"Grief is the price we pay for love" - Queen Elizabeth II
7 AM: 45mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Rowing, Crossover, and mobility
30 Pullups- broken up as needed
3 Rounds
10 Band Pulldowns (green)
10 DB Pullovers 40lbs
3x10 Ring Rows
3 Rounds
10 GHD weighted hip extensions
10 GHD hip extensions
10 GHD Situps
3 Rounds
10 DB Bicep Curls 20lbs
20 DB Crossover Bicep Curls 20lbs
10 DB Hammer Curls 20lbs
3x1min planks w/ 30sec recovery
1:30 PM: 3.2 miles averaging 7:55pace. Easy dog jog around the hood with Venus. Super chill... Just laps of the open space next to the house. Nothing special.
6 PM: Spin Class for an hour, 16.6 miles. Spin class with Paula at Vasa, miles are from the display on the bike. Most likely more line 14 in real life but whatever, all I can go by.
7 AM: 50 mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Rowing, Crossover, and mobility
DB Shoulder Press
3x10 @ 35lbs
3 Rounds
10 DB Lateral Raises @ 15lbs
10 DB Front Raises @ 15lbs
3 Rounds
30sec Plate Upright Rows @ 25lbs
30sec Plate Steering Wheel @ 10lbs
3 Rounds
20 Single Leg V-Ups
20 Bicycles
20 Ball Russian Twist 10lbs
20 High Plank Knee to Elbow
3 Rounds
10/10 ATG Split Squats
10 DB Seated Good Mornings @ 35lbs
3 Rounds
10/10 Single Leg RDLs 25lbs
10 Jefferson Curls 44lbs
1:30 PM: 7.7 miles averaging 7:25pace. Easy Run w/ 6x30 sec Strides-- Laps of the open space by the house.
Each lap is .62 miles so I would do my 30secs fast then jog out the lap
for each one. Worked great doing it that way, could draw a line in the
dirt after the first one and run to line each time and not have to look
at the watch. Last few strides were under 5min pace.
-- 20mins in the hot tub right after the run
7 AM: 50 mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Rowing and mobility
30min EMOM
30sec Single Unders
30sec Hanging Knee Raises
30sec Devil Presses 25lbs
30sec Russian KB Swings 55lbs
30sec Butterfly Situps
--30sec rest after every movement--
3x10 Single Calf Raises 25lbs
Single Suitcase Hold 2x1min each side @ 55lbs
2:30 PM: 8 miles w/ 600ft of vert averaging 7:25pace. Easy jog from the Coalton Trailhead straight west up the hill on the
Dirty Biz trails. Did try to keep the HR under 140 at all times with an
average of 130 which is about perfect. Feel like things are starting
to click again after Javelina, just hope I am not speaking too soon.
7 AM: 55mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Rowing and Mobility-- still lighter but little increase in weight and reps
DB Walking Lunges
3x40 @ 15lbs
Back Squats
3x10 @115lbs
1x10 @120lbs
Barbell RDL
4x10 @105lbs
3 Rounds
20 DB Box Step Overs @15lbs
20 Box Jumps
3 Rounds
10/10 ATG Split Squats
10 DB Seated Good Mornings @ 35lbs
4 Rounds
15 GHD Situps to parallel
15 GHD Hip Extensions
-- Guess this is not happening next year. Might find another Gravel race instead. Was hoping to do both a 200 gravel race in May and a long ultra in June but will need to come up with another plan.
3:30 PM: 6.9 miles averaging 7:45pace. Easy run in the open space by the house. Did not have time to go
anywhere so out the door after my last meeting of the day. Hate running
this late, belly is usually not happy so had to make a pit stop mid
run which is annoying. Either way got it done.
Had some conversations with a buddy helping with my training this afternoon, Workout Wednesdays
will be making a return next week. Been a few years due to all the
injuries since I have been doing these. Actually really pumped about
5:30 AM: 45mins in the garage gym
Warmup: Rowing, Crossover, mobility.
3 Rounds
10 DB Incline Chest Press 40lbs
10 Dips
3 Rounds
10 DB Flys 25lbs
10 Hand Release Pushups
3 Rounds
10 EZ Bar Narrow Chest Press 77lbs
10 EZ Bar Skull Crusher 57lbs
3 Rounds
10/10 ATG Split Squat
10 DB Seated Good Mornings 35lbs
3x30 Plate Steering Wheel
3x10 Jefferson Curls 45lbs
7 AM: 30mins of follow along yoga on the phone.
-- Heading to Houston this morning for the weekend to Paula's family's house for the celebration of life for her father that passed away last month. Going to be a rough weekend for everyone.
3 PM: 7.7 miles averaging 7:45pace. Easy cruise in Sugar Land Texas on the bike path by
Paula dad’s house. 75 degrees and sunny, perfect weather. Junk legs
due to travel but well worth it to get out and yes I felt the heat somewhat.

Saturday and Sunday:
Saturday was Paula dad's celebration of life. Needless to say I did not get out to jog at all on Saturday or Sunday due to supporting her and her step mom anyway I could. Helped to set up at the golf club for the event on Saturday and that took until about dinner time. On Sunday was doing small chores around the house for her step mom who is 85 years young. Needless to say it was a busy weekend and of course I ate like shit all weekend. By the time I got home late Sunday night my lower legs and feet were really swollen from all the sugar and no activities. Guessing I have eaten about 20 cookies plus other sugar treats over the past 48 hours. Sigh....
Paula and her brother
Family card night after the celebration of life.
Total Weekly Numbers
Week started good then fell way off with the trip over the weekend. This week's only focus is to get back on track both food and activity wise. Need to get rid of all this inflammation I have going on in my lower legs and feet. It is to the point that my shoes are really tight. It is nuts.