“It is not how we live in the light that enlightens us, it is how we live in the dark.” - Rune Lazuli
9:30 AM: 5.6 miles w/ 400ft of vert averaging 8:05pace. Monday Dog Jog date with Venus! Easy loop from Sterns Lake hitting all the hills. Super
chill but she was on fire pulling the first mile per usual then settled
in. She did not drag the last mile or so like she has been the past few weeks so I am thinking she
is getting in better shape.
3:30 PM: 1:20 at the gym. Went early before class to get in my core work since we were going straight to spin class afterwards.
Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills
20mins of core work including farmer carries and russian twist.
Every 1 min for 30 mins: Clean & Jerk : 4560 lbs
Every 1 min for 30 mins:
1 Clean & Jerk | 95 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 115 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 125 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 135 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 140 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 145 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 145 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 145 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 145 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 150 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 150 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 150 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 155 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 155 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 155 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 160 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 160 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 165 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 170 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 170 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 175 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 175 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 175 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 165 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 165 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 155 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 155 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 155 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 155 lbs
1 Clean & Jerk | 155 lbs
6 PM: Bike 15.1 miles in an hour. Spin class with Paula this evening, becoming our normal Monday night thing to help her get ready for Unbound. Miles are according to the bike computer on the spin bike. Mailed it in today and did not give it the effort I have in the past. Tired this evening.
--Woke up with a nasty head cold this morning, so frustrating. Tested in the evening before bed after it getting worse and worse throughout the day but tested negative for COVID so that is good. Hopefully it says that way.
9 AM: 11 miles w/ 1800ft of vert averaging 8:45pace. Easy laps of NCAR starting from King Soopers. Run up to NCAR then down
to the start of the houses then back up twice. Awesome run this morning.
Can beat it when it is 60 degrees outside and sunny on a Feb morning.
Holy shit balls!
3:30 PM: 1:30 at the gym. Spent the first 30mins stretching and using the Theragun. Much needed for I was really stiff from the run this morning.
Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills
3 RFT: 11 mins 13 secs
3 rounds of:
30 Back Squats, 35% 1RM | 85 lbs
30 Push-ups
30 Box Jumps, 24 in
15 mins of core work afterwards.
9:30 AM: 9.25 miles w/ 700ft of vert averaging 8min pace. Couple of easy out and backs on the Dirty Biz loop from the Coalton
Trailhead. Felt like I was going easy but really wiped afterwards, must
be this damn head cold I woke up with yesterday. Followed this up with 35 mins in IR Sauna I have to try and kill this bug quicker.
-- Day 1 of a photo shoot for a supplement company. Not sure how I got roped into this but it was fun. Day 1 was going to be out on the trails running. Original plan was to do this at Matthew Winters Park but it was closed due to mud so called an audible to North Table Mountain. Little chilly out there from 2:30 to 6pm but was interesting to see what went into this.
-NOTE: Weight check in: Forgot again... need to get better so I don't go back to where I was.
7 AM: 9.25 miles w/ 800ft of vert averaging 8:25pace. Easy out and backs on the Dirty Biz loop again this morning. Had plans
to go run in Boulder but was a little bit on a time crunch so stayed
closer to home. Spitting rain a little bit and 39 degrees so a little
chilly. Was able just to grind it out today. This cold is still
kicking my ass.
-- Day 2 of the photo shoot. Today we did a gym session which I was excited about. We all know how much I love the gym but I was never used. Oh well, little bummed about that but whatever. Still fun to see the process.
10 AM: 1 hour at the gym with Paula
Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills
FT: 7 mins 43 secs
50 Air Squats
5 Push Jerks, 50% 1RM | 95 lbs
40 Air Squats
10 Push Jerks, 50% 1RM | 95 lbs
30 Air Squats
15 Push Jerks, 50% 1RM | 95 lbs
20 Air Squats
20 Push Jerks, 50% 1RM | 95 lbs
10 Air Squats
25 Push Jerks, 50% 1RM | 95 lbs
1 PM: 8 miles w/ 1200ft of vert averaging 8:35pace. Easy couple of times up NCAR again. First lap from Kings then down to
the start of the houses, back up then back to Kings. Been loving this
run lately as you can tell. The plan was to do 1:45 but had a call at 2pm I had to take so today's run was cut short.
-- Headed up to Staunton State park this evening to volunteer for the Run Up For Air from 5pm to Midnight. This will get my Hardrock volunteer hours out of the way for the year. Such a fun time!! One more thing out of the way for the year.

10 AM: 5 miles w/ 700ft of vert averaging 8:20 pace. Run from King's up to NCAR and back again. Was supposed to do 1:45 again today but I am wiped from not getting home until 3am last night from RUFA and waking up at 7am. Body aches and cold is kicking my ass, prob from lack of sleep.
Spent the rest of the day working at the house to get it ready for the renters to move in next Wed. That will be a huge stress relief once that gets to going.
ZERO--- Sat in my car for 30-40 mins at the trailhead trying to get myself to
run. Got out twice to start walking but turned around both times after
less than 100ft and returned to the truck to just sit there. I even wrote an email to start dropping out of my 100s while sitting in the truck at the trailhead but never hit send. Thank god...... In a really bad head space today. Drove home
instead of running and went back to bed for the rest of the morning and actually slept 2 more hours.
Combo of the cold, body aches, and depression from it all this week. Just tired of constantly grinding with nothing but issues happening. Between the achillies, the cold, and body aches I was just over it. I just want to feel normal and train. Mentality wiped out today and it showed for I ate like shit all day as well which is a sign that I am going down the rabbit hole.
Total Weekly Numbers
Week started off great but on Tuesday woke up with a nasty head cold that took its toll on me as the week went on. Tested for COVID 3 times this week and all negative so was not that but felt like it. Got to the point that I could not grind out anything else after the lack of sleep on Friday night. Body just said "Fuck off". After sleeping almost 12 hours last night (Sunday) I will slowly get back to normal training this week hopefully which will be a challenge in itself with a short trip to Las Vegas later in the week for a wedding. No not my wedding....