"Have no fear of perfection- you'll never reach it." - Salvador Dali
10 AM: 5.3 miles averaging 7:50pace. Easy jog around the open space and hood. First 3.5 miles with the dog
then had to drop her off, she got to hot due to the fact it was 70
degrees outside which is nuts.
3:30 PM: 50mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Rowing, Crossover, and mobility
Standing DB Shoulder Press
3x12 @ 40lbs
Laterial Raise Drop Sets x 3
10 heavy @ 25lbs
10 med @ 20lbs
10 lighter @ 15lbs
Front Raise Drop Sets x3
10 heavy @ 20lbs
10 med @ 15lbs
10 lighter @ 10lbs
Circuit x 3 rounds
20 V-Ups to Knee Tuck
10 Feet on bench Pike Pushups
20 Bench Up Downs
10 Leg Raises plus Hip Lift
Flutter Kicks
Plank Side to Side
--- 20mins in the hot tub right afterwards. Love having that at home, now that we got the heater replace it runs so well.
-- Found out a friend of mine passed away this morning and have been broken up about it all day. He was only a few years older than me. Bryan Trammell had such a huge heart. I have known him since about 2008 when I started trailrunning with the Boulder Trailrunners, he was one of the first people to introduce himself to me at a group run. Over the years we became good friends, he used to go to all of my cyclocross races in 2016-2018 when I was really into the sport and take photos just because he loved watching people race and pushing their limits. One year for Christmas, maybe 2017, he gave me a coffee table book he made of the best photos that he took of me doing cyclocross, it is one of my favorite gifts I have ever gotten. We have fallen out of touch the past few years as adults do over time due to family, work, ect which of course I now regret with a heavy heart. I guess he was diagnosed prostate cancer a few years ago and was told that he beat it. He did not, it came back in the past year and spread to is brain, he passed away yesterday in hospice. FUCK CANCER!
Here is a photo Chris Gerber took of Bryan running in Golden Gate Canyon State Park (his favorite local place to run) and also my favorite photo Bryan took of me cyclocross racing. Rest in peace buddy, you were one of the good ones. Funeral is Feb 22nd, if you have any interest reach out for details.
1:30 PM: 11.3miles averaging 7:05 pace. Easy w/ some steady state and 8x30sec strides in the middle. Ran the
first 4.5 miles with Venus since Paula is at the office today to get her
out, dropped her off then back over to the open space for a bunch more
loops with the strides mixed in. Felt damn good today and HR was lower
than normal for the pace. Only 912 more loops left of the open space
this year. LOL.
4:30 PM: 45mins at the gym. Another Studio Red at VASA with Paula. Did not push as much on the intervals today as normal since I was feeling the run from earlier in the afternoon
10 AM: 8.1 miles averaging 7:10pace. Need a change from around the house so drove to to Davidson Mesa, been a
bit. 2.5 laps of Davidson Mesa this morning. Turning into a moderate
run for about half of it as I was running into 25mph winds heading west
and had it to my back pushing me coming back.
4:30 PM: 1 hour Studio Red with Paula at Vasa... pushed hard on the manual treadmill today.
-- Finished book 7 of the year.
Canyonland Carnage which is book 7 of 9 in Scott Graham's National Park Mystery Series. I am mowing right through these books.
5:30 AM: 50 mins at the gym.
Warmup: Walking on the treadmill and mobility
3x30secs w/ 1min recoveries
Barbell Incline Press
5@ 115lbs
5@ 125lbs
5@ 125lbs
5@ 125lbs
5@ 135lbs
4 Rounds
10 EZbar tricep pushdown @ 65lbs
10 EZbar reverse grip tricip pushdown @ 42.5lbs
Stand Cable Flies (High to low)
4x10 @ 22.5lbs
3x30sec w/ 1min recoveries
Farmers Carries
3x50meters with 80lbs in each hand.
Single leg calf raises
3x10 w/ 26lbs each leg
Torso Rotations
3x10 w/ 140lbs
2 PM: 10.2miles w/ 750ft of vert averaging 7:25 pace. Somewhat easy on the eastern part of the Dirty Biz loop. The western
half towards Boulder is all closed due to mud. From the Coalton
Trailhead up the big hill to the closure and back then towards
Louisville Key Bank and back. Prob ran a little hard uphill than I
should have.
-NOTE: Weight check in: 167lbs w/ 8% bodyfat. Down 3 pounds from last week which is interesting. Cut down a little bit on the snacking in bed but not that much. Lowest I have been since Javalina in Oct. Funny thing is this time last year I was 181lbs.
-- Read through the newest issue of Ultrarunning Magazine this morning and came across this... Don got the #1 at 154 miles and #4 at 144 miles at the 24 hour distance for 2024 in North America. Congrates buddy!!!
9 AM: 13.6 miles w/ 2200ft of vert averaging 7:49pace. From King Soopers at Tablemesa & Broadway up to NCAR then back down
to the start of the neighborhood and back up 3 more times for a total of
4 times total. Legs were somewhat trashed today, felt like I had no
power uphill but still averaged about the same overall. Guess I have been doing this road so much lately got the Local Legend on it on Strava, LOL... 3-4 more weeks
of building before the taper. Lets go!

9 AM: 8.2 miles averaging 7:40pace. 2 easy laps of Davidson Mesa and 2 easy laps of Harper Lake. To cold to
really spend an hour out on the bike so just did a super easy jog on
the flat trails. Lots of people out and about on Davidson this morning which
surprised me due to how cold it was this morning.
1 PM: 55 mins at gym
Warmup: elliptical
4 Supersets
Pullups to failure
10 Lat Pulldowns @ 100lbs
Circuit x3
8/8 single arm cable row @ 35lbs
8/8 single arm reverse bicep curls @ 20lbs
Reverse Flys Machine
3x15 @ 55lbs
DB Bicep Curls
3x15 @20lbs
30sec back extends @ 35lbs
30sec Plate Gun Hold @ 35lbs
30sec Plate Situps @ 35lbs
Torso Rotations
3x10 each way @ 145lbs
8 AM: 17.1 miles averaging 6:50pace. Joined the Boulder Track Club in Niwot for a tour of some roads and
trails over there that I have never been on. Good run, went out with
the front group. They of course were chatting along as we were doing
6:30s while I was just tucked in behind them hanging on. They were all
2:15-2:25 marathoners, so 6:30 is their easy pace which is why I like
joining them. Added another 4 miles solo afterwards to get in my long
run distance I wanted.
-- 2 mile dog walk this afternoon before the Superbowl with Paula as well. Good way to loosen the legs after that long run. Also was watching Taylor take on Black Canyon 50K on the live stream along with testing some gear for Paula's adventure race across Florida in a few weeks. Yes that is a photo of some of the calories she plans to taking with her.
Total Weekly Numbers
Solid week this week. I would take this week all day long in the build up. Goal is to have 3-4 more weeks like this before the taper for Blackbeard 100. Will be a challenge to get in the miles as we are driving across the country in 2-3 weeks and doing weights while in the Outerbanks since there are no gyms close by the beach house, may just take some dumbbells with me. Guess that depends on how much other shit we have crammed into the van for the month we will be gone.