Monday, October 30, 2023

Oct 23rd- Oct 29th

“Do not whine... Do not complain. Work harder. Spend more time alone.” - Joan Didion

“The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.” - Elbert Hubbard

-- Seemed like a 2 quote week for some reason with having a large week planned this week.  Big jump in mileage this week to get ready for next month.  Most likely to late to really make a difference but had to at least try.


9 AM:  7.2 miles averaging 8:15 pace.  Easy cruise doing laps at the open space by the house.  First 5 miles with the dog and the rest solo.  Started getting to warm for her so had to drop her off.  Super chill, going to try and up the miles this week all at an easy pace.

4 PM: 1 hour at the gym.

Warmup: rowing, mobility and drills

4x 3 mins RemReps:  89 reps
4 rounds, 3 mins each, of:
Row, 500 m
max rep Front Squats, 40% 1RM | 85 lbs | 22, 22, 22, and 23
Rest 3 mins

8 AM:   7.3 miles averaging 8:15pace.  Easy cruise around the Boulder bike paths from the hospital.  Had to go in first thing this morning for a fasted blood draw so just ran from there right afterwards.  Needed that change up in my environment.

Noon:  1 hour at the gym

Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills

5 RFT:18 mins 49 secs
5 rounds of:
25 Kettlebell Swings, 53 lbs
25 Burpees
25 AbMat Sit-ups

3 PM: 2.5 mile walk in 42mins followed by 25mins in the sauna.  

7:15 AM:  8 miles averaging 7:50pace.  Would have started sooner this morning but watching the hour change at Big Dog Backyard Ultra got my attention.  Really fun to watch 10 till to 5 after of every hour on the live feed.  Laps of the open space by the house again. First 3 miles with the dog then dropped her off to finish the rest. Did do 6x20sec pickups in the middle of the run as well. Time to start adding strides back in. Felt weird since it has been a bit.

4 PM:  1 hour at the gym followed by a cold plunge.

Warmup: Jump rope, mobility and drills

AMRAP 15 mins:
15:00 AMRAP:
30 Double Unders
15 Pull-ups
30 Double Unders
15 Dumbbell Thrusters, 30% 1RM | 25 lbs each hand

  -NOTE:  Weight check in:  No weight check in, forgot this morning.  Need to see where I truly am soon.

7 AM:  11 miles averaging 8:15pace.  Easy miles in the cold fog this morning.  First 3 miles with the dog then dropped her off to finish out the hour and half.  Just super chill listening to the Hardrock podcast.  Caught me off guard that the last 10mins things got a little bit harder than expected to keep pace.   

--followed this up with 30mins in the sauna.

4 PM: 1 hour at the gym.  (2 miles of running during warmup and the workout)

Warmup: Running, mobility and drills

AMRAP 20 mins: 8 rounds + 300 m + 5 Push-ups
20:00 AMRAP:
Run, 300 m
20 Push-ups
10 Deadlifts, 60% 1RM | 205 lbs

--  Paula and I spent the evening over at Full Cycle & Colorado Multisport checking out the new skimo shop that they just opened.  Cool to have another option in the area to get ski gear but was disappointed on the Grand Opening party we went too.  Very unorganized...

7 AM:  5.2 miles averaging 8:45pace.  Easy cruise on the loop by the house on this chilly 20 degree morning. Totally forgot how to dress for the cold. Dressed to warm of course.  Followed this with a 30min sauna session

1 PM:  Walk 2.2 miles in 38 mins.  Easy dog walk with Paula just to get outside some before the really cold weekend rolls in.

3 PM: 24mins lifting in the garage gym.  Upper body and core movements in the garage.  Had plans to go to Crossfit today but wanted to rest up for a big weekend of running. 

7 AM:  21 miles in about 3 hours.  Easy miles 18 miles with Donnie over at Harper Lake and Davidson Mesa doing laps of each and refueling as needed at the cars. Just a super easy jog in 17 degree weather.  Been a bit since we have jogged together.  As I was leaving to head home after running with Donnie when Paula texted that she was bringing the dog out to Davidson so waited for her and ran Venus 3 more miles. She loves running in the cold weather.  Then of course when we got home she does this.  LOL.

8 AM: 25 miles in 3:55.  Had 4 hours on the plan for today and of course it snowed about 8 inches over night. Knowing that Boulder was more likely to plow the parks and bike paths before they plow the roads I heading over to Harlow Platts Park in South Boulder and did loops on the concrete sidewalk around the park. Worked out well, got there at 8am just as they were finishing plowing all the sidewalks. Ran the first 2 hours solo and Rebecca joined me for the last 2 hours or so. It was wet with the snow coming down and the slush but at least it was warmer than yesterday.  

--Hit the hot tub with Paula for 20 plus mins once I got home.  Joints and muscles needed it, have not ran that far on concrete in a long time.

Total Weekly Numbers
This was the week I wanted to get ready for next month.  Beyond pleased I got through it without getting hurt considering I was coming from running lower mileage the past few months.  One more longer week of about 60ish miles then a taper for next month.

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