  in 39:42 or 6:18pace.  Old Man Winter 10k. No warmup or anything, just get to the line and use the first 2 miles as my warmup then bring the pace down a little bit. Plus the first 2 miles were most icy and muddy anyways. Needless to say it was approached more as a tempo or progression effort verses an all out 10k. Was supposed to do the bike afterwards as well but forgot my cycling shoes so just hung out while Paula was out riding which of course she crushed right after doing the 5K. During that time they called me up as the 3rd overall finisher which I thought was weird but rolled with it, checked the website right afterwards while still there and it said I was third but when I got home a few hours later I checked again and it showed me as 7th which seemed about where I thought I was. So weird..... not going to cash this $70 check I got for being 3rd. Does not seem right, or should I since it was their error?   Thoughts?

Our 3rd year in a row doing this together, has become the thing we plan on every year now.  LOL.

Total Weekly Numbers
Mostly a recovery week of sorts where there was no real workouts besides the 10K on Sunday.  Mostly all just easier miles but still a good amount overall.  The next 4-5 weeks should be a little bit higher mileage and the lifting will drop off some do the last build-up to the road 100 at the end of March.  Just need to get my head straight and not let the stress of work affect me so much, been fucking up my sleep lately which is not sustainable long term.