“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” - Theodore Roosevelt
-- Got home late last night and of course I could not sleep right away. Finally fell asleep around midnight which meant I slept in until 8am this morning. Late for me. Just did not get a lot of sleep the past few days so it was much needed. Rest day from running today but may hit the gym some.
10:30 am: 1 hour at the gym.
Warmup: Rowing, mobility and some drills
4 RFT: Walking Lunges and AbMat Sit-ups : 16 mins 39 secs | Rx'd
4 rounds of:
Walking Lunge, 100 m
50 AbMat Sit-ups
Spent the rest of the hour doing PT and mobility work.
4 pm: Jeff Browning's Tough 21 workout in the garage... https://youtu.be/JTf1Ro6FzeQ followed by 35 mins in the sauna.
9 am: 6.35 miles averaging 7:55 pace. Easy out and back on the Dirty Biz loop from the Coalton Trailhead. Super chill and took about mile and half to get warmed up and feeling normal.
2 pm: 45 mins Lifting in the garage.
Warmup: Airbike, mobility and light squats
Wendler Back Squat: 2440 lbs
5 Back Squats, 75% 1RM | 155 lbs
3 Back Squats, 85% 1RM | 175 lbs
1 Back Squat, 95% 1RM | 6 reps, 190 lbs
4 RFQ: Pistol (Right Leg)s and Pistol (Left Leg)s : used rings for balance
4 rounds of:
10 Pistol (Right Leg)s
10 Pistol (Left Leg)s
GHD Hip Extensions : 3x15
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Hip Extensions
15 GHD Hip Extensions
Russian Twist : 20-20-20 :
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs
20 Russian Twists | 25 lbs
--followed with 30mins in the sauna.
NOTE: Weight check- 173.6lbs with 10.7%
body fat. Down another pound which I’ll take with the
travel the past week. Was expecting to gain a little so that was a surprised this morning.

8:45 am: 1:30 in the gym.
Warmup: Rowing and mobility
Wendler Shoulder Press: Week 3 : 1670 lbs
5 Shoulder Press, 75% 1RM | 100 lbs
3 Shoulder Press, 85% 1RM | 110 lbs
1 Shoulder Press, 95% 1RM | 7 reps, 120 lbs
DB press : 4x10 : Completed | Rx'd
FT: Rope Climbs and Overhead Squats : 14 mins 21 secs | Not Rx'd
5 Rope Climbs
35 Overhead Squats, 40% 1RM | 75 lbs
4 Rope Climbs
28 Overhead Squats, 40% 1RM | 75 lbs
3 Rope Climbs
21 Overhead Squats, 40% 1RM | 75 lbs
2 Rope Climbs
14 Overhead Squats, 40% 1RM | 75 lbs
1 Rope Climb
7 Overhead Squats, 40% 1RM | 75 lbs
Giddyup 12 Circuit
Legs (30 reps or 15 per side):
Air squats
Side Lunges w/ arms overhead
Forward knees-over-toes deep lunge w/ reach overhead
Rocking calf raises w/ ankle - metatarsal touch (ankles never come apart!)
Core (30 reps or 15 per side):
Oblique press
Hollow rock leg raises
Bird dog planks
Glute-bridge heel raises
Upper Body:
40 to 60 Push-ups
20 to 30 Pull-ups
2:30 pm: 7.9 miles averaging 7:45 pace. Easy jog on the mill due the blizzard outside. Did not want to risk a fall so stayed inside. Did do 5x30sec in the middle of the run at sub 6 pace to blow out the carbon.
9:30 am: 1 hour at the gym.
Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills.
AMRAP 12 mins: 166 reps
12:00 AMRAP:
max rep Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, 35% 1RM, 1 min | 30 lbs
max rep Burpees, 1 min
max rep Toes-to-bars, 1 min
max rep Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, 35% 1RM, 2 mins | 30 lbs
max rep Burpees, 2 mins
max rep Toes-to-bars, 2 mins
max rep Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans, 35% 1RM, 1 min | 30 lbs
max rep Burpees, 1 min
max rep Toes-to-bars, 1 min
2 pm: 7.3miles w/ 700ft of vert averaging 8:15pace. Easy cruise up and down McCaslin on the section with the most hills to
get in some vert. Bike lane was clear of ice and snow which was nice.
Legs are full of lead today. Followed with 30mins in the sauna once I got home.
7 am: Skimo 4 miles w/ 2000ft of vert. 2 laps at Eldora before work. Need to keep doing this 1-2 times a week. So fun.
10:30 am: 1 hour at the gym
Warmup: Rowing, mobility and drills
Weighted Pull-up : 615 lbs
3 Pull Up (Weighted)s | 41 lbs
3 Pull Up (Weighted)s | 41 lbs
3 Pull Up (Weighted)s | 41 lbs
3 Pull Up (Weighted)s | 41 lbs
3 Pull Up (Weighted)s | 41 lbs
21-15-9: Pull-ups and Dumbbell Push Press : 3 mins 19 secs | Rx'd
21-15-9 reps of:
Dumbbell Push Press, 40% 1RM | 35 lbs
3 pm: 42 mins in the garage gym followed by 30mins in the sauna
Giddyup Circuit 2.0
Core (30 reps or 15 per side):
Oblique press
Hollow rock leg raises
Side Crunches (elbow to leg lift)
Glute-bridge clams (optional w/ band)
Curl crunch
Russian twists
Bent knee side planks
Planks 2 min
Legs (30 reps or 15 per side):
Air squats
Side Lunges w/ arms overhead
Bulgarian split squat
Runner arabesque w/ high knee hold
Step back lunge w/ high knee hold
Figure 4 squat
Calf raises on a step
Wall sit 2 min
Upper body (minimum 5 sets, up to 10 sets if you're feelin' saucy!):
10 push-ups / 5 pull-ups
(Or as many as you can do of each)
9 am: 1 hour at the gym... hit up the gym while waiting for it to warm up some this morning. 10 degrees out there.
Warmup: Airbike, mobility and drills.
6 RFT: 17 mins 42 secs | Rx'd
6 rounds of:
40 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls, 20 lbs
20 Box Jump Overs, 24 in
--- that one was rougher than it looks...
11 AM: 13 miles w/ 2500ft of vert averaging 10 min miles. Started at Mt Santias trailhead and ran an out and back up Sunshine Canyon to just under the 8,000ft level. Man I had no power on the uphill and walked more than I would have liked. Gym took more out of my legs this morning than I thought. All good though..
10 am: 22 mile ride w/ 1900ft of vert in about 2:30 with Paula. Old Man Winter training ride from Golden around the Lakewood area. More climbing than expected which I need. Felt pretty damn good on this ride, lots of stops waiting for the group to come back together. Pretty tired afterwards so moved the run that was for today to tomorrow.
Total Weekly Numbers
Solid damn week this week... need more running but did put in the time overall. I feel like the fitness is finally starting to come back and my left leg is not aching all the damn time which has been a trend since last fall from the back injury.